
How to choose the body color? It turns out that there are actually so many ways to go!

【Snail Car Selection】No. 170, also the first issue of the Year of the Tiger! According to traditional Chinese sayings, the Lantern Festival has not passed, it is considered to be the New Year, so this year we have to find a lighter topic. Just a few days ago, a friend bought a car, the car was selected, but to the selection of color link, but entangled, let me give advice. In this era of personalization, a car can choose more and more colors for you, more and more fancy, it is indeed dazzling, it is really difficult to choose, how to do it?

How to choose the body color? It turns out that there are actually so many ways to go!

First of all, of course, it is up to your own heart, if there is a color that you particularly like, even if it is deviant, even if others oppose, I think you can not worry, this is the real car of yours. So, if you don't have a special color preference, you can also ask your family if they have a special favorite, so that they can be happy.

None of the above, so let's get down to the point. Although there is no difference between different body colors, there are actually different influences when using cars. At least I have to let you know:

How to choose the body color? It turns out that there are actually so many ways to go!

First, the issue of retention rate. From the color point of view, the highest retention rate of second-hand is the most common black, white and silver gray, because they are also the most common, the highest proportion of car colors; and the more rare and personalized color, correspondingly, the retention rate will often be slightly lower, no way, second-hand car dealers are never considering personality and aesthetics, but the problem of good shots.

How to choose the body color? It turns out that there are actually so many ways to go!

Second, security. Many statistics have shown that bright colors, the accident rate will be lower, the reason is very simple, easy to be noticed, especially the rear-end. For example, the yellow system, which is used as a warning color in nature, and the bright red system with its own reminder function, and the highest accident rate is black. Of course, the headlights and taillights of the new cars are very eye-catching, so the impact of color on safety is not so great, and you don't have to pay too much attention.

How to choose the body color? It turns out that there are actually so many ways to go!

Third, it is the dirt resistance index. This is important for lazy people, like me. So all my own cars, I wouldn't choose a dark car. That's right, the lighter the color of the car, the more resistant it is to dirt, especially white and silver gray. White car you do not wash for a long time, as long as you do not look closely, nor violate the harmony, falling on a layer of ash, people at first glance think it is a special milky white; and silver gray has its own slight scratch invisible function, small scratches do not have to be managed, you do not look carefully, really do not pay attention to; on the contrary, if you buy a black, or dark blue such a dark car, you must have to wash frequently, you do not look at them in the 4S exhibition hall when shining, you put a week without washing to try.

How to choose the body color? It turns out that there are actually so many ways to go!

The fourth is the cost of repair. Now many new cars will introduce some very special or very textured personality colors, such as a variety of pearl paint and matte paint and so on. They are indeed beautiful, but you have to know that this kind of paint due to special processes or materials, you will find that it will be much more expensive than ordinary paint if you damage the paint in the future; and third-party repair shops often can't be exactly the same, so you can only go to the official 4S shop, where the repair price, you know.

How to choose the body color? It turns out that there are actually so many ways to go!

OK, after analyzing the four dry goods about the body color, I will distribute the personal experience: light car is large, dark car is small, so if you are a small car, you may wish to give priority to light color, especially white series; in addition, the car is low, smooth shape, very suitable for some bright or bright colors; but tall, thick SUV, I recommend you still choose regular and low-key colors, so that it will appear more atmospheric. I remember a former colleague bought a fiery red Wrangler, and as a result, he was jokingly called "saving the train" by his friends.

How to choose the body color? It turns out that there are actually so many ways to go!

In addition, if you really can't make up your mind, and you are more picky, you can go to find the manufacturer's advertising and promotional posters about this car, the color on it should be its main color, and often the color that the designer feels best represents the design and style of the car;

Finally, in fact, buy a car now, you really don't have to worry too much about the color selection, if you don't like it, or get tired later, you can paste a full car color film, the price is not expensive, and the changes made by the car management are also very simple. The key is to have more fun ha. OK, the Year of the Tiger, see you in the next issue!

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