
Beyond Kobe Bryant? James is poised! He is expected to set a new record in Lakers history tomorrow

James made a comeback in the last game against the Knicks, and today James said in an interview that he feels very good and will continue to receive treatment for the next 24 hours. Although James has returned, the Lakers have been very cautious about his injury. In the past two seasons, James has suffered a lot of injuries, and last season, The elder Zhan took a lot of games off because of injuries. James is 37 years old, the physical consumption is greater than ever, and it is possible to keep James's healthy Lakers have the possibility of rushing to the crown.

Beyond Kobe Bryant? James is poised! He is expected to set a new record in Lakers history tomorrow

Injury concerns aside, James' recent form has been very impressive. In the last game against the Knicks, James returned with a beautiful stat of 29 points, 13 rebounds and 10 assists, leading the team to a smooth victory. Tomorrow the Lakers will face the Bucks, and if James' score breaks through 25 points, then he will score 25+ in 20 consecutive games, thus surpassing Kobe Bryant to become the first in Lakers history. If James can complete this record, it will be enough to show his super scoring ability. Don't forget that James is 37 years old this year, and a 37-year-old veteran can score 25 points in 20 consecutive games, which we can only explain with miracles.

Beyond Kobe Bryant? James is poised! He is expected to set a new record in Lakers history tomorrow

The record is just around the corner, and James is poised to go. Tomorrow he may become the first in the history of the Lakers, so some fans asked if James can successfully cut 25 points tomorrow? After all, the team he faces is the Eastern Conference rivals bucks. The Bucks were the NBA champions last season and were both offensive and defensive. Can Old Zhan still score points like chopping melons and chopping vegetables on the bucks?

Beyond Kobe Bryant? James is poised! He is expected to set a new record in Lakers history tomorrow

Fans don't have to worry, the probability of James getting a high score tomorrow should not be low. There are two main reasons. First, James's physical condition, James personally talked about how he felt good in the interview. James will certainly not misjudge his physical condition, as long as James feels good, he will not be depressed in the game. What kind of data can James come up with when he is in good shape? James got a triple-double just after his return in the last game, which shows that his body is maintained very well.

Beyond Kobe Bryant? James is poised! He is expected to set a new record in Lakers history tomorrow

The second is the Bucks' current roster. Although the Bucks are a team with good offensive and defensive goals, and they are the NBA championship last season, they are missing an important person - the big Lopez. Big Lopez may be one of the NBA's best defensive players on the inside in recent years. Without him, the Bucks could not have played an impregnable interior defense, with Alphabet Brother and Lopez singing and one harmony, one responsible for assisting the defense, and one responsible for the card position and the guard frame. That's why the Bucks' interior defense has reached the level of airtightness. Now that Lopez is not playing, the Bucks' interior line has become alphabet brother and Portis. Portis's interior protection capabilities are far inferior to Lopez the Great. Alphabet brother has to spend more energy defending, which gives James an opportunity. Davis has recently returned to health, the team has an excellent containment point on the inside, and James' breakthrough space will become larger.

Beyond Kobe Bryant? James is poised! He is expected to set a new record in Lakers history tomorrow

In addition, James has averaged 2.8 three-pointers per game this season, a career high, and his shooting rate of more than 52% is a new 18-year high. James now has both inside and outside the offensive end, as long as he outputs normally, the Lakers give him the ball, reaching 25 points is basically as easy as chopping melons and cutting vegetables. After all, James' average of 29.1 points per game this season is the second in the league. Dear readers, do you think James' game tomorrow will set a record for the Lakers? Feel free to leave a comment in the comments section below the article.

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