
Sanxingdui excavation, archaeologists used high technology, experts hung "Weiya"

Chinese civilization up and down five thousand years, in this long years, a large number of valuable cultural relics, are buried in the site, Sanxingdui site is one of the classics, there are too many unsolved mysteries about it, everything about it is so attractive, the process of excavation of the site is also very interesting, and even experts have hung up "Weiya", what is going on? Let me reveal the secrets to you.

Sanxingdui excavation, archaeologists used high technology, experts hung "Weiya"
Sanxingdui excavation, archaeologists used high technology, experts hung "Weiya"

In the 1980s, the Sanxingdui site finally ushered in large-scale excavations, thanks to the spirit of mainland archaeologists who are not afraid of hardship, and it is also a manifestation of the mainland's emphasis on cultural relics. In 2021, when we look back on this history of thirty or forty years ago, we still feel very moved, especially the old photos, which look so close and so natural. In one of the most famous photos, the picture is a thin little girl, in the second pit, cleaning up the excavated cultural relics, so many gay men, only one little girl is working by herself, is it bullying the little girl?

The answer, of course, is no, and the truth of the matter is that some work can only be done by this girl. At that time, when excavating the No. 2 sacrifice pit of the Sanxingdui site, 90% of the male comrades participated in the archaeology, and for the archaeological community, the proportion of men was greater. The key to this answer is only two words – weight.

Sanxingdui excavation, archaeologists used high technology, experts hung "Weiya"

Due to the limited level of science and technology at that time, archaeological work almost always adopted the most primitive pit method, but when the pit was excavated, it had to touch the ground where the cultural relics were located, in other words, the staff was likely to directly contact the cultural relics, which was obviously impossible to allow in the eyes of modern archaeologists, but this was the truth at the time. Therefore, in order to prevent damage to cultural relics, almost all of them let thinner women go down to the pit to explore, because their hands are light, their bodies are light, their hands are light, their hands are light, and their hands are light, and their bodies are light, they will not step on cultural relics.

Sanxingdui excavation, archaeologists used high technology, experts hung "Weiya"

From a historical point of view, more than forty years is a short time, but the speed of development of science and technology is far beyond everyone's imagination, and now we have entered the intelligent, electronic devices have been highly popular, and all changes are turned upside down. In March of this year, the good news came from the Sanxingdui ruins: six new sacrificial pits were discovered in the Sanxingdui ruins group.

How should we dig this time? This practical problem is in front of the panel of experts, and of course the principle cannot be changed: everything possible must be made to reduce the damage to cultural relics. But what can we do to that end? Is it still like 40 years ago, let the lighter girls get out of the pit? If this is the case, what is the significance of the development of science and technology for the archaeological community?

Sanxingdui excavation, archaeologists used high technology, experts hung "Weiya"

In this excavation work, in order not to destroy cultural relics and not to trample on the filled soil near the cultural relics, in addition to selecting relatively light weight staff, a multi-functional archaeological operation platform has also been introduced, which can not only carry people to suspend and clean up fragile cultural relics, but also load cultural relics out of the pit. This archaeological platform is equipped with mechanical hanging baskets, and archaeologists can either crouch or lie on it, and can clean up the soil layer and excavate cultural relics without touching the ground. Because the body was "hung" in the hanging basket, some people said: "Experts are really fighting, archaeology still has to hang Weah!" ”

Sanxingdui excavation, archaeologists used high technology, experts hung "Weiya"

Wenlan Hairun Studio Editor-in-Chief Wen Xiucai, this article is written by: Special History Writer: Jin Xiaozhou

Source: 1. "Complete Record of Cultural Relics Unearthed in Sanxingdui", Sichuan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology; published by Tiandi Publishing House

2. "Sanxingdui Culture" by Zou Yiqing; published by Sichuan People's Publishing House

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