
DTC brand independent station to build a | Shape overseas brand image and build brand competition barriers


DTC brand independent station construction

Overseas marketing has entered the era of refined operation, in order to obtain a higher brand premium, independent stations will become an important sales channel for cross-border e-commerce in the future, and brand-oriented operation is imminent. Strengthen brand marketing promotion and operation, and build a barrier to DTC brand competition.

WeBranding's senior platform construction experts and local creative teams in the United States know how to tell stories, are good at using content to create brand tone, mobilize social resources, and think about the elaboration and display of product and service content from the perspective of consumers. Create a unique website style creativity for each overseas brand, rich content display, and form a traffic matrix in an all-round way with social media operations, public relations communication, blog posts, KOL evaluation, EDM marketing, etc., to complete brand building and user precipitation.

DTC brand independent station to build a | Shape overseas brand image and build brand competition barriers

  • Benchmarking and recommendations

Using the benchmarking competition analysis method, the existing brand site/website content diagnosis is made, helping customers analyze the advantages and disadvantages, finding differentiation from brand promotion, website style, product interpretation, website structure module and other content, providing customers with website optimization suggestions and providing a theoretical basis for the subsequent independent station construction.

  • Visual style guidance

Starting from the visual and structure, we provide optimization suggestions for the style of the existing website, such as graphic and text layout, color collocation, website publicity head map and feature module design, etc., and give a visual tone that conforms to the direction of brand station construction and future development.

  • The copywriting is sorted out and integrated

Combined with the consumer's decision-making psychology, help customers unify the copywriting and framework of brand site construction, and guide language localization, establish a complete and unified content and slogans that are easy to promote, screen media reviews, user evaluations, KOL reviews and other copywriting, and sort out the content that is more suitable for customers on the home page, brand page (about us) and media page.

  • Construction and planning

Combined with the above analysis suggestions, visual guidance and copywriting integration, customized personalized brand site design planning (sitemap). The overall website content is built by a unified brand tone, while assisting customers in creating the website's first image Banner. Based on the existing brand materials, the graphics and texts required to be displayed by the module are reasonably arranged, and the application extension of future related materials such as homepage and brand page (about us) is planned.

  • UI interface design optimization

For the construction content of the brand station, the UI interface and interactive elements of the website are optimized and designed from the perspective of user experience. Combine user browsing habits with brand promotion to optimize website efficiency, improve website activity, and increase website user stickiness.

DTC brand independent station to build a | Shape overseas brand image and build brand competition barriers

Fitness equipment brand

From the brand story to the product line content to create a professional fitness website, focusing on the characteristics of home fitness products, shooting home scenes in Beverly Hills, California, and inviting local fitness experts in the United States to testify, improving the credibility of new products and helping brands quickly enter the US market during the epidemic.

DTC brand independent station to build a | Shape overseas brand image and build brand competition barriers

Kitchenware brand

We design an elegant lifestyle and brand story that conforms to the characteristics of European and American mothers, and the website fully displays the brand positioning and brand concept, focusing on the themes of "craftsman spirit", "design beauty" and "mother's love", and strengthening the emotional communication and interactive experience with consumers.

DTC brand independent station to build a | Shape overseas brand image and build brand competition barriers

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