
The graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University rushed to the hot search, and the president's message was very profound

Source: Guangming Network

26 June at 8 a.m

Tsinghua University 2021 Graduate Graduation Ceremony

Held in the Tsinghua East University playground after the rain

The graduates wore Tsinghua's new degree uniforms

Wear a personal, bespoke souvenir badge

Gather on the green field

The graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University rushed to the hot search, and the president's message was very profound

The graduation ceremony was broadcast live

At @Tsinghua University at the same time

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The graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University rushed to the hot search, and the president's message was very profound

Netizens have said

New version of the degree uniform

It's so pretty!

The graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University rushed to the hot search, and the president's message was very profound
The graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University rushed to the hot search, and the president's message was very profound
The graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University rushed to the hot search, and the president's message was very profound
The graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University rushed to the hot search, and the president's message was very profound
The graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University rushed to the hot search, and the president's message was very profound
The graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University rushed to the hot search, and the president's message was very profound
The graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University rushed to the hot search, and the president's message was very profound

The reporter learned from the scene

Approved by Tsinghua Degree Evaluation Committee

The decision was considered and adopted at five plenary meetings

3168 doctoral degrees were awarded

5650 master's degrees were awarded

The graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University rushed to the hot search, and the president's message was very profound
The graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University rushed to the hot search, and the president's message was very profound
The graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University rushed to the hot search, and the president's message was very profound
The graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University rushed to the hot search, and the president's message was very profound

Other than that

Through Tsinghua 2020-2021 academic year

The 24th School Council meeting discussed the decision

Awarded to 87 doctoral graduates

and 78 master's degree graduates

Outstanding Doctoral/Master Graduate Title

The graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University rushed to the hot search, and the president's message was very profound
The graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University rushed to the hot search, and the president's message was very profound
The graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University rushed to the hot search, and the president's message was very profound
The graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University rushed to the hot search, and the president's message was very profound

"Students, you have witnessed the chinese strength of moving forward courageously in the wind and rain, witnessed the new Tsinghua style of the Endeavor China Humanities Day, and you have also withstood the severe test of the new crown pneumonia epidemic." Tsinghua President Qiu Yong said at tsinghua's 2021 graduate graduation ceremony, "I believe that you will continue to work hard and grow in the years to come, and you will become outstanding talents who can shoulder great responsibilities." ”

"In the face of a future full of infinite opportunities and challenges, you must conform to the general trend, live up to the times, and let the youth bloom in the unremitting struggle for the motherland, the people, and mankind." Qiu Yong sent a message to the graduates that they should see the situation clearly, cultivate themselves and reason, and integrate their personal lives into the torrent of history; they should seek great things according to the situation, seek great causes, and cultivate the broad-minded ambition of taking the world as their own responsibility; they should take advantage of the situation, only strive for the day, and achieve the height of life in the practical work of deeds that are better than words.

Qiu Yong hopes that graduates will remember that the life that has been integrated into the vast history will never wither, and the individuals who have devoted themselves to great causes will always be remembered. He also hoped that the graduates would "not be a one-size-fits-all conspiracy, but have the ambition of the world," have the "great power of the country" in their hearts, love the people of the world, and realize their lofty ambitions in their sincere dedication to the motherland and the people; grasp the present, cherish Shaohua, and be brave enough to be the trendsetters of the times with firm and resolute boldness, unswerving determination, and down-to-earth action.

The graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University rushed to the hot search, and the president's message was very profound

Tsinghua President Qiu Yong. Courtesy of Tsinghua University

Attached: Speech by Qiu Yong, President of Tsinghua University, at the 2021 Graduate Graduation Ceremony

Dear students, teachers, relatives and friends, guests,

Today is a particularly memorable day. First of all, on behalf of the school, I would like to express my warm congratulations to more than 8,000 students who have obtained doctoral and master's degrees! Thank you to your parents and teachers for your hard work!

2021 is a special and important year. On April 19, on the eve of the 110th anniversary of Tsinghua University, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the university to inspect and deliver an important speech. The general secretary pointed out: "Contemporary Chinese youth are a generation that walks in the same direction and advances together with the new era, and is born in a prosperous world and shoulders heavy responsibilities. "Students, you have witnessed the chinese strength of moving forward courageously in the wind and rain, witnessed the new Tsinghua style of the Endeavor China Humanities Day, and you have also withstood the severe test of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. Dzovor Yvonne Sefakor, a master's student in the Department of Engineering and Physics from Ghana, could not return to school due to the epidemic, and she overcame the 8-hour time difference to insist on online classes. At the critical stage of her master's thesis research, she unfortunately contracted the new crown pneumonia. Enduring the pain of constant high fever and even losing her sense of taste, she insisted on carrying out academic research and completed the thesis work excellently while overcoming the disease, which was rated as an excellent master's degree thesis of Tsinghua University. We like Yvonne, and we like every student who has been tested and surpassed herself! Students, you have also experienced the process of deepening the reform of academic evaluation in the school, and breaking the "five onlys" has made you no longer anxious about the number of papers published. Gui Zhengping, a doctoral student in the Department of Mathematics, did not chase hot spots, did not meet the research of small problems, produced fast results, and worked hard to do beautiful and profound mathematics, and achieved innovative results in the mathematical structure of quantum field theory. Students, you have worked hard and harvested growth in Tsinghua Garden. I believe that you will continue to work hard and grow in the years to come, and you will surely become outstanding talents who can afford great responsibilities!

Self-improvement achieves excellence, and innovation shapes the future. The 110th anniversary of the school comprehensively presents the rich historical accumulation of Tsinghua for more than 100 years and the new atmosphere created by the reform and development of the new era. At the school celebration party, the alumni reported to their alma mater with dedication and achievements in serving the motherland and the people, showing the effectiveness of Tsinghua Lide tree people and the value pursuit of Tsinghua people. At the Global Forum of University Presidents, Tsinghua advocated the construction of a more open, more integrated and more resilient university and promoted the formation of the Tsinghua Consensus, highlighting Tsinghua's sense of leadership and international influence. At the "University" series of forums, Tsinghua teachers and students rethinked the significance, value and mission of the university in a changing world, reflecting tsinghua's educational realm. Over the past 110 years, Tsinghua has always breathed with the country and the nation, shared the same destiny, rooted in the land of China, grasped the general trend of the times, and achieved a historic leap in the construction of a world-class university with Chinese characteristics.

The world is in full swing, and the soup is vast. Potential refers to the tendency of things to show a certain law in the process of development, originating from the internal dynamics of the thing itself, developing in the favorable conditions of the external environment, and accumulating small into large and weak into strong under the continuous interaction of internal and external factors, and finally becoming a force that promotes the development of things in a certain direction. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Historical development has its laws, but people are not completely passive in it. As long as we grasp the law and general trend of historical development, seize the opportunity of historical change, go with the flow, and work hard, we will be able to advance better. "In the face of a future full of infinite opportunities and challenges, you must conform to the general trend, live up to the times, and let the youth bloom in the unremitting struggle for the motherland, the people and mankind."

It is necessary to perceive the situation and understand, cultivate oneself and reason, and integrate personal life into the torrent of history. To observe the situation is to keenly perceive the law of the occurrence and evolution of things in complex and changeable situations, and to draw the power of thought and the power of truth in the process of "investigating the time of heaven and man, through the changes of ancient and modern times". "Where the truth is, it is attached." The degree of cognitive understanding of the situation reflects people's wisdom and literacy, and also determines the direction and pattern of life. More than 100 years ago, from the victory of the October Revolution, the advanced elements in China saw the general trend of the times of the vigorous rise of socialism, and found Marxism in the arduous search for salvation and survival. Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out: "The time has come! The tide of the world is rolling more urgently! "In 1921, the Communist Party of China was founded, and the sun rose in the east, breaking new ground. The CPC has led the Chinese people to stubbornly resist, fight with blood, be angry and strive to be strong, and advance with the times, which has profoundly changed the future and destiny of the Chinese nation, profoundly changed the trend and pattern of world development, and created an immortal monument. "He does not judge the power of the world first, but it is difficult to respond to the affairs of the world." Firmly grasping the law of historical development can fundamentally reshape the spirit and destiny of a person, a country, and a nation. Students, I hope you will remember that the life that has been integrated into the vast history will never fade, and the individuals who have devoted themselves to great causes will always be remembered.

It is necessary to seek a great cause according to the situation, and cultivate the ambition of taking the world as its own responsibility. Comrade Li Dazhao said that young people should "make efforts based on their rationality, go forward without looking behind, turn their backs on darkness and turn to light, and enter civilization for the world and create happiness for mankind." In accordance with the situation, we must conform to social development and the progress of the times, and plan a lofty and firm life and cause. We must have the belief of "coming for a big thing and doing a big thing", not following the trend, wavering, not drawing camps, and small wealth is safe. Mr. Wu Liangyong, Professor of Tsinghua University, winner of the Highest National Science and Technology Award, and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is the founder of Chinese Environmental Science. When New China was founded, he was studying in the United States, and the four words in Mr. Liang Sicheng's letter, "a hundred wastes to be rebuilt," made him resolutely and resolutely break through many obstacles to return to the motherland and return to Tsinghua. Mr. Wu Liangyong, with the deep feelings of "ten million houses in Ande Guangsha, sheltering the world from the cold and the happy faces", has spent his whole life to "seek ten thousand homes" to achieve the beautiful ideal of "letting the whole society have a good living environment in harmony with nature, and letting people live on the earth poetically and picturesquely". Students, I hope that you will "not be a one-size-fits-all strategy, but have the ambition of the world", have the "great power of the country" in your hearts, love the people of the world, and realize your lofty ambitions in your sincere dedication to the motherland and the people.

We must take advantage of the momentum, only fight for the day, and achieve the height of life in the practical work that is better than words. The opportunities of history pass by suddenly, and those who never wait for all those who hesitate, watch, and slack off, and those who hesitate to move forward and watch empty talk, can only leave behind the regret of "having ambitions but doing nothing, and having no achievements." Mencius said, "Although there is wisdom, it is better to take advantage of the situation." Riding on the momentum is the indomitable progress of "only knowing to leap forward, only knowing the male to fly", the courageous progress of striving for the upstream and pursuing excellence, and the self-driving force of constantly climbing the peak. In 1958, Tsinghua University seized the major opportunity of the country's development of atomic energy and took the initiative to prepare for the establishment of an atomic energy science experimental base ("No. 200"). A group of young people with an average age of only 23 and a half years old shouted the heroic slogan of "using our hands to create the spring of the motherland's atomic energy industry", and in 1964, China's first independently designed and operated shielding test reactor was built. In the 1980s, nuclear safety became a hot spot in the world, and the "No. 200" people seized the opportunity and led innovation, and in 2000 built the world's first modular high-temperature gas-cooled experimental reactor with inherent safety. The British philosopher Bacon said: "The golden age is in front of us, not behind us". Students, I hope that you will grasp the present, cherish Shaohua, and be brave to be the tide of the times with firm and resolute courage, unrelenting determination and down-to-earth action.

"Jun Xingwu is a song for the sake of the Hao, and the Kunpeng strikes the waves from the beginning." The times and the situation are always on the right side of history, and the times and the times are always on the side of the young people who are vigorous and uplifting. Students, I believe that you will be able to make great achievements in the era of great achievements, understand the great trend, seek great things, and be committed to pursuing a more high-level, more realm, and more tasteful life. I also believe that you will be able to ride on the most beautiful years of your life, shake the wings of the clouds in the sky, and open up the journey of thousands of miles!

Tsinghua Garden is the place where dreams are nurtured and where life sets sail. Students, today is a day to be loved. I hope you will remember that Tsinghua will always be your warm home!

Editor-in-charge: Yue Pei Editor: Gao Yutong

Source: The Paper, @Tsinghua University, netizen comments

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