
Gu Ailing: Really excellent people, know how to "focus"

author:Smart growth thinking

I want to say that Gu Ailing simply satisfies all my imagination of a beautiful girl.

At the age of 18, she won the gold medal in the women's grand jump in freestyle skiing! Made history with the super difficult moves of the 1620.

Gu Ailing: Really excellent people, know how to "focus"

In addition to skiing, she also loves long-distance running and basketball, gymnastics, yoga, horseback riding, football, rock climbing, archery and so on.

After watching Gu Ailing's interview, I found that excellent people are highly focused on what they love.

1. Find your interests

Gu Ailing said: "The most important thing in life for me is to find something you like and then enjoy it. ”

Gu Ailing: Really excellent people, know how to "focus"

How to find your passion, the method mentioned in "Jump" is very good:

1. Observe what you are doing in moments of special happiness that you forget the passage of time

2. Think about who you envy and what they are doing

3. Look through your web browsing history and the books you've read

4. Travel

5. Find a funny person and take you to mix

2. Focus on what you love

People who know Gu Ailing can see that she is extremely focused on doing things.

Ailing is only on the ski slopes on weekends two days a week, and she never spends more time practicing than other athletes. Under the relatively low intensity of training, to be able to stand out from the crowd, Ailing said, the key is to rely on a high degree of concentration driven by interest.

Focus shows passion for this. Ai Ling told reporters: "I will make full use of every minute on the snow field to seriously practice and study the movements." Some players inevitably want to be lazy and rest, but I don't, and I enjoy every second of training. ”

Gu Ailing: Really excellent people, know how to "focus"

Ailing also stressed that when doing any of these things, he will try to stay focused, finish efficiently, and then switch cleanly to the next thing.

3. Have a good rest

Even if she is busy, she will not joke about her body and sleep enough for 10 hours a night.

Everyone has their own rhythm of mind, it is not necessary to sleep enough for 10 hours, to ensure that the next day is energetic.

Sleeping well can effectively improve work efficiency. Gu Ailing said that when he woke up, he was in a better state in the morning, as if sleeping helped the brain complete a review.

We need to pay attention to the combination of work and leisure in everything we do, and there is no output for a period of time, which may be that we are too tired and have difficulty concentrating. It's best to stay focused when your energy is at your best, rather than relying on willpower.

Don't force yourself to improve your concentration, but "do work that requires high concentration during periods of high concentration." ”

In the new year, think about what you love most and what field you plan to work in.

Spend your time on important things, don't fool yourself, and you'll be able to do something that surprises you.

Also, no matter how busy you are, don't forget to rest. Didn't Lenin say that if you don't rest, you won't work?

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