
The property market is powered! Favorable policies are frequent

author:Jing Fei

At the beginning of 2022, the property market has released a lot of heavy signals! The "shy period" of the policy is over, and the full force has begun.

On the morning of January 20, the central bank announced the latest LPR, the 1-year LPR was 3.7%, and the 5-year LPR decreased by 4.6% from 4.65%. 10 basis points down for 1 year and 5 basis points for 5 years!

This is undoubtedly a heavy piece of good news for the property market! It will be a big positive for individuals and families with mortgages, as well as many businesses with medium- and long-term loans, and will directly reduce interest expenses.

01 Four days of four positive, the property market released a heavy signal!

In fact, in the past 1 month, the warm wind of the property market has been blowing frequently, and various favorable policies such as RRR cuts, mortgage relaxation, and loan acceleration have appeared, and maintaining the stable development of the real estate market has become an important signal!

Four days of four positives, let's comb through it:

(1) Interest rate cut by the central bank: On January 17, the central bank over-continued the 1-year MLF of 700 billion yuan, and also exceeded the 7-day reverse repurchase of 100 billion yuan. Both policy rates cut rates by 10 basis points.

(2), LPR decline: On January 20, the LPR (Loan Market Quotation Rate), which is highly concerned by the market, was announced in anticipation: the 1-year LPR was 3.7%, down 10 basis points; the 5-year LPR was 4.6%, down 5 basis points.

The 5-year LPR rate has not been adjusted for 21 consecutive months, and the 1-year LPR rate fell by 5 basis points last month. The 1-year LPR interest rate cut at the same time as the 5-year interest rate cut shows that the policy on the property market has shifted from curbing speculation to supporting reasonable consumption.

(3) Encourage housing purchases: On January 17, the National Development and Reform Commission issued a document saying: Promote the healthy development of housing consumption. Promote the construction of affordable housing, focusing on cities with large population inflows and high housing prices, and expand the supply of affordable rental housing. Support the commercial housing market to better meet the reasonable housing needs of home buyers. Because of the city's policies to promote the virtuous circle and healthy development of the real estate industry.

(4) Monetary easing: At the press conference on financial statistics on the afternoon of January 18, Liu Guoqiang, deputy governor of Chinese Min Bank, said: The requirements of the current policy are to exert force. Open up the monetary policy toolbox a little bigger. This means that monetary policy will continue to exert its strength, and the reduction of interest rates will continue to be done, with the goal of "avoiding a credit collapse".

02 Return to Hanyang, outdoor "T" station debut in October!

The Yangsi Port Urban Catwalk Project is located near the end of the completed Hanyang Bidao road to the Yangsi Port Pumping Station, and its upstream and downstream have formed a good green substrate.

Renderings of Yangsigang Urban Catwalk Project

As a project connecting breakpoints, filling points and highlights in the Wuhan Baili Yangtze River Ecological Corridor Project, the project plans to build a total length of about 1.974 kilometers, a construction area of nearly 230,000 square meters, and retains the high pile platform of the original wharf, which will create a landscape space structure of "one axis, three sections and five nodes". One axis, that is, the waterfront ecological axis that runs through the upstream and downstream, facing the Yangtze River; the third section, that is, the formation of three major functional plates of the waterfront vitality experience section, the port culture display section, and the ecological culture experience section; the five nodes, that is, the five major landscape nodes of the container creative workshop, the T-axis port wharf, the ecological wharf, the railway garden, and the bridgehead green park.

Yangsi Port Urban Catwalk Project Construction Site

At present, the 30-meter-high "ecological gentle slope embankment" has been filled in 950 meters, and the remaining part, the large excavator is also fully horsepowered, and the filling construction is continuously carried out. Compared with the flood wall used in other river beaches, the affinity of this gentle slope is better, and the public does not have to choose the gate to enter, but can choose the entry route more casually. In addition, the green area of the "ecological gentle slope embankment" is higher, which can make the section more ecological and green.

In addition to the novel concept and stronger affinity of the "ecological gentle slope embankment" construction, the Yangsigang Urban Catwalk Project will also carry out a certain degree of restoration and reproduction through landscape techniques for the current fragmentary industrial cultural elements. The person in charge of the site said that the Yangsi Port Urban Catwalk Project during the Spring Festival is also continuing to be constructed to ensure that the project is completed in mid-October this year, creating a diversified urban place for the citizens, creating a Yangtze River Ecological Wharf Park and a central China Riverside Cultural Show.

03 Value-for-money, into the first-line riverside pure improvement residence!

The Riverside Plate of Wuhan Inner Ring Road has always been scarce in supply, and the core area also has unlimited imagination space. Yuexiu Huazhong waterfront mansion benchmark - Yuexiu Hanyang Xinghui Yunjin occupies an unrepeatable gilded area on the left bank of the Yangtze River, in Yuexiu Hanyang Xinghui Yunjin with a rare pro-river distance of about 50 meters, enjoy a line of magnificent river scenery, through the landscape balcony, bay window, you can sit and watch the wind and clouds; the times change, you can also retreat in the garden, enjoy about 17,000 square meters of waterfront axis garden, with ecological living room, all-age activity center, shared garden and multi-functional pan clubhouse, creating a pole axis four gardens Master Jiangyuan aesthetics. The ideal living ground at the spire layer thus begins.

。 Continuous product updates, but also attracted the attention of many buyers, Yuexiu Hanyang Xinghui Yunjin this time to promote the 2# building, construction area of about 125-142 square meters, is the first regional promotion is sold out of the star apartment. Among them, the entire landscape of the apartment with a construction area of about 141 square meters is 14.9 meters long, the diners are integrated, the moving line is smooth and clear, and the interaction and feelings of family members are enhanced; the 270° ring screen viewing balcony can enjoy the IMAX-like giant screen river view; the three-bedroom full bay window design can optimize the space, give the bedroom more comfortable, and enter the first-line riverside mansion with super high cost performance.

Yuexiu Hanyang Xinghui Yunjin Reqi national marketing campaign, from now until March 31, as long as the recommended customer successfully signed the contract, you can get a recommendation reward of up to 40,000 yuan. Where the owner re-purchases or recommends the transaction, he can get an additional iPhone 13 /set.

Yuexiu Hanyang Xinghui Yunjin

Pin crown system quasi-existing house 2# building area of about 127-142㎡ overlooking the river wide house plus push hot sales!

The construction area is about 140-236 square meters of the first-line pro-Jiangyang seats are hot sellers

The construction area of about 32-175㎡ community street quasi-existing shops has limited seats!