
China's post-00s youngsters are extremely talented, and they beat the world's first in just 1 year of practice! Gu Ailing won the first gold

China's post-00s youngsters are extremely talented, and they beat the world's first in just 1 year of practice! Gu Ailing won the first gold. In the final of the freestyle ski jump at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, China's post-00s youngster Gu Ailing won the championship with 188.25 points, creating the best result of Chinese athletes in the event. In this Winter Olympics, Gu Ailing played in the third line, of which the big jump was Gu Ailing's weakest project relatively weak, but Gu Ailing still won the gold medal in the project with perfect play.

China's post-00s youngsters are extremely talented, and they beat the world's first in just 1 year of practice! Gu Ailing won the first gold

In this competition, the strongest opponent gu Ailing wants to challenge is the Swiss star Mathilde, who is currently ranked first in the world. In the first jump, Gu Ailing jumped out of a high score of 93.75 points. In the second jump, Gu Ailing's performance was still outstanding, jumping 88.50 points, temporarily ranking third with 182.25 points, France's Tess Ludder temporarily ranked first with 187.50 points, and Swiss star Mathilde Grimor was temporarily ranked second with 182.50 points. In the third jump, Gu Ailing let go of a fight, jumped out of 1620, scored 94.50 points, and won the gold medal with a total score of 188.25 points. After the game, Gu Ailing was very happy, saying that he was completing 1620 for the first time, which was incredible. Later, Gu Ailing will also participate in U-shaped troughs and freestyle ski slope skills, both of which are Gu Ailing's main sports, and she has won multiple championships in some previous international events, so it is entirely possible that she will win three Olympic gold medals this time.

China's post-00s youngsters are extremely talented, and they beat the world's first in just 1 year of practice! Gu Ailing won the first gold

It is worth mentioning that Gu Ailing, a big jumping project, has only practiced for more than a year, and is currently ranked fifth in the world, but at the Beijing Winter Olympics, Gu Ailing defeated the world first in one fell swoop and showed a very high talent. Born in San Francisco, California, united States on September 3, 2003, Gu Ailing began to contact skiing in 2006, and on June 6, 2019, at the age of 15, Gu Ailing announced through social media that he would renounce his American citizenship and officially become a Chinese national, and announced that he would represent the Chinese team in the Beijing Winter Olympics three years later.

China's post-00s youngsters are extremely talented, and they beat the world's first in just 1 year of practice! Gu Ailing won the first gold

Gu Ailing in addition to a beautiful appearance and super athletic talent, in her we can also see an optimistic spirit, and this also for her to absorb countless fans, we can believe that this Winter Olympics for her is only the starting point, the future she will be more shining, China's new generation of sports superstars have appeared.

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