
When people reach middle age, please be a "cold" woman, don't understand

author:Fu Dongsheng
When people reach middle age, please be a "cold" woman, don't understand

What I want to tell you is that when people reach middle age, please be an "amorous" woman, don't understand.

Although "amorous", we can use this pair of eyes that are good at finding beauty, to see the shining points that exist in others, to see the beauty that exists in this world, to see the romantic things that lovers do for themselves.

Although women are "affectionate", their hearts will be broad, they will not be calculating, they will not drill the tip of the horns, and they will be reasonable.

Of course, everything in the world needs to have a degree, middle-aged women in the "amorous" time, but also pay attention to the measure, otherwise it is full of water overflow, full moon loss, too late.

We are amorous about optimistic and positive things, and we must not be too "affectionate" in these things, and even be cold.

Because, the philosophy of life is: there and nothing, often accompanied by each other, only in this way, can make a woman's middle-aged life full of warmth and happiness.

When people reach middle age, please be a "cold" woman, don't understand

Be cold on friendship, don't be too "too much"

Luo Zijun in the TV series "The First Half of My Life" when she was still Mrs. Kuo, the most important thing is friends, eating, shopping, playing mahjong, she will never be alone.

When Luo Zijun divorced, when Luo Zijun was no longer Mrs. Kuo, when Luo Zijun could only earn living expenses by working part-time.

She found that the people who had gathered around her in the past were suddenly gone, replaced by falling into the well, laughing.

Only Tang Jing, this woman will not bend over backwards when she has everything; when she loses everything together, she will not fall into the well.

She has always been with Luo Zijun's side, and this kind of inseparability has also made Luo Zijun understand what is suffering to see the truth, and what is a true friend.

We always feel that the more friends we have, the better, but we ignore that friends are in quality rather than quantity.

Too crowded friendship will make us have no time to take care of our own affairs, too crowded friendship will bring more disappointment because of our high expectations, too crowded friendship will make us lose the joy and beauty of being alone.

When people reach middle age, some things should be looked down upon, such as friendship.

Why let so many people encroach on their own time and space?

Friends, one or two confidants is enough, more than that, it seems crowded, even if there is no confidant, we can become the friends who know ourselves best.

When people reach middle age, please be a "cold" woman, don't understand

Be cold in love, don't be too "too much"

In "Intimate Relationships", the author said: "Your intimate relationship partner is used to help you know yourself better, heal your wounds, and finally find your true self, so it is a bridge to our souls." ”

In our lifetime, we may like many people, but like and suitable have always been different things.

Likes may pass in a flash, and the person who finally accompanies us to the end is the one who is really suitable for us.

Therefore, when we reach this stage of middle age, we should understand that our husbands are the closest people in the world.

Parents will grow old, brothers and sisters will form their own families, children will eventually leave us, and only our husbands will accompany us.

At this stage of middle age, our marriage will enter a period of burnout, at this time, we will feel how this person around us can not bring ourselves a little interest.

At this time, the emergence of a person who can give us a sense of freshness will make us mistakenly think that this is true love, and thus feel that our husband is useless.

However, the feelings outside of marriage have always been unlinked with true love, it is just a self-companionship relationship that cannot be seen, if a road goes to black, you will finally find that the freshness is gone, and the original happiness is also lost.

Middle-aged women's way of thinking has matured, they know what is right and what is wrong, and they also know what to do and what not to do.

The most important thing for us at the moment is to cherish the people in front of us, cherish the feelings we already have, and not to dwell on those unrealistic things.

When people reach middle age, please be a "cold" woman, don't understand

Be cold in family affection, don't be too "too much"

Song Qian in the TV series "Little Joy" raised her daughter Qiao Yingzi alone, and all her feelings were poured into her daughter, and her desire for control would be stronger.

Song Qian does not allow her daughter to have her own hobbies, she thinks that the playthings are lost;

She did not allow her daughter to apply for NTU, she thought that her daughter was too far away from her to see the other party.

She did not know that her daughter liked astronomy and also wanted to apply for Nanda, and the reason why she applied for Nanda was because she was fed up with Song Qian's control and would escape Song Qian in this way.

At this stage of middle age, if you say which kind of feeling is the most time-consuming and laborious, I am afraid it is family affection.

Many women do not understand what their meaning is for children, and think that children need their own protection, they are growing their wings, and then doing everything will cause the parent-child relationship to break down.

When people reach middle age, please be a "cold" woman, don't understand

Gibran said, "Your children, through whom you came into this world, did not come because of you. What you can give them is your love, not your thoughts. What you can protect is their body, not their soul. ”

The End -

Author | Psychological counselor Fu Dongsheng

The main writer of love and marriage psychology | Use psychology to analyze love, marriage, and life

WeChat public account: love marriage psychology

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