
The plan of the year lies in winter, and the plan of the day lies in the night

author:Fashionable Wenzhou

One year, when a certain national leader came to Aokang to inspect, I accompanied and reported that we in Aokang "have a year's plan in winter, and a day's plan lies in late." This leader did not quite understand what I meant, so I made an explanation, and this leader suddenly realized that he greatly appreciated this concept of Aucon.

In the Chinese classic library "Augmenting the Xianwen", it is said that "the plan of a year lies in the spring, the plan of a day lies in the morning, the plan of the family lies in peace, and the plan of a lifetime lies in diligence." "It means that the harvest of the year lies in the planting in the spring, otherwise there would be no harvest after the autumn." A day's study lies in the morning hard work and morning reading, only in this way can you learn the knowledge you should master.

"The solution of the year lies in spring", this sentence is an experience summed up by the working people of our country in thousands of years of production practice, which emphasizes the important position occupied by spring in the four seasons of the year. Spring is the first of the four seasons, the beginning of the spirituality of all things, a beautiful time full of vitality and vitality, sowing seeds and hope. If there is no spring, how can the summer be full of leaves and autumn fruitful. Ancient and modern Chinese and foreign literati and inkers praise poems for spring abound. People also call people's youth "youth", singing the praises of spring creativity and emphasizing the preciousness of spring.

"The plan of the day lies in the morning" means that the best time of day is in the morning, and you can start a new plan, a new starting point.

The plan of the year lies in winter, and the plan of the day lies in the night

In the ancient agricultural era, it was summed up that "the plan of the year lies in the spring", which is correct for agricultural production, but in the current information society, for the fashion industry, industry and service industry that we are engaged in, it is a little unsuitable in the face of the rapidly changing market. "A day's solution lies in the morning" is also like this, for our business management, the amount of advance is far from enough.

Therefore, we propose: "The plan of the year lies in winter, and the plan of the day lies in the night".

As the saying goes, "plough the field early in winter, kung fu in the next year", the harvest in the next year, the first look at the winter ploughing, if the winter ploughing is not deep, how can the seeds in the spring thrive? How to get a year's worth?

Winter, the end of the year, but it is also the prelude to the new year. The long sleep at this time is not only a rest, but also the most important thing to rejuvenate in the coming year. In terms of farming, the saying cloud "winter ploughing is deep, crops are willing to take root", "winter ploughing is one inch deep, pests are nowhere to be found", which shows the weight of winter ploughing, for farmers, their annual plans lie in winter.

The so-called "a year's plan lies in winter, a day's plan lies in the night", which means that we must plan ahead of the rain and do a good job in advance of everything, if others prepare a week in advance, we must be prepared two weeks or even a month in advance; secondly, we must be fully prepared for anything.

Many companies are at the beginning of the year to formulate the second year's work plan, hold the previous year's work summary meeting, the new year's work planning meeting, and we Aokang are at the end of the year to hold the year's work summary meeting, and at the end of the year to complete the next year's work plan meeting, after the beginning of the year, everyone in accordance with the already clear work plan step by step work. If you wait until the spring to make a plan, then the previous time will be wasted, and the work will appear to be hurried later, and the effect can be imagined.

Some people may say that the winter environment is harsh and it is not suitable to do too many things, but in the spring, everything awakens, the world is purple and red, and it is difficult to calm down and think and make a careful plan. In winter, not only the cold wind and ice make everything dormant, creating a quiet thinking environment, but also the harsh climatic conditions that sharpen people's will and cultivate people's souls. Winter is the best time to prepare.

Although we at Aucom are much larger than we were 30 years ago, our response mechanism must also be in line with the small companies that have just been founded, the response must be very rapid, there must be no big company disease, we must work very hard, and we must always be vigilant. Therefore, we must work harder than our peers and even more excellent companies, and we must get up early, do well, and think more than they do.

Compared with many hundreds of billions of enterprises, our resources are not as much as theirs, our sensitivity to the market may not be as high as theirs, and our ability to respond to policy changes is not as strong as theirs. Therefore, we must respond to possible emergencies in advance and in advance, and we must think well of all possible situations and give countermeasures.

I believe that as long as we are well prepared and in sufficient advance, we can do better than many of our peers.

In 2015, Aucom's "Reflection Week" was held in Japan, a trip that focused on exploring the advanced business concepts and business models of world-class retail giants such as Uniqlo, MUJI, ABC-MART, and discovered that an important reason for ABC-MART's high profitability is that its sports shoes account for more than 80%. Inspired by this, Aucom quickly increased the layout of the sports field, less than a month after returning to China, that is, reached a strategic cooperation with SKECHERS, the first fashion sports brand in the United States, and held a cooperation signing ceremony in Wenzhou, which marked the official entry of Aucom, which is mainly engaged in leather shoes, into the sports sector, and made every effort to create a multi-brand full-category "shoe kingdom".

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