
Jin Boyang: This game left the best memories of my life

On the morning of February 10, the highly watched Figure Skating Men's Singles Free Skating at the Beijing Winter Olympics was held at the Capital Gymnasium. China's Jin Boyang played well in the competition, scoring a season-high 179.45 points. After the competition, Jin Boyang said in the mixed interview area that he himself defeated himself in this game, showing the mental state of Chinese athletes, and everything was perfect.

Jin Boyang: This game left the best memories of my life

Although Jin Boyang burst into tears after completing all the actions, when he arrived at the mixed interview area, his mood had completely calmed down, and when a reporter asked how the tears were different from the tears after the short program, he smiled and replied: "The same." The short answer suddenly made the scene laugh a lot.

Jin Boyang: This game left the best memories of my life

Jin Boyang admitted that the past 4 years have been very difficult for him personally, "The failure in the game has made me question my ability many times, and many times my confidence is not very strong." Before today's game, I thought 'can I skate perfectly', and now I feel particularly good, very perfect. Jin Boyang said that thanks to the strong support of the State General Administration of Sport and other relevant units, he can still train smoothly under the situation of the epidemic.

When Jin Boyang competed, the audience of the Capital Gymnasium gave him the warmest applause and cheers, to which Jin Boyang said: "The audience at the scene was very enthusiastic, so in the end, my set of actions was not only completed by me personally, but also included the help of everyone to me." I am particularly pleased that I can bloom at the Winter Olympics at the Capital Gymnasium and in front of my home. I felt that I showed the spiritual outlook of Chinese athletes in the competition, I did it, I was really very happy, this is the best memory of my life! ”

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