
A wave can be pushed out by the vast sea behind it

author:Mr. Yu

Excerpt from "Reminiscences like water years"

A wave can be pushed out by the vast sea behind it

Volume III: The Garmont House Over There

Part 2


Guan Jianzi: Name Humor



I'm like a spice maker

Make this name inhale countless violet floral scents


When I saw him

The second calculus began

I removed the violet scent from her name


The name resembles a transparent glassware

I saw an ancient city underneath him

By the sea in violet

The sun shines obliquely on the rose-colored castle


I felt that he had nothing to do with his name Howe

It's like having nothing to do with a work of art he owns

From this relative

Can't take a single bit of charm out of it anymore


A wave

Can be surrounded by the vast sea behind you

Push out countless waves


He wanted to please someone one day

It will make clever use of the environment

Let that person play the lead role


The wise are not necessarily noble

The noble are not necessarily intelligent


She's not putting on her talents

It's about putting humor at the top of everything


Humor is a rarer

More perfect advanced form

Be both brilliant and intelligent

And you have to have outstanding eloquence


This quip

It became a cold dish for everyone to enjoy

It is added with various spices

Appears at the dinner table several times

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