
Pengcheng Education | Good news! This year, Shenzhen will add 200,000 new basic education degrees

author:Pengcheng think tank observation

Source: Shenzhen Education Nanfang + (Reporter Sun Ying)

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In 2022, Shenzhen Education will focus on strengthening the party's overall leadership over education work, increasing the intensity of education demonstration and guarantee, building a new pattern of high-quality development of basic education, promoting the high-level characteristic development of higher education, accelerating the construction of a highland for the innovative development of vocational education, innovating and promoting the "five educations" and "double reduction", actively building a new pattern of education opening up, and unremittingly doing relevant work in eight aspects: safety and stability and epidemic prevention and control.
Pengcheng Education | Good news! This year, Shenzhen will add 200,000 new basic education degrees

Degree construction has attracted much attention from the public. This year, Shenzhen will continue to make every effort to promote large-scale school construction. Fully implement the million degree construction plan, in 2022, 178 primary and secondary schools and kindergartens will be newly renovated and expanded, and 3 high schools in Longgang, Pingshan and Guangming will be fully completed and put into use, and 200,000 new basic education degrees will be added.

In terms of promoting the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education, an implementation plan for promoting the grouping of public primary and secondary schools will be introduced, and 30 primary and secondary school education groups will be established. Issued guidance on comprehensively deepening the exchange and rotation of principals and teachers in compulsory education schools in the region. It will also strengthen the integration of general vocational education, and explore and promote the mutual selection of vocational high school and general high school courses, mutual study of credits, and exchange of resources.

In terms of preschool education, we will continue to promote the development of inclusive quality and steadily increase the proportion of children in public parks and universal kindergartens. Support state-owned enterprises and institutions and colleges and universities to hold public kindergartens. Introduce kindergarten curriculum guidance and kindergarten curriculum guidelines, build a local curriculum resource library, and comprehensively improve the quality of kindergarten education.

In terms of higher education, we will accelerate the construction of first-class universities and first-class disciplines. Formulate and implement the construction plan of Shenzhen high-level university, support Shenzhen University to create a high-level comprehensive university, support Southern University of Science and Technology to create a world-class research university, support Shenzhen University of Technology to build a first-class applied technology university, and support the high-level characteristic development of other universities in the city. Launched the "strong chain supplementary chain" plan for discipline majors, focusing on the construction of a number of "peak" disciplines.

Pengcheng Education | Good news! This year, Shenzhen will add 200,000 new basic education degrees

At the same time, we will accelerate the preparation of new universities. Establish a special class for the preparation of the Ocean University, accelerate the planning and construction work, and realize the start of construction within the year. Start construction of the Polytechnic University, the School of Innovative and Creative Design, and the Conservatory of Music, introduce high-level talents, and accelerate the preparations for running the school.

It will also improve the open sharing mechanism of university scientific research platforms, promote universities to undertake major national projects and leading enterprise card neck projects, jointly carry out major scientific research, transform major scientific and technological achievements, establish and improve the open sharing mechanism of university scientific research platforms, promote the in-depth integration of production, education and research, and enhance the national strategy and regional development capabilities of higher education services.

In terms of vocational education, it will promote the upgrading of two higher vocational colleges, Shenzhen Vocational College and Shenzhen Information College. Accelerate the construction of a middle-level vocational education group, and vigorously promote the construction of high-level secondary vocational schools. At the same time, promote higher vocational colleges to open special vocational education majors with Yuanping School.

Pengcheng Education | Good news! This year, Shenzhen will add 200,000 new basic education degrees

"Double reduction" is still one of the key tasks of the education sector this year. Shenzhen will continue to fight the "double reduction" battle, carry out joint law enforcement inspections on a regular basis, and increase the investigation and punishment of invisible mutation training behavior. Solidly do a good job in the capital supervision and service category appraisal of discipline-based training institutions. Introduce an implementation plan for reducing the burden and improving the quality of schools in the compulsory education stage, comprehensively promote the "five management", improve the research, arrangement and management mechanism of students' homework in the compulsory education stage, and comprehensively improve the quality of after-school services. Promote the reform of examinations under the background of "double reduction", comprehensively strengthen examination management, and improve the junior high school examination system and high school admission policies.

The Shenzhen Municipal Education Bureau said that in 2022, the overall idea of the city's education work is: to take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, conscientiously implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party and the previous plenary sessions, implement the spirit of the national, provincial and municipal education work conferences, keep in mind the positioning of the education work in the pilot demonstration area of "good education for young children, excellent education for learning", highlight the problem orientation, take the education evaluation reform as the traction, and improve the "four systems" of education funding guarantee, principal and teacher development, education teaching research, monitoring and evaluation supervision. In order to support, we should grasp the expansion of quantity on the one hand and the improvement of quality on the other, actively promote the high-quality development of all types of education at all levels in our city, run education that the people are satisfied with, and make greater contributions to shenzhen's construction of a pioneering demonstration zone of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Pengcheng Education | Good news! This year, Shenzhen will add 200,000 new basic education degrees

Eight aspects are related to the growth of students

Relationship Principal Teacher Development

Linking the new pattern of education development

Let's take a look at the full text of "Essentials"!

I. Strengthen the Party's overall leadership over education work

1. Use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to cast the soul and cultivate people. Take the in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the primary political task, organize and lead teachers and students to deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments", and enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences" and achieve "two safeguards" in the city's education system. Consolidate and expand the achievements of party history study and education, and improve the long-term mechanism of "I do practical things for the masses".

2. Comprehensively promote party building, excellence, quality, and efficiency. A list of key tasks in the three-year action plan for the construction of grass-roots party organizations was introduced. Comprehensively strengthen the construction of grass-roots party organizations in colleges and universities, and promote the "improvement of quality and efficiency" of party building in Sino-foreign cooperatively-run colleges and universities. Accelerate the implementation of the principal responsibility system led by party organizations in primary and secondary schools, and promote the party building of private schools to "meet standards and create excellence". Promote the construction of "standard + quality + demonstration" for education party building.

3. Actively build a new pattern of ideological and political education. A number of measures have been introduced to deepen the reform and innovation of ideological and political education in schools in the new era, and a new mechanism for ideological and political education has been established and improved. Vigorously promote the full-time and professionalization of the ideological and political education team in primary and secondary schools, and colleges and universities are equipped with full-time ideological and political education teachers as required. Compiled primary and high school editions of "The Glory and Mission of Shenzhen" ideological and political textbooks. Develop a series of courses and routes for "Day Study shenzhen". Continue to launch the "Zhen Youth" series of promotional activities. Promote the construction of "ideological and political course + curriculum ideological and political", normalize the implementation of the three-level teaching of ideological and political science mechanism, accelerate the construction of an integrated ideological and political education alliance for universities, primary and secondary schools, and build a research center for ideological and political education in primary and secondary schools.

4. Vigorously grasp the building of party style and clean government. Continue to increase the intensity of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, carry out in-depth education on ideals and beliefs and warning education on clean government, and implement the system of "number one" giving special party lessons on clean government. Strengthen the construction of internal audit mechanisms, and continue to carry out work style rectification. Deepen the special governance work of arbitrarily charging fees in education, paid supplementary classes in primary and secondary schools, and teachers accepting gifts and gifts in violation of regulations. Improve the system for reporting typical cases, and resolutely investigate and deal with violations of discipline and rules.

SECOND, increase the strength of education pilot demonstration guarantees

5. Accelerate the promotion of educational reform and legislative work. Formulate the "14th Five-Year Plan" for Shenzhen's education development and the implementation plan for the construction of the Ministry of Education's Basic Education Comprehensive Reform Experimental Zone. Implement the 2021 ministry-province joint meeting work memorandum. Introduced an implementation plan for deepening the reform of education evaluation in the new era. Actively promote the application of the second batch of comprehensive reform pilot projects. Accelerate the promotion of legislation on preschool education, vocational education, higher education, and so forth, and further promote the management of education according to law.

6. Accelerate the construction of an education funding guarantee system. Issued the "Implementation Plan for the Construction of Shenzhen Education Funding Guarantee System" to ensure the implementation of "two only increases and does not decrease". The joint financial department will study and formulate the standard for the allocation of funds per student in basic education, and complete the revision of the additional management measures for education fees. The joint development and reform department investigates the tuition fee (education fee) standard in the non-compulsory education stage, and gradually establishes a dynamic adjustment mechanism for charging standards. Classify and sort out education foundations, accelerate the formulation of management measures for education foundations, and make education funds bigger and stronger. The first Shenzhen Education Charity Conference was held to smooth the channels for social forces to donate funds for education, and encourage and guide social forces to support education development. Optimize the structure of the use of education funds, strengthen transfer payments, and ensure investment in education and teaching reform such as the construction of basic education degrees and key disciplines of higher education. Strengthen the management of funding performance, and gradually establish a funding guarantee system for colleges and universities linked to the results of the performance evaluation of school-running efficiency.

7. Accelerate the construction of a principal and teacher development system. Issued the "Implementation Plan for the Construction of Shenzhen Principal and Teacher Development System". Held a city-wide work conference on the construction of teachers' morality and teacher's style, and improved the long-term mechanism for the construction of teachers' morality and teacher's style. Improve the pre-service training and introduction mechanism for teachers, actively train teachers jointly with well-known normal universities, encourage and support graduates of non-teacher training schools to complete teacher training courses, and explore the "Shenzhen Path" of teacher education. Optimize the teacher structure. Optimize the system and mechanism for teachers' in-service training and training, improve the professional development support system for teachers, increase the training of famous principals and teachers, and implement systems such as 5-year and one-cycle teacher training. Deepen the reform of the teacher management system and mechanism, deeply promote the reform of professional title evaluation, the rotation and exchange of principals and teachers, improve the management mechanism for the construction of preschool education teachers and vocational education "double-teacher" teams, and increase the training and introduction of famous principals and teachers. Complete systems and mechanisms for teacher incentive guarantees and assessment and evaluation, and select the best and strongest principals. Establish and improve long-term guarantee mechanisms for the salaries and benefits of primary and secondary school teachers.

8. Accelerate the construction of an education teaching and research system. Issued the "Implementation Plan for the Construction of Basic Education Teaching and Research System in Shenzhen". Implement the "four services" responsibilities of teaching and research services for school education and teaching, teacher professional growth, all-round development of students, and educational management decisions. Strengthen the construction of municipal and district teaching and research institutions, enhance the overall strength of teaching and scientific research institutions, establish a three-level teaching and research system with upper-lower linkage, horizontal penetration, and internal and external coordination, and improve the coordination mechanism of teaching and research in urban schools. Strengthen the construction of full-time and part-time teaching and research teams, gradually complete full-time teaching and research personnel in all disciplines, and strive to reach 4.5%1,000 full-time teaching and research personnel in the city by 2022. Introduce measures for the assessment of discipline teachers and researchers, establish a "revolving door" system, and enhance the overall strength of teaching and scientific research institutions at the municipal and district levels. Innovate teaching and research work methods, and build a new model of cloud-based smart teaching and research.

9. Accelerate the construction of a monitoring and evaluation supervision system. Issued the "Implementation Plan for the Construction of Education Monitoring and Evaluation Supervision System in Shenzhen". Research and improve the quality standards and index system for regional education, school development, student development, teacher development and other aspects. Improve the education supervision system and mechanism, strengthen the construction of education supervision institutions and monitoring and evaluation supervision wisdom platforms. Gradually equip and strengthen the contingent of supervisors, and study and recruit people's congress deputies and CPPCC members to serve as supervisors. Strengthen monitoring and evaluation supervision and the application of results, use information technology to carry out monitoring, accurately analyze and evaluate the quality of education, carry out accurate supervision based on monitoring data, and take the supervision results and rectification as an important basis for assessment. Deeply promote the reform of examination evaluation, deepen the reform of examination propositions, strengthen the analysis of examination data, and steadily promote the comprehensive quality evaluation of students. Research on the establishment of a value-added evaluation system for students from primary school to high school in the basic education stage.

10. Give full play to the role of the four advisory committees. Actively give play to the role of the expert advisory committee on school planning and construction, optimize and improve the standards and norms of school construction in Shenzhen, and improve the level of school planning, design and construction. Accelerate the establishment of three expert advisory committees on higher education, vocational education, and basic education, and strengthen intellectual support for education to lead demonstrations.

Third, build a new pattern of high-quality development of basic education

11. Make every effort to promote large-scale school construction. Fully implement the million degree construction plan, in 2022, 178 primary and secondary schools and kindergartens will be newly renovated and expanded, and 3 high schools in Longgang, Pingshan and Guangming will be fully completed and put into use, and 200,000 new basic education degrees will be added. Make good use of the school's construction digital platform, coordinate the construction projects, investment progress and transfer payments of the whole school section, and complete the annual fixed investment tasks with high quality. Promote the establishment of a joint review system for degree construction, and carry out special supervision and inspection of degree supporting construction.

12. Promote the inclusive and high-quality development of preschool education. Promote the promulgation of the Regulations on Preschool Education in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. Consolidate the achievements of "5080" and steadily increase the proportion of children in public parks and puhui parks. Support state-owned enterprises and institutions and colleges and universities to hold public kindergartens. A series of documents such as the post setting of public parks, the management of education personnel, the construction of the teaching staff and the salary system were introduced. Deeply promote the chemical regional management of preschool education group, and create a "national preschool education universal and inclusive zone". Introduce kindergarten curriculum guidance and kindergarten curriculum guidelines, build a local curriculum resource library, and comprehensively improve the quality of kindergarten education.

13. Promote the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education. The implementation plan for promoting the grouping of public primary and secondary schools was introduced, and 30 primary and secondary school education groups were established. Issued guidance on comprehensively deepening the exchange and rotation of principals and teachers in compulsory education schools in the region. Guide districts to optimize their points admission policies. Deepen teaching reform and improve the quality of classroom teaching. Actively create a "National Compulsory Education Quality and Balanced Development Zone". Launch the third phase of the special education improvement plan, and strengthen the construction of special education resource centers in cities and districts. Establish a special education steering committee to strengthen the construction of specialized schools.

14. Promote the development of diversified characteristics of high school education. Implement the Ministry of Education's "Guidelines for the Evaluation of the Quality of Ordinary High School Schools", comprehensively standardize the behavior of high schools and improve the quality of education. Ensure that 3 high schools are put into use. Implement the "Implementation Plan for the Construction of Characteristic Schools of Ordinary High Schools in Shenzhen", and cultivate, review and identify a number of characteristic high schools. Accelerate the construction of the Ministry of Education's new curriculum and new teaching materials for ordinary high schools to implement a national demonstration area, and create a "Shenzhen model". Strengthen the integration of general vocational education, explore and promote the mutual selection of vocational high schools and general high school courses, mutual study of credits, and exchange of resources.

15. Strengthen the standardized management of private schools. Carry out pilot projects for classified registration of private schools, and further promote the standardized governance of "public participation in private" schools. Improve the comprehensive information supervision system for private schools, and increase the training of teachers in private primary and secondary schools.

16. Create a model of smart education and innovative education city. Deeply carry out the creation of national new teaching and learning model experimental zones and smart education demonstration zones. Improve the public service platform for education management, and solidly promote the unified management of one network. Construct digital application scenarios in six aspects, such as experimental examinations for junior high school physical and chemical students, school canteen management, and campus safety. Continue to optimize the education resource platform and expand the coverage of high-quality digital resources. Accelerate the construction of cloud-based schools, and explore new paths for using information technology to promote the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education. The action plan for scientific and technological innovation education in primary and secondary schools was introduced, and the pilot work of the science popularization credit system was carried out. Explore information governance paths such as the supervision of off-campus institutions, the universalization of preschool education, and the improvement of private education standards. Implement the wisdom education pilot talent training project.

Fourth, promote the high-level and characteristic development of higher education

17. Accelerate the construction of first-class universities and first-class disciplines. Formulate and implement the construction plan of Shenzhen high-level university, support Shenzhen University to create a high-level comprehensive university, support Southern University of Science and Technology to create a world-class research university, support Shenzhen University of Technology to build a first-class applied technology university, and support the high-level characteristic development of other universities in the city. Focusing on the key work of the "four-chain coordination" of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, formulate and implement the implementation opinions on accelerating the construction of discipline majors in colleges and universities, start the "strong chain supplementary chain" plan for discipline majors, and focus on building a number of "peak" disciplines.

18. Accelerate the preparation of new colleges and universities. Establish a special class for the preparation of the Ocean University, accelerate the planning and construction work, and realize the start of construction within the year. Start construction of the Polytechnic University, the School of Innovative and Creative Design, and the Conservatory of Music, introduce high-level talents, and accelerate the preparations for running the school. Strengthen the overall planning of fixed asset investment in colleges and universities, and actively promote the new infrastructure of colleges and universities.

19. Deepen the reform of the system of running schools in colleges and universities. Promote the construction of Shenzhen Zero One College and Science and Technology Innovation College, explore the establishment and improvement of management system and operation mechanism, and explore the establishment of a new model for the cultivation of top-notch innovative talents. Promote the realization of mutual recognition of credits, mutual study of courses, mutual hiring of teachers, and sharing of resources among the five universities in the Xili Lake Science and Education City Area. Strengthen the overall planning of college funds, formulate and implement the management measures for the start-up funding of high-level talents in colleges and universities, and establish and improve the budget management system of colleges and universities. Organize colleges and universities to participate in the national engineering master's degree training reform pilot. Explore the evaluation of the performance of colleges and universities.

20. Strengthen spatial layout and overall planning of scientific research. Docking the construction plan of Xili Lake International Science and Education City, improving the spatial planning of the university town, and increasing the protection of student and teacher apartments. Deepen the integration of science and education, and actively promote the integration and development of large scientific devices, large scientific research platforms and universities. Improve the open sharing mechanism of university scientific research platforms, promote colleges and universities to undertake major national projects and leading enterprise card neck projects, jointly carry out major scientific research, transform major scientific and technological achievements, establish and improve the open sharing mechanism of university scientific research platforms, promote the in-depth integration of production, education and research, and enhance the national strategy and regional development capabilities of higher education services.

V. Accelerate the construction of a highland for the innovative development of vocational education

21. Strengthen the overall planning of the development of vocational education. The city's vocational education conference was held, the implementation opinions of Shenzhen to promote the high-quality development of vocational education were issued, and the tasks of the ministry and province to jointly build a vocational education innovation highland were promoted with high quality. Accelerate the promotion of vocational education legislation.

22. Accelerate the improvement of the vocational education system. Continue to promote the construction of "double high" in vocational colleges and universities, promote the high-end development of vocational education industry-education integration, and strive for first-class. Promote the upgrading of two vocational colleges and universities. Accelerate the construction of a middle-level vocational education group, and vigorously promote the construction of high-level secondary vocational schools. Vigorously develop the "apprenticeship system" with Chinese characteristics and cultivate high-quality technical and technical personnel. Promote higher vocational colleges and universities to open special vocational education majors in Yuanping School. Strengthen the training of principals of vocational colleges and universities and "double-teacher" teachers. Standardize the management of off-campus public training bases.

23. Raise the level of lifelong education. Deeply promote the "Cantonese cuisine master", "Guangdong technician" and "southern Cantonese home economics" project. Run Shenzhen Open University well. Build a strong "deep i-learning" national lifelong learning platform, and create a pioneer position of "artificial intelligence + flexible education". Standardize the management of adult education and training institutions, and continue to promote the construction of learning cities.

Vi. Innovation and Promotion of "Five Educations" and "Double Reduction"

24. Deeply promote the "five educations at the same time". Compile and publish the "Shenzhen Municipal Primary School Students Civilized Etiquette Code Picture Book", establish a moral education management platform for primary and secondary schools in the city, create and review a number of moral education demonstration schools, and explore the "moral education tour" activities. Vigorously promote the integration of sports and education, hold a city-wide sports work conference, and issue opinions on strengthening and improving the implementation of school sports work in the new era. Construct a four-level competition system of class, school, district and city, carry out 30 campus sports events, organize and carry out dashahe kayak races, and achieve class activities, weekly competitions, and monthly awards. Continue to promote the two-way opening of schools and social sports venues. Strive to exceed 60% of students' physical health in 2022. To build a city of aesthetic education, vigorously create a school with art education characteristics and a school for the inheritance of Chinese excellent culture, carry out a series of art activities and competitions for all students, and build a base school for the cultivation of talents with artistic characteristics. Explore the introduction of outstanding artists and athletes as full-time and part-time teachers. Implement the "Implementation Opinions on Further Strengthening Labor Education in Colleges, Middle schools, and Primary Schools", create a number of labor education demonstration schools, and accelerate the construction of labor education bases and comprehensive practice bases for primary and secondary school students. Accelerate the construction of base reservation platforms for ideological and political education, patriotic education, ecological civilization education, and safety education.

25. Continue to fight the "double reduction" battle. Several Measures to Further Reduce the Burden of Homework and Off-campus Training of Students in the Compulsory Education Stage were promulgated. Carry out the examination and approval and registration of off-campus training institutions in accordance with laws and regulations. Carry out joint law enforcement inspections on a regular basis, and increase the intensity of investigation and handling of invisible mutation training behavior. Solidly do a good job in the capital supervision and service category appraisal of discipline-based training institutions. Introduce an implementation plan for reducing the burden and improving the quality of schools in the compulsory education stage, comprehensively promote the "five management", improve the research, arrangement and management mechanism of students' homework in the compulsory education stage, and comprehensively improve the quality of after-school services. Promote the reform of examinations under the background of "double reduction", comprehensively strengthen examination management, and improve the junior high school examination system and high school admission policies.

26. Further improve students' mental health education. Issued implementation opinions on the construction of student mental health education and service system in Shenzhen. Improve the protection chain, establish and complete mechanisms for students' mental health education, services, and emergency response to critical incidents. Accelerate the establishment of a mental health education and service model in which the inner ring of school services and the outer ring of social services are efficiently coordinated, and establish a long-term mechanism for monitoring, screening, intervention, treatment and education of students' mental health. As required, full-time psychological teachers are equipped, mental health classes are fully opened, and the level of mental health education and services on campus is accelerated. Build a psychological education base for students that integrates treatment, rehabilitation, study and life.

7. Actively build a new pattern of education opening up

27. Promote in-depth cooperation in education between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. Accelerate the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area International Education Demonstration Zone, actively promote the preparation of the University of Hong Kong(Shenzhen), and deepen cooperation in vocational education in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Organize the 11th Shenzhen-Hong Kong Principals Forum and the 2022 Guangdong-Hong Kong Sister School Chinese Classic American Recitation Competition. Promote the establishment of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Macao School Sports and Arts Alliance, and deepen the normalization of exchanges between young people in Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao.

28. Actively promote the opening up of education to the outside world. Actively build an open exchange platform for education and expand the "circle of friends" of "Belt and Road" education cooperation. Promote the construction of international educational organizations such as unesco's "Digitalization of Vocational Education" Chair. Promote relevant colleges and universities to strengthen the cultivation of talents in international organizations, and expand the participation of vocational schools in international cooperation paths. Support Shenzhen education to "go global" and tell the Story of China well.

29. Carry out high-quality education and support. High-quality completion of east-west education cooperation and counterpart assistance to Xinjiang and Tibet, full caliber integration into the development of basic education assistance in the province. Vigorously carry out education informatization assistance, deepen vocational education assistance, and comprehensively improve the level of education development in recipient areas.

Eighth, do a good job without slackening

Security and stability and epidemic prevention and control work

30. Continue to strengthen security and stability efforts. With the opening of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China as the main line, we will comprehensively investigate all kinds of hidden dangers, establish ledgers, implement responsibilities, and ensure the safety of the education system.

31. Continue to build a strong campus safety defense line. Formulate a list of school safety management responsibilities, improve the campus safety control system, strengthen the comprehensive management of campus and surrounding security, and make every effort to investigate and rectify campus safety risks. Comprehensively strengthen the construction of campus security system and strengthen the construction of intelligent and safe campuses. Deeply promote the development of safety education curriculum in primary and secondary schools, and carry out safety education in various forms. Continue to carry out special rectification of school canteen management and build a canteen intelligent management platform.

32. Be cautious and do a good job in campus epidemic prevention and control from beginning to end. Implement the requirements of the national, provincial and municipal COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control work to the letter, further consolidate the "four-party responsibility", and do a solid job in normalizing the prevention and control of the epidemic on campus. Carry out emergency response drills and self-examination and self-correction on a regular basis. Accelerate the promotion of vaccination for people aged 3-11 and prevention and control of common diseases among students. Regularly carry out supervision and inspection of epidemic prevention and control.

Pengcheng Education | Good news! This year, Shenzhen will add 200,000 new basic education degrees
Pengcheng Education | Good news! This year, Shenzhen will add 200,000 new basic education degrees

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