
The debut is brilliant, and the future of Chinese sleds can be expected

author:Bright Net

(Beijing Winter Olympics) debut, Chinese sleds can be expected in the future

China News Service Beijing, February 10 Title: The debut is brilliant, and the future of Chinese sleds can be expected

China News Service reporter Guo Chaokai

As Huang Yebo/Peng Junyue crossed the finish line of the "Snow Tour Dragon" track, the first Winter Olympic tour of the Chinese Bobsleigh Army came to an end. Teammates Fan Duoyao and Wang Peixuan, who finished the first team relay in the team relay, walked over and touched their fists with Huang Yebo and Peng Junyue, and at this moment, the faces of the four people were more smiles.

The bobsleigh team relay competition held at the National Bobsleigh Center on the evening of the 10th is the last bobsleigh event at the Beijing Winter Olympics. The four members of the Chinese team played together, which was their final battle in this Winter Olympics. Without too much stress, the four are more just enjoying the game.

The team relay race ranked 12th, Fan Duoyao and Wang Peixuan stopped the men's and women's single sledding round 3rd round, and the Huang Yebo/Peng Junyue double bobsleigh combination ranked 17th, if you only look at the results of the event, the Chinese bobsleigh team is difficult to say excellent, but for the athletes who have just entered the Winter Olympics, they have emerged.

Compared with the traditional powers of Europe and the United States, China's sledding started late. In previous Winter Olympics, China has never qualified for the bobsleigh event, and even the Chinese bobsleigh national team was established in 2015 by taking advantage of the successful bid for the Beijing Winter Olympics. This year, Fan Duoyao, Wang Peixuan, Huang Yebo and Peng Junyue entered the bobsleigh national team through cross-discipline selection and opened a new journey.

Fan Duoyao, who specializes in cross-country skiing, Wang Peixuan, who specializes in javelin, Huang Yebo, who practices sprinting, Peng Junyue, who practices basketball... Athletes from all over the world gathered for one goal – the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Across items, the difficulties can be imagined. "When I first started practicing, the sleigh would flip every time I slid, sometimes I could flip two or three times a taxi, fall down and get up, and that's how we started." The experiences of Huang Yebo and Peng Junyue are also the norm for other bobsleigh team members.

The "Brave Sport" has a top speed of 140 kilometers per hour, which is a great test of the player's explosiveness and gliding skills, and also makes it common for the players to be injured during competition and training. Van Duoyao once had a concussion on the Oberhof bobsleigh track in Germany due to a skid accident. The bridge of the nose was broken, three front teeth were knocked out, and after a month of recuperation, he still overcame the fear of injuries and accidents and returned to the court, just as he encouraged himself on Weibo: "What can cure you is never time, but understanding." ”

Experience should be accumulated little by little, skills should be improved little by little, and even the explosive power of the bobsleigh project, which is particularly emphasized, should be accumulated little by little. In 7 years, this group of young people grew up with Chinese bobsleigh and "slid" into the Beijing Winter Olympics as desired. Fan Duoyao said: "I can't believe that this moment came so quickly, when I first joined the team in 2015, everyone said it was for the Beijing Winter Olympics, it felt very far away, but when this day really came, it seemed like a dream."

For the young Chinese bobsleigh team, the competition is a breakthrough. On the "Snow Dragon" track, All four of fan duoyao skated their best results. The Chinese bobsleigh team made its winter Olympic debut, to some extent better than expected, not to mention that this result was completed with Wang Peixuan, who had three fractures in his left foot, with an injury.

Of course, the victory of the "Snow Dragon" on this night belonged to the German team. At the Winter Olympics, the German bobsleigh team added four gold medals to the previous 42 Olympic medals, further consolidating its dominance in the bobsleigh event. Compared with the deep-rooted German team, the Chinese bobsleigh team is still a "new army". From 12th to 1st place, it is the gap between the Chinese bobsleigh team and the world's top teams.

Down-to-earth, steady and steady, and hard to catch up is the only way for the Chinese bobsleigh team. As Wang Zhonglin, the leader of the Chinese bobsleigh national training team, said, the Chinese bobsleigh is still groping forward, and the hard work of Fan Duoyao and the four people in the Winter Olympics will also ignite the enthusiasm of more bobsleigh athletes, and perhaps one day the Chinese team will have the opportunity to stand on the highest podium.

At present, the goal of participating in the Beijing Winter Olympics has been achieved, but the four have higher goals and farther expectations. After the end of the double bobsleigh competition on the evening of the 9th, Huang Yebo, Peng Junyue and IOC President Bach agreed to see each other at the Milan Winter Olympics in 4 years. In the past 4 years, the tacit understanding between the two has been practiced in hundreds of taxis, Huang Yebo said: "We have agreed to participate in many, many Winter Olympic Games together, and the goal is to stand on the highest podium of the Winter Olympics. ”

Turning over the resumes of the four people, 24-year-old Fan Duoyao, 21-year-old Wang Peixuan, 25-year-old Huang Yebo, 21-year-old Peng Junyue, this team with an average age of only 23 years old makes people look forward to the future of Chinese sleigh. (End)

Source: China News Network

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