
What is the relationship between acute pancreatitis and diabetes?

author:Sugar Man Small Class
What is the relationship between acute pancreatitis and diabetes?

During the Spring Festival, banquets and gatherings are intensive, and the incidence of acute pancreatitis also increases during this period. Acute pancreatitis puts the body in a state of stress, and stress-induced hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, and damage to β cells can lead to elevated blood sugar. Foreign studies have shown that patients with acute pancreatitis often have prediabetes or diabetes after discharge, and within 5 years after the first onset of acute pancreatitis, the risk of diabetes in patients increases more than twice, so clinical attention should be given enough.

Mild acute pancreatitis has a good prognosis and leaves no sequelae; severe prognosis is poor, and survivors will also leave different degrees of pancreatic insufficiency, so most of the secondary diabetes caused by pancreatitis cannot be cured. The pathological process of this diabetes is similar to that of type I diabetes, both because of the absolute insufficiency of insulin caused by the destruction of islet β cells, so it needs to be treated with insulin, but at the same time, due to insufficient glucagon secretion, this patient's blood sugar fluctuates greatly and is more likely to have hypoglycemic reactions.

Due to the special pathophysiology of diabetes, the risk of complications of pancreatitis is also significantly higher than that of normal people.

What is the relationship between acute pancreatitis and diabetes?

Acute pancreatitis is a variety of reasons that cause the pancreatic enzymes inside the pancreas to be activated prematurely, and the active pancreatins can dissolve and digest the pancreas itself and the tissues around the pancreas like sulfuric acid. Acute pancreatitis can not only affect the pancreas itself, but can also lead to impaired or even functional failure of other organs. Often presents with persistent abdominal pain, bloating, nausea and vomiting, and fever.

The most common causes of acute pancreatitis are cholelithiasis and biliary tract disease, followed by alcohol consumption and hypertriglyceridemia. At present, hypertriglyceridemia acute pancreatitis is increasing, and it shows a younger and more severe situation, and there is a trend of surpassing alcoholic acute pancreatitis and becoming the second largest cause.

What is the relationship between acute pancreatitis and diabetes?

How should acute pancreatitis be prevented?

First of all, the main cause of acute pancreatitis is biliary tract diseases, such as common bile duct stones, roundworms and other biliary tract diseases, biliary tract diseases should be treated as soon as possible;

Secondly, patients with hypertriglyceridemia can first reduce blood lipids through a low-fat diet and strengthen physical exercise, and if the triglycerides remain high, they need to take hypolipidemic drugs under the guidance of a doctor;

Finally, develop good eating habits, do not drink alcohol, overeating. Patients who have had alcoholic pancreatitis must abstain from alcohol.

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