
Too cunning! In order to draw Japan into the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the United States made a fuss about the disputed islands between Russia and Japan

author:Absolutely military

According to the Global Network, the U.S. ambassador to Japan, Emmanuel, suddenly published a video of support for Japan. Emanuel mentioned this time the issue of the South Kuril Islands, disputed islands between Russia and Japan. For a long time, Japan has been trying to get back the island from Russia, but it has never been able to achieve what it wants, so Japan has developed a series of bizarre practices, pretending that the South Kuril Islands are Japanese.

For example, a festival was set up for the South Kuril Islands to focus on publicizing related issues and trying to inculcate the idea that the South Kuril Islands belong to Japan. Before, the United States was not very enthusiastic about the issue of the South Kuril Islands, after all, when the island was first given to Russia, the United States also contributed, although the United States and Russia have always been opposed, the United States and Japan are allies, but the United States is not willing to punch itself in the face.

Too cunning! In order to draw Japan into the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the United States made a fuss about the disputed islands between Russia and Japan

In addition, the United States and Japan are ostensibly allies, but the United States has also been guarding against Japan, so it has always turned a blind eye and let Japan and Russia fight, and the United States is watching the drama next to it. Therefore, it seems very sudden that Emanuel posted a video supporting Japan, how did the United States, which has been watching the drama, suddenly start to support Japan?

After watching the video, the Japanese understood that the content of expressing support for Japan was only a small part of the beginning of the video, and after a few words, Emanuel used the territorial dispute as an excuse to pull on the situation between Russia and Ukraine, saying that Russia had gathered 100,000 soldiers on the Ukrainian border and talked about the Russian threat. After watching the video, the meaning of the United States is very clear, that is, it wants to pull Japan into the water.

Too cunning! In order to draw Japan into the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the United States made a fuss about the disputed islands between Russia and Japan

Previously, Japan has shown loyalty to the United States, and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio even expressed his willingness to cooperate with the United States military action against Russia in a video meeting with US President Biden. Since the Japanese authorities are in a hurry to get involved, the United States is naturally not polite, and hastened to take advantage of this day to promise the disputed islands to Japan so that Japan can help the United States even harder. After all, Japan is right next to Russia, and it can indeed play a role if military action is taken.

Too cunning! In order to draw Japan into the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the United States made a fuss about the disputed islands between Russia and Japan

In addition, the possibility of the United States helping Japan to seize the island by force is not ruled out, creating incidents in the east of Russia, and even provoking war, involving Russia's energy, so that Russia has no time to estimate the situation in the west. For this practice in the United States, the Japanese are more complaining. Some Japanese people have said that the United States is too cunning, and that the United States promised the South Kuril Islands to the Soviet Union in order to pull the Soviet Union off the battlefield, and now the United States, in turn, in order to pull Japan into the battlefield, has promised the South Kuril Islands to Japan.

Too cunning! In order to draw Japan into the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the United States made a fuss about the disputed islands between Russia and Japan

That is to say, the United States took things that did not belong to it and sold people's feelings at both ends, and promised the South Kuril Islands to the Soviet Union that year, and the United States fulfilled its promise, and the Soviet Union did get the South Kuril Islands, and now it uses the same chips to fool Japan, but it only moves its lips and does not pay any practical action. The Japanese certainly did not want to let Japan fight for the United States through this kind of costless business.

Too cunning! In order to draw Japan into the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the United States made a fuss about the disputed islands between Russia and Japan

Of course, whether the Japanese people are willing or not, it is difficult to influence the decision of the Kishida Fumio authorities, after all, Kishida Fumio first expressed loyalty to the United States. U.S. support for Japan is essentially a response to Japan's loyalty, trying to spur Japan to take further action. To put it bluntly, it is to give Kishida Fumio some illusions, if you show loyalty in your mouth, the benefits given by the United States are only verbal, if you express them with practical actions, can you change from the United States to substantial benefits?

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