
Individual chess manifestation and professional system failure

On February 7, in the first round of Japan's 47th Chess Jihadam Peripheral Qualifier, Sugita Sugita Shouko Yakudan defeated 31-year-old Kikuchi Masatoshi 2nd Dan with 3.5 eyes. Unfortunately, the Japanese chess academy did not record the game chess score, nor did it have a game photo, and the content of the chessboard in this game was not known to the outside world.

As the oldest player in the active duty, Sugito Sugino will celebrate her 95th birthday in 27 days. Looking back at Sugiuchi's last victory, she defeated Masaaki Fukui Kudan in the celebrity battle qualifier on December 5, 2019, during which time she has experienced 19 consecutive defeats. In 2020, 7 innings were lost, and in 2020, 11 were lost.

Her opponent, Masatoshi Kikuchi, was born in July 1991 and was promoted to second in 2012. Last year, a total of 15 innings were played, with 4 wins and 11 losses.

Masatoshi Kikuchi 2nd Dan

At present, the world's oldest winning record is maintained by Sugita Sugita's husband, Masao Sugiuchi, who is 96 years old and 10 months old, that is, in August 2017, Sugito Masao nine dan defeated Kojo Katsuko 2 dan. Sugiuchi Masanoku once said"お百歳での一勝を期待しております。 (Translation: I hope to win chess when I am 100 years old.) ", but the old man died of pneumonia on November 21, 2017 at the age of 97. Sugito Sugine embarks on the unfinished road of Masao Suganai, and with this wish will eventually go farther and farther.

Individual chess manifestation and professional system failure

Sugiuchi Washuiko was born on March 6, 1927, and in 1937 Sugito studied under fumiko Kita, the "mother of the Go world" in Japan, (her sister Yue Ito is also famous in China). It was fixed in 1942 80 years ago and rose to eight in 1983. In 1954, Sugito Sugine and Masao Suganai married and spent sixty-three years together.

Sugito Sugino, whose real name is Honda Shouko, is the eldest of the "Three Honda Sisters", and the two younger sisters are 82-year-old Mitsuko Hatdan (Honda Keiko) and Honda Sachiko Yatsudan. The three competed in the Japanese women's chess scene in the second half of the 20th century, and repeatedly played sisterly duels on the final stage of the women's title battle. Sugiuchi has won ten women's championships so far, with Sachiko Honda and Mitsuko Nan winning seven titles each. Mitsuko Nan retired in 2019, Sachiko Honda died in 2020 (at the age of 89), and the three sisters were left with sugittarius alone in the chess arena.

Individual chess manifestation and professional system failure
Individual chess manifestation and professional system failure

In September 2021, 94-year-old Sugita Sugita faced 15-year-old Aktaro Fukuoka, a 79-year-old difference between the two

When people pay attention to the achievements of professional chess players, they often ignore the ancient value of "chess path". The meaning of "Tao" is broad and broad, specific to Go, the relative emphasis is on the study of internal technology, and the chess tao has external behavior and performance. Chess is the code of conduct for chess players, making Go activities a moral practice and requiring players to practice the beautiful part of human nature in the game.

In the past, the aristocratic class regarded Go as a vassal elegant plaything, and the chess path should reflect the generosity of that class, and pursue useless uses, and victory or defeat became a secondary value. Timely throwing is a kind of demeanor, and if you can't play a satisfactory Go, it may be better to take the initiative to retire. Today, as an equal and open competitive sport, The aesthetic significance of Go gradually returns to the chess game itself, and people can appreciate the infinite possibilities of human intelligence and will through mutual non-concessional chess competition. Who's to say that never giving up and watching for victory is not a way of Go?

Then again, it was Japan's current career system that weakened its athletic nature in order to have Sugito Sugine's victory at the age of 94. Looking at all sports, only the qualification for the Go competition is not related to the current competitive level of the player, as long as he has a certificate, he can participate for life. In contrast, Japanese shogi adopts a compulsory retirement occupational system, which restricts the qualification for active duty.

Although all three countries in China, Japan and South Korea have adopted a lifelong professional system, it is Japan that has the greatest impact on implementation. China's professional Go tournament system is gradually shifting from an open tournament to a championship & invitational tournament, not only as a professional chess player, you can play, and most chess players with professional positions do not participate in the competition. South Korea's professional Go system mainly follows Japan, and now there is also a voice of "abolishing the professional system", and the competition system has gradually differentiated elite chess players and second- and third-line chess players, such as the Ox-knee Claw Cup and the Mai Xin Cup Nine-Dan Battle, which are games for strong players.

In Japan, as long as I want to, chess players can steadily participate in more than ten open preliminaries every year, even if they lose all of them. This is their chess player's right, and it is also a huge financial burden that the Japanese chess academy can hardly remove. Pre-selection B· Group C, which includes Sugito Sugiuchi and Masatoshi Kikuchi, is a chess jihadist pre-selection FT, which hosts many unsatisfactory players whose competitive status is not necessarily higher than that of amateur powerhouses. For example, in the first round of the Celebrity Battle Preliminary C on April 8, 2021, the match between Kono Seiseo Godan (80 years old) and Shoji Kazuko Sandan (83 years old) caused controversy because of the chess player's remorseful chess behavior, and the dignified professional chess player became the protagonist of the joke at this time.

When we praise Sugita Sugita's tireless and 80-year-old chess spirit on the field, we should also find such a paradox: as long as Sugine's grandmother is healthy and long-lived, she will be able to wait in the qualifiers for the next unlucky egg like Kikuchi Masatoshi, whose chess skills are not as good as her own.

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