
Chatting downstairs, 2 octogenarians were diagnosed

author:Jinan Life Channel

Since its discovery in November 2021, Omi kerong has rapidly swept the world with its strong spread power and become the dominant epidemic strain in the world. Multinational epidemiological data suggest that the transmission capacity of the Omikejong variant is enhanced compared with other variants. The World Health Organization's 23 December 2021 briefing on Omikeron showed a household renewal rate of 15.8 percent, up from 10.3 percent in Delta. It was first imported into Hong Kong on 27 November 2021 and was first imported into the mainland on 9 December 2021. In January 2022, Hangzhou took on Omi kerong for the first time.

Experts from the Hangzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention found that two octogenarians were distressed when combing through the chain of transmission of the epidemic.

Insufficient awareness of protection

Octogenarians are unfortunately infected with covid-19

The 83-year-old grandmother and the 85-year-old wife Grandpa Fu live together, the couple usually rarely leave the community, the most important activity every day is to chat with the old people in the same building on the stone table and stone bench downstairs. Like many residents of the community, the two elderly people did not have the awareness of wearing masks correctly when chatting on a daily basis. After the outbreak of the epidemic, a number of cases were confirmed in their communities, and two elderly people were also diagnosed positive, becoming the oldest patients in this round of the epidemic.

Experts from the Hangzhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention remind that although the epidemic has achieved phased results and various localities are gradually unsealing, the public's awareness of prevention cannot be discounted, and it is necessary to continue to do a good job of not gathering, wearing masks, and washing hands frequently.

As a mutant strain, Omikeron is transmitted in a similar way to Delta, with droplet transmission, contact transmission, and aerosol transmission. Omi kerong is more infectious, but not gathering, wearing masks, and washing hands frequently are still the most effective ways to block the spread of the virus. Even when the full vaccination and vaccination of the booster needle are completed, it is necessary to reduce gatherings and wear masks in indoor public places, public transportation and other places.

Wear a mask

To remember, but also to regulate

1. Before wearing a mask, wash your hands and choose a mask of the appropriate size (children can choose a child's size).

2. Judge the inner and outer layers of the mask: In general, the waterproof layer of the mask (generally blue) faces outward on one side, the non-woven fabric (generally white) faces inward, and the side with the metal strip faces up.

3. If you choose a lace-up mask, tie the straps on the top of your head and behind your neck, and if you choose a hanging ear mask, wrap the rubber band around your ears so that the mask is close to your face.

4. Unfold the mask and completely cover the mouth, nose and chin.

5. Press the metal strips of the mask along the sides of the bridge of the nose so that the mask is close to the face.

6. After wearing the mask, avoid touching the mask.

7. If you must touch the mask, wash your hands thoroughly before and after touching it.

There is a risk of spillover from the outbreak in these areas

The latest research and judgment of the National Health Commission

Yesterday afternoon, the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council held a press conference to introduce the epidemic prevention and control work during and after the Spring Festival.

Chatting downstairs, 2 octogenarians were diagnosed

  • During the Spring Festival, the overall epidemic situation across the country remained stable, and the locally sporadic cluster epidemic situation was quickly and effectively handled, some have been controlled, and some are still in the process of disposal.
  • The epidemic situation in Beijing and Tianjin tends to be controlled as a whole, the epidemic situation in Heihe, Heilongjiang has reported 7 cases of infection, the virus sequence results of the infected people show that they are Omilon mutant strains, this epidemic is a new source of imported from abroad caused by the local epidemic, the infected people are more active before being controlled, there is a certain risk of transmission and spillover.
  • The epidemic in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, has affected 9 cities in 3 provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi and Hunan, of which the epidemic situation in Yunfu, Huizhou, Meizhou, Heyuan and other places in Guangdong has been controlled.
  • On February 6, two cases of infection were found in the control area of Shenzhen, indicating that the epidemic still has the risk of spreading. The epidemic affecting Guangxi Baise is in a rapidly rising stage, about 80% of the infected people in this epidemic live in the same natural village, the spatial aggregation is obvious, due to the long time of hidden transmission in the community, the trajectory of personnel activities, coupled with the large mobility of personnel during the Spring Festival, the risk of further spread and spread is relatively high, it is necessary to complete the screening and control of risk personnel, accelerate the speed of nucleic acid screening in the risk area, and find the source of infection in the community as soon as possible.
  • The spillover cases infected from Guangxi Baise to Nanning, Guangxi and Guangzhou, Guangdong, had many trajectories of activities before being controlled, and there was a risk of spillover from the spread of the epidemic.
  • Only one case has been reported in Shaoyang, Hunan, and the overall risk is not large at present, but it needs to be paid close attention.
  • The Working Group of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council has sent a working group to Guangxi at the first time to establish a flat command system with the local government, promote the implementation of measures such as regional nucleic acid screening, circulation traceability, and investigation of risk groups, and control the epidemic situation as soon as possible.

Increase 1 control area and reduce 1!

In the early hours of this morning, Shandong Cdtec released the latest tips

At 2:00 a.m. today, Shandong CDC issued public health tips for epidemic prevention and control. After comparison, the reporter found that compared with yesterday, the area under control has increased to Nanning, Guangxi, and reduced Xinjiang's Ili.

Recently, there have been local confirmed cases of new crown pneumonia and asymptomatic infected people in many parts of the country, and the situation of prevention and control is grim and complicated. In order to effectively control and reduce the risk of the spread of the new crown epidemic, the Shandong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued public health tips for epidemic prevention and control:

1. Personnel entering (returning) from Nanning, Heihe, Baise, Huizhou, Yunfu, Hengshui, Dongguan, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Baoding, Langfang, Mudanjiang, Xishuangbanna, Beijing, Tianjin and other areas where the epidemic has occurred, please bring a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours, and then conduct a nucleic acid test after arriving at the destination; Those who have recently arrived at their destination from the above areas, please take the initiative to report to the community (village), accommodation hotel and unit, conduct 2 nucleic acid tests (24 hours apart) within 3 days according to regulations, continue to self-health monitoring for 7 days, and please do personal protection when you need to go out. If symptoms such as fever, dry cough, nasal congestion, runny nose, fatigue, sore throat, decreased sense of smell (taste), conjunctivitis, myalgia, diarrhea, etc., are reported immediately and go to a fever clinic with a detailed epidemiological history.

2. Personnel from counties (cities, districts, banners) where medium- and high-risk areas are located are temporarily suspended from coming to Lulu. If you really need to come to Lulu, you will be subjected to 7 days of centralized isolation and 7 days of home health monitoring after arrival. Personnel who have arrived within 14 days before the announcement of medium- and high-risk areas shall be subject to health management until 14 days after arrival, and two nucleic acid tests (with an interval of 24 hours) within the first 3 days after follow-up, and will not go out or gather unless they return home.

3. Personnel from other counties (cities, districts, banners) at the level of the city where the medium- and high-risk areas are located do not have to come to Lulu unless necessary. Those who really need to come to Lulu must hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours and undergo a nucleic acid test after arrival. Personnel who have arrived within 14 days before the announcement of medium- and high-risk areas will be tested twice (with an interval of 24 hours).

Fourth, airports and port areas have direct contact with inbound personnel or goods service support personnel, isolation places, designated hospitals, fever clinics, cold chain related enterprises and other high-risk positions to avoid coming to Lu, really need to enter (return) Lu must meet the need to leave the job for more than 14 days and hold a 48-hour nucleic acid test negative certificate, and 3 days in advance to the destination community (village residence), after returning home non-essential do not go out, do not gather.

5. Personnel with a history of living in a land border port city in the past 14 days should hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours and conduct a nucleic acid test after arrival.

6. For those who have recently traveled abroad, please pay close attention to the trajectory information and medium- and high-risk area information of cases and asymptomatic infected people published in the areas where the epidemic occurred. Close contacts, sub-close contacts, persons whose spatio-temporal trajectories overlap with the activities of positive infected persons, persons who have visited or passed through medium- and high-risk areas, and accompanying personnel at the same time should immediately report to communities (villages), accommodation hotels and units, and cooperate with the implementation of isolation medical observation.

7. Strictly restrict travel to medium- and high-risk areas and the county (city, district) where they are located, and do not travel to other counties (cities, districts) of the city where the medium- and high-risk areas are located, unless it is necessary; Personnel in high-risk positions should try to avoid travel, and those who really need to travel must meet the requirements of leaving the job for more than 14 days and hold a negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours, and report to the unit where they are located; Fever patients, health code "yellow code" and other personnel should perform personal protection responsibilities, actively cooperate with health monitoring and nucleic acid testing, and do not travel until the risk of infection is excluded.

8. It is recommended to inquire about the latest epidemic prevention and control policies of the destination through the Chinese government website and the State Council client mini program in advance before traveling, actively cooperate with local epidemic prevention and control measures, and do a good job of personal protection on the way.

IX. Strictly implement personal protective measures such as "wearing masks, washing hands frequently, taking temperatures frequently, and gathering less", and develop good personal hygiene habits. Once symptoms such as fever, cough, and fatigue occur, immediately go to a fever clinic in a medical institution and avoid taking public transportation as much as possible.

10. It is recommended that eligible members of the public be vaccinated against the new crown virus throughout the process, and advocate enhanced immunization for the public who have completed the full immunization for 6 months.

There are 5+54 high school risk areas in the country

Chatting downstairs, 2 octogenarians were diagnosed

Jinan Life Channel

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