
After eating the "Alibaba" staff meal, I learned that what we usually eat is not called food

author:Chinese shovel historian

Now people in addition to caring about their own wages, more concerned about what they eat in a day, about what to eat today, has also become a topic that everyone talks about the most, every time they eat, they are always entangled, what to eat, eat around you there are so many kinds of food, eat one a day and eat all over again, this time it is recommended that you do it yourself, make some meals after work, even if it is not a very good dish, but if it is made by yourself, you will definitely feel delicious, because that is the experience of life , you will enjoy it, believe me, back to the point, next look at the main text. After eating the "Alibaba" staff meal, I know that what we usually eat is not called food!

After eating the "Alibaba" staff meal, I learned that what we usually eat is not called food

Alibaba canteen dishes are very rich, this is a very strange "dark dish", the name of this dish is called Cherry Mixed With Tofu, Cherry or Tmall when the golden Cherry is listed, have to admire that the chefs of Alibaba Canteen are really powerful.

After eating the "Alibaba" staff meal, I learned that what we usually eat is not called food

Whether it is a company canteen or a university canteen, there has always been a frightening legend, that is, the "dark cuisine" of the canteen chef, what green vegetables fried oranges, mooncakes fried peppers, watermelon fried bananas, there is nothing that cannot be done, only you dare not eat, for these artists think of the general canteen chef, I can only say a word of admiration.

After eating the "Alibaba" staff meal, I learned that what we usually eat is not called food

The new dish introduced by their chef has become the most popular dish in the canteen. It is said that Alibaba's employees line up 10 meters long to eat. The point is that the prices of dishes in Alibaba's canteen are also cheap.

After eating the "Alibaba" staff meal, I learned that what we usually eat is not called food

They are all people's canteens, and their own food will never be as good as others' food, but this can be honest, the food in Alibaba canteen is indeed very good, do you want to become an employee of Alibaba?

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