
Station B denied tampering with the overtime records of sudden death employees, the whistleblower: has received a lawyer's letter

Three words of finance and economics on February 9 news, today, "B station employee sudden death" whistleblower workplace blogger "Wang Luobei" posted, received fan submissions that B station every month scheduling and attendance has a first version of the table and the final version of the class table, the submission fans said that they saw the company will "Twilight Wood Heart" in the attendance of the overtime deleted. And the support and duty in the company's announcement, as well as working from home, are not counted as working hours, no labor remuneration is paid, and employees are required to be on standby 24 hours a day.

Station B denied tampering with the overtime records of sudden death employees, the whistleblower: has received a lawyer's letter

According to the chat records provided by the whistleblower, the deceased had worked overtime in the week before his death, but station B said in the first statement that he did not work overtime in the week before his death. The schedule provided by the whistleblower showed that the overtime records of the deceased had been tampered with, but Station B claimed that it had not been tampered with.

In the early morning of this morning, Wang Luobei also revealed that he had received a lawyer letter entrusted by Station B, but he did not disclose the specific content of the lawyer's letter.

Here is the full text:

Station B denied tampering with the overtime records of sudden death employees, the whistleblower: has received a lawyer's letter

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