
"West Street Observation" cultural output needs more "one pier is difficult to find"

author:Beijing Business Daily

Three years after his debut, he is poised to go, netizens have brought goods all over the world, video playback has exceeded 100 million, and peripheral sales have been sold out... Today's top position, no one can compare with the Beijing Winter Olympics mascot "Ice Pier".

Offline, a thousand people only seek a "pier" at night, online, netizens fancy work, everything can be "pier". The factory's sewing machines have stepped on the spark, but they still can't meet the demand for "one household and one pier" that has soared in the short term.

The popularity of the ice pier seems to be disorderly, but in fact there are traces to follow. From Japanese journalist Yoshidō Tsujioka's "No Intelligence, But There Are Ice Piers" to Prince Albert of Monaco's "Can You Pinch Another One", and skier Su Yiming's indifference, these unexpected incidents, although small, have created an inexplicable sense of contrast.

Compared with the flat pictures and the introduction of the board and the introduction, the natural expression of formal occasions is more likely to stimulate curiosity, with a serious contrast of cuteness, but also more able to stimulate the audience's beautiful imagination of the ice pier.

In addition to the goods from the outside world, as for the ice pier itself, it also firmly grasped the traffic password. Carmen video, shaking snow GIF, the cute attack of a round, chubby and Q-bomb giant panda, who can bear it? From enclosure self-cuteness to national pursuit, it is also inseparable from the two creations of the brain opening, and the emoji of the brush screen has both cute and funny points, which gives the ice pier more grounded and personality-colored communication genes.

Three-dimensional and abundant image, no language, no gender, across national borders, ice piers have become phenomenal network memes, which is precisely the display of the Olympic spirit at the cultural level.

The ice pier is not a classmate without a story. "Ice" symbolizes purity and strength, which is in line with the characteristics of the Winter Olympic Games; "pier" means thick, healthy, lively and cute, which not only fits the overall image of the giant panda, but also symbolizes the strong body, tenacious will and inspiring Olympic spirit of the Winter Olympic athletes.

Taking Tianwen-1 to land on Mars, landing on the moon with Chang'e-5 to sample, visiting the Expo, touring the Service Trade Fair, and the experience of the ice pier also runs through the unique Chinese cultural context. Under the pure and hard shell, there is a soft and warm heart, and with such a lovely ice pier as the carrier, the Beijing Winter Olympics will release a signal of friendship and enthusiasm to the outside world.

Although the cute thing is small, it can invisibly exert a powerful power to unite people's hearts and minds, and become a memory symbol shared by the whole world. With the fire of the ice pier all over the world, the export of Chinese culture has also come naturally.

When people at home and abroad are in close contact with the ice pier, the affinity and self-confidence carried by the latter are also telling the world about a real and warm China; when Japanese journalists such as Tsujioka Yoshido become the fanatical fans of the ice pier, they also respond to the love shown to the world by this ancient nation. Under the two-way rush, the ice pier as the mascot of the Winter Olympic Games, the mission is to meet the standard.

Riding the wind of the Winter Olympics, the ice piers do not worry about KPIs. With the increase in production capacity, "one pier per capita" is sooner or later, but in order to continue to hold the traffic password, it also needs meticulous operation and long-term planning, such as interactive requirements, mysterious protection, and IP development linkage, in order to ensure that the ice pier from a moment of Internet celebrity to long red.

It is easy for a "pier" to burst into red, and it is difficult for many "piers" to go out of the circle. The cultural export of the ice pier has an accidental side, but it needs to be inevitable. With the world-known cultural business card as the carrier, the contrast of the grounded gas as the drainage method, and the national carnival as the communication channel, the output path of Chinese culture is more clear in the "dun dun fever". Tell the Story of China well, starting with more "ice piers".

Beijing Business Daily commentator Tang Yitian

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