
Blood sugar goes up and down, remember 12 words to help you stabilize it

author:Taoyuan Community Health Service Center

The Spring Festival is the most important festival of the year in Chinese.

During the Spring Festival, eating more and moving less, staying up late to keep vigil, playing cards and chatting, is bound to cause the blood sugar of diabetics to rise and fall like a roller coaster, and sometimes even severe hypoglycemia.

Blood sugar control is not good, remember four points, be a sugar control master.

Blood sugar goes up and down, remember 12 words to help you stabilize it

Shut your mouth

Food is a complicated matter, and everyone's preferences are different, and their reactions to food are also different. "Honey A, Arsenic B", no one can give a recipe suitable for all "sugar friends". Especially during the New Year, the dishes on the feast are more abundant, and there is no way to eat a thousand people, but in general, there are some principles that can be followed.

Diabetics should try to eat regularly and quantitatively, estimate the energy needed every day according to their weight, activity, etc., and distribute these energy proportionally to three meals a day.

Our body follows the circadian rhythm of nature, glucose tolerance also exists in the circadian rhythm, most people in the morning is higher than the afternoon and evening, so a little more energy intake in the morning and a little less in the evening is more beneficial to metabolic health. Consider allocating 50%, 30%, and 20% of daily energy.

Eating and treating on time will help to control blood sugar more smoothly and also facilitate the adjustment of treatment plans.

In the order of eating, it is recommended to drink soup first, then eat vegetarian dishes, meat dishes, and finally eat staple foods. Eating in this way is good for lowering postprandial blood sugar.

Cooking methods can be more choices of steaming, boiling, stewing, pouring, mixing, avoid frying, frying and braising. Doing so reduces the intake of oil and fat.

The choice of food should pay attention to diversification, nutritional balance, meat and vegetarian collocation. It is recommended that the daily carbohydrate energy supply ratio is 45% to 60%, and try to choose foods rich in dietary fiber (the finer the food processing, the less dietary fiber content).

In the case of the same amount of food intake, choosing foods with low energy and low glycemic index is more conducive to blood sugar control.

Step out of the legs

Eating and moving in combination helps to better control blood sugar. Sedentary is harmful, and diabetics should develop the habit of exercising regularly.

The study found that as long as you get up from sitting for a long time, you should get up and move every 30 minutes of sitting. Among them, the ability to lower blood sugar is the strongest.

In addition, simple resistance movement can provide similar benefits to slow walking. For elderly obese patients, anti-resistance exercise combined with aerobic exercise has a better effect on improving insulin resistance.

It is recommended that diabetics participate in at least 150 minutes of moderate to high-intensity aerobic exercise per week, or at least 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise per week, and perform 2 to 3 groups of anti-resistance exercise per week. The intensity of exercise varies from person to person, step by step, and it is appropriate to take the heartbeat during exercise, the speed of breathing but not rapidity, or the degree to which you can speak and cannot sing during exercise. Exercise time is recommended after 1 hour after a meal, which can help control blood sugar and prevent unsafe events such as hypoglycemia.

Measure blood glucose

Regular self-glucose monitoring and recording helps sugar friends to detect blood glucose abnormalities in a timely manner and can provide useful information for the adjustment of treatment options.

There are many differences between the New Year and the usual life, such as more energy intake, irregular work and rest time, etc., which will lead to fluctuations in blood sugar, so it is recommended that diabetics pay attention to blood glucose monitoring.

The timing of blood glucose monitoring includes random blood glucose before meals, 2 hours after meals, before bedtime, midnight, and other time points (especially if there are symptoms of hypoglycemia).

Patients with different conditions can flexibly choose the time and frequency of blood glucose monitoring according to their own conditions: patients with good blood glucose control can measure blood glucose 1 day to 2 days a week and 2 hours after meals; patients with poor blood glucose control are best able to monitor blood glucose all day 4 days to 7 days a week, 4 to 7 times a day; patients with high risk of hypoglycemia should pay attention to midnight blood glucose, preprandial blood glucose and immediate blood glucose when there are symptoms of hypoglycemia.

Use the right medicine

The treatment of diabetes mellitus is a combination of treatments. On the basis of dietary control and regular exercise, the correct and regular application of hypoglycemic drugs can obtain better therapeutic effects. It should be noted that so far, diabetes is still an incurable disease, so there is no cure for diabetes, so do not blindly chase the so-called "ancestral secret recipe" and "foreign advanced technology", diabetics must go to regular hospitals for examination and treatment, so as to safely and effectively control blood sugar.

If the blood glucose fluctuates greatly during the holiday, you can go to the outpatient clinic to adjust the treatment plan, or you can consult a professional doctor online through the Internet to avoid adjusting the antidiabetic drugs yourself.

The author | Pei Lina, Department of Endocrinology, Shengjing Hospital, China Medical University

Audit | expert of the National Health Science Popularization Expert Database

Liu Cong, Professor and Chief Physician of the Department of Endocrinology, Shengjing Hospital, China Medical University

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