
The Pinglu Canal started construction in September, and the first batch of key projects in Guangxi this year were announced, with a total investment of more than 378 million yuan

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Recently, in 2022, the first batch of guangxi autonomous region-level overall planning and promotion of major projects was officially issued, a total of 1996 projects in this program. The total investment is 3,782.62 billion yuan, and the annual planned investment is 400.79 billion yuan, of which 190 newly started projects with a total investment of 344.78 billion yuan and an annual planned investment of 28.28 billion yuan; 1,066 continued construction projects with a total investment of 2,257.29 billion yuan and an annual planned investment of 323.65 billion yuan; 217 completed and put into production with a total investment of 314.65 billion yuan and an annual planned investment of 48.86 billion yuan; 523 preparatory projects with a total investment of 865.9 billion yuan.

Of the 190 newly started projects, there are many large projects that everyone is very concerned about, including the Pinglu Canal, the Hezhan High-speed Railway, the Yellow Barrel to Baise Railway, the Nanning Airport Reconstruction and Expansion Project and other basic transportation projects. From the perspective of the plan, the Pinglu Canal plans to start construction in September, and the Hezhan high-speed railway is still scheduled to start construction in December.

Of the 217 projects completed, the Nanning-Chongzuo intercity railway, which is scheduled to be completed and opened to traffic in December this year, has completed a total investment of 12.7 billion yuan by 2021, accounting for 88% of the total investment. In terms of expressways, the Bama-Pingxiang Highway from Bama to Tiandong Section, the Tian'e-Beihai Highway Pingguo to Nanning Section, the Lanhai Expressway Qinzhou to Beihai Section Reconstruction and Expansion Project, the Xindu-Wuzhou Expressway, the Hezhou-Bama Expressway (Mengshan to Xiangzhou Section) Phase II Project, and the Hezhou-Bama Expressway (Xiangzhou to Laibin Section) will be completed and opened to traffic at the end of this year.

In the continuation project, the Nanning-Shenzhen railway Yulin to Cenxi section, Liuwu railway, Chongzuo to Pingxiang railway, Fangchenggang to Dongxing railway, Guiyang to Nanning high-speed railway and other railways are on the train, Nanning-Zhanjiang Highway, Shangsi to Fangchenggang highway, Daxin jinglongzhou to Pingxiang section, Guilin to Liuzhou (Luzhai) section reconstruction and expansion project and other high-speed projects are also listed.

In the preparatory project, nanning suburban railway airport line and Wuming line are listed.

According to the responsible units, Nanning has 202 projects, the largest among the fourteen prefecture-level cities, with a total investment of 432.06 billion yuan, followed by Chongzuo City, with a total of 184 projects with a total investment of 149.54 billion yuan, and Qinzhou ranks third, with 162 projects with a total investment of 157.51 billion yuan. The largest amount of investment is still the Department of Transportation, with a total investment of 864.31 billion yuan in 110 projects.

The Pinglu Canal started construction in September, and the first batch of key projects in Guangxi this year were announced, with a total investment of more than 378 million yuan

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