
Concentrate on running enterprises without distraction and seek development - the Central Cyberspace Administration and other four departments held a symposium to promote the healthy and sustainable development of Internet enterprises, which caused a warm response

author:Internet information Sichuan

Source: "Netinfo China" WeChat public account

On the afternoon of January 28, the Central Cyberspace Administration, together with the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the State Administration for Market Regulation, held a symposium on promoting the healthy and sustainable development of Internet enterprises, which caused a warm response among Internet information enterprises. Recently, China Netinfo conducted interviews with the heads of some Internet information enterprises. Everyone unanimously held that this symposium has enabled Internet information enterprises to have a clearer understanding of the development situation, strengthen their confidence in development, firmly grasp the development opportunities, give play to their innovative advantages, improve quality and efficiency in deepening reform, and make due contributions to promoting the construction of a network power and comprehensively building a modern socialist country.

Deeply encouraged, enhance the confidence of development

The symposium fully affirmed that Internet enterprises have increasingly become the backbone of building a network power, played an important role in promoting the economic and social development of the mainland, and injected strong confidence and motivation into the firm development of Internet enterprises.

Liu Jian, chairman and president of Xinhua Net, said, "This symposium will further strengthen the confidence of seizing opportunities and taking advantage of the momentum, further stimulate the vitality of innovation and breakthroughs, improve quality and efficiency, and promote Internet companies to focus on development without distraction and bold innovation under a better environment and stronger protection." ”

Ma Huateng, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Tencent, organized the spirit of the symposium. He said that he once again felt the attention and concern of the Party Central Committee, the State Council and the competent departments at all levels for the development of the Internet industry, which is a warmth and encouragement for the present, and also a responsibility and mission for the future. In the future, Tencent will continue to respond to the needs of the country and the times, adhere to the goodness of science and technology, promote sustainable social value innovation, improve quality and efficiency in deepening reform, and do better and stronger in standardized development.

"The symposium pointed out the direction for the development of the mainland Internet industry in the new era, established clear coordinates, played an important role in unifying thinking and strengthening confidence, and was of great practical significance to the stability and long-term development of the digital economy and Internet enterprises." Zhou Hongyi, founder and chairman of 360 Group, said that 360 will take the initiative to benchmark regulatory policies, improve the ability of security and compliance development, and comprehensively transform into a digital security enterprise.

Recognize the situation and face the opportunities and challenges

The symposium pointed out that it is necessary to correctly look at the development trend, correctly look at regulatory measures, and correctly look at their own problems. It is necessary to fully understand that Internet enterprises are still in a period of valuable historical opportunities and have broad room for development, fully understand that the sound rule of law and supervision in the Internet field provide a strong guarantee for the sustained and healthy development of enterprises, and fully understand that Internet enterprises must have the courage to change and emerge from the new.

Xiao Yi, president of Taiji Co., Ltd., is deeply touched by this. He believes that mainland Internet companies are still in a period of strategic opportunities. From a domestic point of view, the policy orientation of continuously strengthening and optimizing the digital economy of the mainland will continue to be strengthened, and Internet companies have great potential in it. From an international point of view, there is also a huge space for Internet companies to "go global" and promote international and domestic double circulation.

Liu Chengyan, chairman of Wangsu Technology, said that the economic development environment of the mainland has been favorable for a long time, especially in the current epidemic environment, China has taken the lead in resuming work and production, and the economy has maintained stable growth, which has brought opportunities for the rapid development of Internet companies. At the same time, with the evolution of the integration and development of the Internet and production and life, new technologies, new formats and new models will inevitably occur, which will provide good opportunities for the rapid development of Internet enterprises.

Wang Xiang, partner and president of Xiaomi Group, said, "The rule of law in the Internet field in the mainland has been continuously improved and supervision has been continuously improved, providing a strong guarantee and new development opportunities for the high-quality development of Internet enterprises. Xiaomi will seize the development opportunity, make good use of the good development order created by the construction of the rule of law, continuously increase investment in research and development, and deepen its cultivation in the fields of intelligent hardware and intelligent vehicles, so as to contribute to China's intelligent manufacturing industry and network power. ”

Daniel Zhang, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Alibaba Group, has a deeper understanding of the spirit of the symposium. He said that in recent years, under the strong guidance, supervision and management of relevant state departments, the cyberspace has become increasingly clear, and the Internet business environment has become more fair, orderly, green and healthy. Standardization is for healthier development, and compliance management is the premise of enterprise development. Alibaba will firmly adhere to the consumption strategy, use more effective supply to better serve users, launch bailout measures to help the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and focus on ecological goals to drive upstream and downstream and peripheral ecology to jointly reduce carbon.

Seize the opportunity and strive to become bigger and stronger

The forum stressed that the vast number of Internet enterprises should be good at seizing opportunities, have the courage to reform and innovate, adhere to law-abiding operations, strive to become bigger and stronger, and achieve development of better quality, higher efficiency, stronger competitiveness, and greater influence in the new journey of comprehensively building a socialist modern country.

"The Social Function of the Internet connecting all things determines that it has a high social value and should bear more social responsibilities", Gong Yu, founder and CEO of iQIYI, said that as a network audio-visual head platform, iQIYI will continue to actively participate in international communication, tell Chinese stories well, promote culture to go to sea, and show the world a credible, lovely and respectable image of China.

Zhang Lidong, chairman of ByteDance, truly felt the support of relevant departments for the innovative development, healthy development and sustainable development of enterprises through the symposium, and believed that the meeting gave enterprises a clearer sense of direction. In the next step, On the basis of actively adjusting the business direction, goals, and internal structure of the company in the early stage, ByteDance will focus on the main business, give full play to its technical advantages, continue to exert efforts in 2B, VR and other fields, and actively explore the global market, rely on products and services, compete with larger international companies, and obtain larger-scale users and markets.

Xu Lei, president of Jingdong Group, said, "Jingdong has always kept in mind the power of science and technology and the service of industry to the country. In accordance with the arrangements of this meeting, we will strengthen compliance capacity building, strengthen development confidence and determination, focus on industry, do fine business, increase investment in scientific and technological innovation, help the construction of a network power and high-quality development, and at the same time give play to the responsibility of large enterprises, serve the overall situation of national development, devote ourselves to rural revitalization and common prosperity, and repay the party and the country, society and people with practical actions. ”

Editor: Zhang Ji

Proofreader: Rui Chen

Review: Xu Fan

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