
"Integration of Five Modernizations" Red Sail Pilot Escort To the Blue Sea - Ningde Xiapu Xi'nan Town highlights party building to lead the solution to the problem of maritime governance

author:Learning Army
"Integration of Five Modernizations" Red Sail Pilot Escort To the Blue Sea - Ningde Xiapu Xi'nan Town highlights party building to lead the solution to the problem of maritime governance

  Located in the southwest of Xiapu County, Xi'nan Town is an important coastal town in Xiapu County, with a sea area of 111 square kilometers, a coastline of 76 kilometers, a fishery population of 15,000 people, more than 10,000 mu of algae farming, and nearly 350,000 fishing rows. Among them, the area of Qixing Sea is close to 10,000 mu, with 363 fishermen, 23 party members and 31 mobile party members. These fishermen and party members often stay away from the land, live to the sea, and accompany the sea, and there is a problem of "no party members can be found on the shore, and no organization can be found at the sea", which has led to blind spots and weak points in the grass-roots governance and party building work in the sea area. In 2018, the town took the comprehensive improvement of marine aquaculture as an opportunity to carry out the creation of "Blue Sea Red Sail", actively explored the grid, normalization, informatization, massization, and legalization of the "five integration" party building + grass-roots governance model, and focused on creating a "one platform, one small station, three centers" to serve the "micro-position" (that is, the second service platform of yuxiao, Yuxiang. Moxiang Small Station, Party-Mass Linkage Mutual Aid Center, Industrial Revitalization Service Center, information service center), boost the extension of party building work from land to sea, and strive to build a "blue sea and red sail" battle fortress that "let the party flag fly on the sea, let the party emblem shine on the sea, and let party members lead the way on the sea".

  Based on the grid of organizations, build a solid "sea defense line" for party building

"Integration of Five Modernizations" Red Sail Pilot Escort To the Blue Sea - Ningde Xiapu Xi'nan Town highlights party building to lead the solution to the problem of maritime governance

  In accordance with the principle of "appropriate scale, convenient management, clear definition, and clear responsibilities", combined with the distribution of party members, the size of fishing rows, and the actual situation of villages (residences) around the sea area, a "temporary party branch at sea" has been established, and party members, active party members, and young backbone cadres in coastal villages have been included in the management of temporary branches. Explore the management mode of "double grid and double service" in Yupai Village and surrounding villages, and build a three-level grid organization system and service network for maritime communities of "temporary party branch at sea - grid working group - sea area grid chief". With the Seven Star Maritime Demonstration Zone as the center, the party members and cadres with leading ability in the Seven Star Sea Area serve as the provisional party branch secretary, and the large marine aquaculture households with leading ability serve as the chief of the grid, divide the sea area into 5 large grids according to the sea area block, set up a grid working group, and the members of the "two committees" engaged in the aquaculture industry in the coastal villages serve as the leaders of the grid working group, refine a number of small grids, and the party members of the village branch and the mobile party members who report to the sea area are the grid chiefs of the sea area, forming a vertical to the grid. Horizontal to the party organization system of party members and the service pattern of "there is a grid in the net, a post is fixed according to the grid, the person is on the grid, and the matter is in the network".

  With the normalization of service as the main axis, build a "warm heart bridge" for the party and the masses

"Integration of Five Modernizations" Red Sail Pilot Escort To the Blue Sea - Ningde Xiapu Xi'nan Town highlights party building to lead the solution to the problem of maritime governance

  Strengthen the functions of party branches in serving development, serving the industry, serving the masses, and serving party members, so that party members and party organizations can get close to the masses and go deep into the masses in service, and unite the masses, guide the masses, and win the masses in service. Using WeChat Mini Programs, mobile PHONE APP and other forms of mobile phone micro-terminal technology and door-to-door services, dynamically grasp the service needs of the masses, and strive to build a normalized service mechanism of "people sitting in the row, doing things online", so that the party's voice extends from land to sea, and the party and mass services "do not close". With the "three centers" of building a "fishery small two" service platform, a party-mass linkage mutual aid center, an industrial revitalization service center, and an information service center as the carrier, we will strive to build an open, intensive, and shared maritime party and mass service center. In order to promote the service to a deeper level and achieve the goal of "zero distance service, full coverage of management, and full response to appeals", the "Yu Xiao II" service platform was built, the "online + offline" two-way handling mode was implemented, and the "Yu Xiao II" service mobile APP was developed, and services such as "party member pioneer loan, intra-party business consultation, temporary ID card application, dispute mediation, and labor dispute" could be enjoyed through the mobile phone. Implement the system of "special duty and unified receipt of documents by special personnel", arrange a staff member to sit on duty every day, uniformly collect the needs of party members and the masses on the fishing row, uniformly send them to the town government for examination and approval, change decentralized examination and approval into centralized services, change "only when going ashore" into "can be done at sea", and change "background approval" into "sunshine service", greatly improving the level of service. Increase the efforts of party branches to lead, serve the fishery industry, and serve the collective economic development of villages, and strive to build a seven-star aquaculture demonstration area through the model of "fishery + organization, fishery + company, fishery + tourism" to help rural revitalization. Promote the further standardization of the management of the use of the sea area, increase the intensity of the collection of the sea area use fee, and drive the collective economic income of more than 10 surrounding villages through "collecting to promote the harvest". In the first half of 2021, a total of more than 19.3 million yuan of sea area use fees were collected, of which 4 villages increased the collective income of villages by more than 500,000 yuan.

  Taking management informatization as the starting point, building an education "micro-position"

"Integration of Five Modernizations" Red Sail Pilot Escort To the Blue Sea - Ningde Xiapu Xi'nan Town highlights party building to lead the solution to the problem of maritime governance

  Relying on the transformation and upgrading of marine fishing steaks and the construction of marine technical defense, the "Internet +" and big data platform technology are used to integrate grass-roots party building, social governance, public services and other content to create a "smart fishing steak at sea" work highlight. Comprehensively check and register the existing fishing row and sea migrant workers, hired party members, fishermen party members, active party members, and young backbone cadres, and through the "two-dimensional code" of the fishing row, give each fishing row an "identity card", and collect information on the party members and party activists on the fishing row, so as to achieve a clear bottom number and a clear situation. Carry out "one-on-one" pairing activities to find a "home on the sea" for incoming party members. In view of the fact that the party members on the fishing row have a long working time and it is difficult to concentrate on study and education, the "fish aroma. Moxiang Small Station", carry out party history study and education, "when you have time, please come to study", party members celebrate political birthdays, watch red movies, explanations of fishery and aquaculture production skills, safety knowledge training and other activities, organize propaganda teams to go to fishing rows, and do a good job in education and training in languages that are easy to understand and close to the grassroots. Set up "audiobook newsstands" and 'move' books into the mobile phones of party members and the masses to increase the interest and convenience of study, further enhance the enthusiasm of party members and the masses for study, and make the "sound" of party history study and education enter the hearts of the people.

  Take the rectification of the masses as a means to protect the "high value" of the ocean

"Integration of Five Modernizations" Red Sail Pilot Escort To the Blue Sea - Ningde Xiapu Xi'nan Town highlights party building to lead the solution to the problem of maritime governance

  Focus on marine garbage recycling, take the party branch of the marine fishing row as the guide, give full play to the main role of the masses, adopt the method of social mutual assistance and self-balance, and government subsidies, and establish a long-term mechanism for the improvement of the marine environment. According to the farmers' own production and living habits and the distribution of regional breeding facilities, on both sides of the waterway, a fence-type suspended garbage collection and storage platform is set up at an indefinite distance, and a conspicuous propaganda slogan is uniformly formulated to facilitate the surrounding farmers to place garbage, and the professionals regularly drag the garbage collection and storage platform to the shore through the fishing boat every day, hoist the garbage ashore, and then return the collection and storage platform to realize the seamless chain of "centralized collection - transportation to the shore - classification and sorting - timely disposal" of marine garbage. With the masses in the breeding area as the core force, give full play to the leading role of party members, carry out the activity of "protecting the marine ecology, starting from you and me", form a volunteer service team of party members on the South China Sea and a marine garbage service team, publicly report telephones, encourage the masses to reflect the problem of sea drift garbage, and establish and honor the reward policy for sea drift garbage; Organize large-scale farmers at sea to recycle domestic garbage at sea, and eliminate the increase of marine garbage from the source. At present, in the whole town's aquaculture sea area, all 3,200 farmers have participated, and a total of 27 marine garbage collection and storage stations have been spontaneously set up, with an average daily collection of about 20 tons of garbage, effectively solving the problem of source control of drifting garbage. Establish a party member maritime inspection team, and send corresponding ships and personnel to carry out regular tours according to the distribution of garbage on the sea surface and beach every day, especially to carry out two daily inspections in the morning and afternoon of the garbage collection and storage platform set up by farmers, covering about 70 square kilometers of sea areas and beaches such as Qixing, Dong'an, Xiayan and Changwaist.

  Take the rule of law as the guarantee to create a harmonious "sea community"

"Integration of Five Modernizations" Red Sail Pilot Escort To the Blue Sea - Ningde Xiapu Xi'nan Town highlights party building to lead the solution to the problem of maritime governance

  In view of the large mobility in the fishing row and the strong disputes between sea-related and fishing-related contradictions, the concept of "fishermen do not leave the party offshore, and the flow of party members does not lose" is established, with the enhancement of the party's organizational cohesion as the starting point, further strengthen the party-mass linkage, the police-people linkage, and departmental coordination, and build the "maritime party flag" into a "beacon" for comprehensive management of the sea. Make every effort to promote the sinking of the strength of party members and fight the "active war" to resolve disputes. Implement the "1+1+N" model (i.e. 1 temporary party branch + 1 mediation team + N grid members). The implementation of the service mechanism mechanism of "one grid, one party member, one matter and one measure", led by the provisional party branch of the sea area, the party members and cadres are attached to the grid, equipped with a mediation team, with several branch party members as the head of the sea area grid, and the subdivision grid is served by the sea area breeding party members as grid members, all-round work docking, comprehensive coverage of the sea area, promoting the mediation work to form a "big joint investigation" work pattern, and constantly improving the timeliness of mediation and resolution work, to ensure that mediation occurs and mediation is resolved. At the same time, highlight the source control and control, and make a good "first chess player" for contradiction prevention. Include maritime party members and village cadres in the ranks of information personnel, collect information in advance, and establish mechanisms such as mass demand expression, grid patrol visits, and contradiction resolution supervision, so as to discover and deal with emerging and tendentious problems early and deal with them first. At the same time, the relevant departments are organized to regularly "look back" at the resolved contradictions in letters and visits, and arrange grid personnel to visit their homes to ensure that there is no recurrence. In order to achieve the party member joint household 'no leakage of one household, no matter what's left', the establishment of a party member joint household AB post system, by the party members who have been engaged in aquaculture in the sea area or in the village for a long time as A post personnel, non-party member status of the village-level supporting organization responsible persons and villager group leaders as B post personnel. Party branches establish WeChat working groups for party members, and if there is something to quickly communicate through the WeChat group, the work of party members' joint households is truly implemented.

Source: Fresh Creek South

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