
Chinese Super League news: Tianjin team got a transfer ban, Guangzhou team stock reform stagnated, Liao Lisheng went to Taishan team

The Chinese men's football team is not good, the Chinese Super League is also a lot of problems, now Tianjin Jinmen Tigers have a transfer ban, Hebei team has no future, guangzhou team rumors are too unreliable, feel is a bit of the feeling of the Jiangsu team, so the men's football national team is a chicken feather, but the league is more problematic, simply look at these new news. None of this is good news.

Tianjin team got a transfer ban, it should be a problem of foreign aid, some of the previous foreign aid may be that the transfer fee is not enough.

Chinese Super League news: Tianjin team got a transfer ban, Guangzhou team stock reform stagnated, Liao Lisheng went to Taishan team

Tianjin team got the transfer ban, it should be foreign aid transfer fee is not enough, of course, this is the recent routine operation of the Chinese league, Guizhou team should be worse than Tianjin team, but this means that this team does not solve the problem of transfer fees, should not have domestic players can not have new people registered, Tianjin Jinmen Tigers should themselves many players are on loan, what to do next season? Barton is not a big problem, he was a player from last season, so if this team still has a loan player from last season, there may be no problem in registering.

So the question is, Tianjin Jinmen Tiger will solve this problem soon? It should not be, the team now has a lot of old problems, many have not been solved, but it may be for some loan players, this season has the opportunity to stay, back to their own team may not have any position, but depending on the situation, this team is not a big problem, at least should be able to participate in next season's league, this is also the key part. But Tianjin should not be the only team to get this news, there may be teams behind this news, after all, the league's salary arrears have made some foreign aid sue FIFA.

Second, the news of the Guangzhou team is too unreliable, if Evergrande insists on having control over the team, is this not a copy of the Jiangsu team at that time?

Chinese Super League news: Tianjin team got a transfer ban, Guangzhou team stock reform stagnated, Liao Lisheng went to Taishan team

Now see the news, Evergrande still wants to occupy the largest share of this team, this is obviously unrealistic, because the team's current news, the team debt is too high, this is the reason why the team stock reform can not continue, a bit similar to the Jiangsu team, at that time is also the same idea, and eventually the team disappeared, so the situation of the Guangzhou team is not good, the share reform of 433, guangzhou team should be the most likely to retain the original shares of thirty percent of it. So from this news, this team is not good news.

Guangzhou City is progressing smoothly, because the team does not have such a big burden, the Shenzhen team seems to have no news, but the Shenzhen team has actually been successful in the stock reform, but it may not be the current 433 shareholding system, and the Shenzhen team is the idea of many shareholders to disperse risks. Meizhou Hakka has begun to prepare for training, guangdong's four teams seem to be uncertain about the future of Guangzhou, and the other three teams have no problem participating in the Chinese Super League in the future. There is still a possibility of guangzhou team restructuring failure, so look at the future news of this team, no news now may be good news, there is news is not necessarily good news.

The last one, it seems that the Shandong Taishan team is reinforced, but this reinforcement may be a helpless reinforcement, which is also a good idea

Chinese Super League news: Tianjin team got a transfer ban, Guangzhou team stock reform stagnated, Liao Lisheng went to Taishan team

The team made some reinforcements, it looks like Liao Lisheng is going to join, after Xu Xin left, the Taishan team once again got a former Guangzhou team substitute player, does this mean that the Guangzhou players have begun to slowly leave? Maybe so, but Liao Lisheng really has a contract with this team that has expired and belongs to the free agent. But this reinforcement of the Taishan team seems to be a helpless reinforcement, itself has Xu Xin, the team has no plan to find new people in the midfield, and now it can only find new people in the midfield, Liao Lisheng finally came.

SIPG's current action is Xu Xin's basic joining, it has been determined that a player can join, the defender is several players who want to join, but it needs to be determined by the end of the national team match day, it should be all internationals, the midfielder also has international footballers who want to join, this team attraction should be the strongest in the offseason, and should also use all transfer places.

Changchun Yatai and Wuhan three towns began to prepare for winter training, Shenhua team also began to prepare for winter training, that is, these three teams basically determined that there is no problem, the start of winter training means that the preparation action of the new season has begun, these three teams are safe, Hebei team has no winter training time, completely postponed, means that the future is not known, now Guangzhou team also does not know the winter training time, these two teams seem to be the two most dangerous teams now. National team players look, the men's national team may have some people to return to the club this time, and at least 10 people may have to leave, but also the veteran mainly, Li Xiaopeng should be using naturalized players to see some views of the fans, and then do things according to the fans' ideas again, that is, the team is younger. Of course, this is not his choice, in fact, because the team has already set a goal, and the team immediately becomes younger when there is no chance to qualify in the World Preliminary Round. So which international players Li Xiaopeng's team will let leave this time, whether they will not let the Guangzhou players and Hebei players leave, need to be observed. Players from teams that feel difficult may all want to stay in the national team.

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