
The "Championship Lineup Ranking Chart" is on fire, the Korean Open is hotly discussed for individual play, and the Showmaker team is inverted

S12 season of the game has officially begun, I believe that the vast majority of players are concerned about the recent period of spring lpl division and LCK division have entered a period of off-season, these days, South Korean netizens are very positive, constantly evaluating the previous world champions, may also be because of the rise of the lpl division during this time, let them feel a little dangerous. This time, they made a ranking of the champion lineup from the S3 season to the S11 season, and to the surprise of the players, in this ranking, the single player of the Dk team actually ranked first in the bottom of the whole team, and at the same time, in the eyes of Korean players, the most critical player in the S11 season world championship was the edg team's wild jiejie.

The ranking of the previous championship lineup is on fire

The "Championship Lineup Ranking Chart" is on fire, the Korean Open is hotly discussed for individual play, and the Showmaker team is inverted

I believe that the vast majority of players who pay attention to league of legends are not strangers to the champion of the s-game, and every year the world championship will compete for the top team, which is the highest honor of the league of legends, and the winners will get their own exclusive skin. Up to now, the League of Legends has a total of 11 times, the world championship, but from the formality of the game, in fact, the real champion should be from the S3 season to the S11 season, the S1 season and the S2 season the game is not so perfect now. These two days because it is the offseason of LPL and LCK, So, South Korean netizens, have become more and more active, and also discussed the ranking of the S3 season to S11 season championship lineup.

The "Championship Lineup Ranking Chart" is on fire, the Korean Open is hotly discussed for individual play, and the Showmaker team is inverted

The strongest player in the S3 season is faker, the focus is beyond doubt, when Li Ge, as a talented player, debuted at the peak, directly staged a picture of blood robbery and blood. The three-star team in the S4 season gave the auxiliary player Mata, in fact, I feel that in that season, the next combination is very critical. The state and play of the imp is also very stable. The strongest player in the S5 season is Marin on the single, he should be the world's most recognized first single in history for so many years, the horse head of the year really carried the skt team to win the world championship, without him skt team is very close to the end.

The "Championship Lineup Ranking Chart" is on fire, the Korean Open is hotly discussed for individual play, and the Showmaker team is inverted

The S6 season still gave faker, and indeed, in the few games that won the championship, faker's play was very eye-catching, and basically no championship was mixed. The S7 season gave Cuvee. Next is the S8 season that everyone is very concerned about, this is the first world championship in the LPL division, in the voting process, Rookie deservedly became the most critical player of the team, the second is the Ning Wang who plays the wild, the third is the the sheshy on the single, the fourth is A Shui, and the last is BaoLan. This ranking feels not too much different from what most LPL players think, and Ah Shui only had one flash of his gambled career in that year's game.

The "Championship Lineup Ranking Chart" is on fire, the Korean Open is hotly discussed for individual play, and the Showmaker team is inverted

Needless to say, the doinb of the S9 season is basically driven by him. In the vote of the S10 season, Ghost won the first place, although the Ghost Emperor was spat on by everyone, but he was really too stable in the world championship that year, and almost every game was able to play a super high output, and was not exploded. Showmaker was ranked last, which I didn't expect, but the overall strength of the combined team really didn't know where he should be ranked. Finally, the edg team of the S11 season, in the eyes of Korean players, the wild player Jiejie is the most critical, but the final MVP gave scout.

The "Championship Lineup Ranking Chart" is on fire, the Korean Open is hotly discussed for individual play, and the Showmaker team is inverted

Goodbye think

This voting ranking of the Korean Open is still more worthy of recognition, especially the S10 season and the S11 season, which are basically integrated, and the state and play of the major players in the entire world competition. Show Maker is not as strong as everyone thinks, in this year's spring game, his state fluctuations are also very large, even if he kills Faker in the line period, he has not been able to expand the advantage of the whole game, and even found the opportunity to develop by Faker.

What do you guys think of this?

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