
"F1 on the snow", interpreting the charm of speed

"F1 on the snow", interpreting the charm of speed
"F1 on the snow", interpreting the charm of speed
"F1 on the snow", interpreting the charm of speed

Bobsleigh and bobsleigh are two of the seven major events of the Winter Olympics, of which the bobsleigh major event is divided into two sub-events: snowmobile and steel frame bobsleigh. Known as "Snow F1" (Formula One World Championship for short " F1 " ) , bobsleigh bobsleigh speeds at a top speed of more than 100 km/h on the track. Bobsleighs, steel-framed bobsleighs and bobsleighs are all coasting events, but they all vary in terms of track length, race equipment, and starting method.

Track lengths are different: the tracks used in bobsleigh, steel frame bobsleigh and bobsleigh events are the same, and the bobsleigh and steel frame bobsleigh events share a starting point, with a total length of 1200-1650 meters and a height difference of 100-150 meters between the starting point and the finish line. Bobsleigh starts differently from the other two events, with a men's track of 1000-1350 meters and a women's track of 800-1200 meters.

The race equipment is different: the snowmobile, shaped like a boat, is equipped with handles and brakes, has two independent sets of glide steel blades at the bottom, and the helmsman drives the snowmobile through a pulley system controlled by two handles inside the snowmobile. A steel frame bobsleigh with a bottom frame consisting of a skid frame and two fixed skid blades. There are handles on the body for athletes to propel the snowmobile on departure, but there is no steering and braking. Bobsleigh is divided into single-seater and two-seater bobsleighs, and bobsleigh competitions allow athletes to increase weight by counterweights within a specified range.

The starting and coasting methods are different: snowmobiles and steel-framed snowmobiles gain initial speed by running to push the hull, while sleds gain initial speed by swinging forward and backward and harrowing ice. The bobsleigh is sitting and sliding, the steel frame bobsleigh is lying down, and the sled is lying down.

After the start of the snowmobile, the athletes must be seated successfully within the prescribed seating time. The helmsman sitting in front is responsible for adjusting the direction of the taxi; the brake player sitting in the back is responsible for braking and decelerating.

Steel frame snowmobilers need to lean over and stick their abdomen flat on the steel frame snowmobile, glide in a prone position, head forward, feet behind, from start to finish in 30 seconds to board the bike.

The bobsleigh program requires athletes to lie on their backs on the sled, head behind and feet in front, maneuvering the sled by adjusting their body posture and turning around. As they set off, runners slide backwards on the ice with their hands to gain boost speed.

The Beijing Winter Olympics bobsleigh, steel frame bobsleigh and bobsleigh events are all held at the National Bobsleigh Center "Snow Dragon". As the world's 17th professional bobsleigh track, when the construction plan of "Snow Dragon", the departure area was specially designed for the public to facilitate the opening to the society after the Beijing Winter Olympics, so that more people can feel the charm of these three sports.

Finishing: Yang Xiaoyu

Draft: Zhang Fangman

People's Daily ( 2022-02-11 10th edition)

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