
Zhang Xueyong also saw zhang xueyong when the snow fell

See snow falling again

■ Zhang Xueyong

Zhang Xueyong also saw zhang xueyong when the snow fell

In the early morning of the first day of work in the New Year, when I pushed open the door and went outside, I saw the goose feathers floating in the wilderness, one by one, in a clump, slowly falling. The crystal jade snow decorates the world of pink and jade, and even the mood is full of coolness, the familiar mountains, the kind water, all bring joy and reverie.

The sky is white, the earth is white, the trees are white, everything in front of you is so white, crystalline and quiet, what a rare, natural and beautiful "suddenly like a night spring breeze, thousands of trees and pear blossoms" beauty!

Zhang Xueyong also saw zhang xueyong when the snow fell

The drifting snow is like a delicate natural sound, flowing and graceful, injecting life vitality into people, and even the body is particularly light.

Stepping into the wide avenue of the office building, looking at the footprints that extend deeply and shallowly, stepping on the thick snow, slowly walking forward, his hands receiving pieces of snowflakes from time to time, and his heart is a quiet taste.

White snow, landing on the cheeks, like a young woman flicking the face of a baby, soft and comfortable, and like a first love girl sweeping the hair of her lover's neck, smooth and soft. The white snowflakes falling in the hands are not frozen or melted, like a flower butterfly collecting honey, evoking some feelings in the heart about the rush of time.

In winter, there are no spring flowers blooming, summer hot boiling, autumn melons and fruits wafting fragrance, but also has a unique charm.

Zhang Xueyong also saw zhang xueyong when the snow fell

I love the beauty of winter and I prefer the snowflakes of winter.

The kind of landscape that flies, floats freely, blends heaven and earth, and is vast is not found in other seasons.

In fact, I am not the only one who likes snow.

Ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, I don't know how many literati and inkers like snow, revel in snow, praise snow, and praise snow.

The works of Wing Xue, in the poetry, the famous Chapter Junyu, are too numerous to mention. Shi Dazu's "The First Branch of the East Wind" is written about spring snow; Xin Zhijie's "Man Jiang Hong" praises winter snow. They show the different styles of snow from different angles.

The great Man Mao Zedong loved snow all his life, and whenever it snowed, he did not let the guards sweep the snow, and he watched the snow scenery, which would trigger a lot of jumping thinking.

Mao Zedong wrote in "Wing Xue": "Plum blossoms rejoice in the snow, and it is not surprising that flies freeze to death." ”

Zhang Xueyong also saw zhang xueyong when the snow fell

In 1936, he wrote "Qinyuan Spring snow" how generous, bold and romantic!

"The scenery of the northern country, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow." Looking at the inside and outside of the Great Wall, only the rest is reckless; the great river is up and down, and it is suddenly lost. Mountain dancing silver snake, the original chi wax elephant, wants to be higher than the Tiangong test. On a sunny day, look at the red dress, very charming..."

"I Love You, Snow in The North of Sai", written by Wang De and composed by Liu Xijin, uses an anthropomorphic technique to depict the audience the frozen Guangyuan for thousands of miles. "I love you, the snow in the north of Saibei, fluttering and sprinkling all over the sky, your dancing posture is so light, your heart is so pure, you are the sister of spring rain, you are the envoy sent by spring." You decorate the silver shining world with a white jade-like body, you dissolve your life into the land, and moisten the flowers of the wheat seedlings that return to spring, ah! I love you, ah! Snow in the north of The Seychelles. ”

Zhang Xueyong also saw zhang xueyong when the snow fell

Throughout the year, only winter can give birth to white snow, and snow is the daughter of winter. Winter has arrived, after a long period of careful feeding, when the time is ripe, after dressing up, he will bring his most beautiful, beautiful and lively daughter to the world and show her charming style.

Looking at the snow, looking at the scenery; enjoying the snow, tasting is the love.

People who love snow have a variety of expressions. Whenever the snow falls, I have to slowly step on the snow road, meet the snowflakes, watch the snow scenery, eat the snow balls, blend with the snow for a long time, hug and enjoy the rare happiness and joy.

The famous lyricist Shi Xiang described stepping on the snow: it is a kind of fun, a kind of enjoyment, a dialogue between cold and warm, a symphony of movement and stillness, a kind of catharsis of love, an extension of the road...

Stepping on the snow - busy, stepping out of leisure; tired, stepping out of ease; bitter, stepping out of sweet; annoyed, stepping out of happiness; anxious, stepping out of slow; angry, stepping out of calm; forgetting, stepping out of memory; sleepy, stepping out of wakefulness; chaotic, stepping out of smooth; decaying, stepping out of prosperity.

As I stepped on the snow, I pondered the charm of snow:

The whiteness of the snow - snowflakes fluttering, covering the earth, a white and flawless, people's love for snow, first of all, praise its purity, bring people a kind of spiritual purity and nobility.

The freshness of the snow - snowflakes fall, bringing people a warm, moist and wet feeling, the air after the snow is exceptionally fresh, and the snowflakes send a piece of moisture to the earth, a piece of warmth, making people feel relaxed.

Zhang Xueyong also saw zhang xueyong when the snow fell

The tranquility of the snow - modern life makes people's pace faster, the pressure increases, the traffic is busy, the river is endless, and the hustle and bustle and irritability have become common diseases that are difficult to cure in society. A heavy snow came, and the earth after the snow, got a moment of rest, so peaceful, brought people rare joy.

The drift of snow , the landing of snowflakes , is a slow jump, a flowing fly, a free flow. The process of snow is rendering beautiful pictures, expressing the excitement of love, surging with the music of love, and is a symphony with sharp ears.

The haze of snow - the night after the snow, the night is shrouded, the stars are dotted, the lanterns bloom, the extraordinary splendor, the crystal snowflakes fall on the trees, houses, streets, and the dim lights shine together, dazzling, making everything around you bright and hazy.

The snowflakes are still gently drifting, spinning, flying, and I will continue to walk on the snow...

Zhang Xueyong also saw zhang xueyong when the snow fell

About the author: Zhang Xueyong, a native of Xiao County, Anhui Province, has been in the military for 26 years, and has served as a propaganda officer and division chief of regimental, division, and military-level units. He has published more than 1,000 works in newspapers and periodicals such as Xinhua Net, People's Daily, People's Liberation Army Daily, and China Youth Daily. He won the second prize of the All-China Journalists Association Essay Contest and the third prize of the People's Daily Essay Contest. His works have been selected into the national "A Brief Introduction to National Defense Administrative Law Enforcement", the "Speech Collection" of the General Political Department, and the "National Defense Everyone's Talk" of the Central People's Radio. Published the collection of essays "Scattered Records in the Curtain" and "Military Years". After changing to the local area, he was obsessed with code words and never quit working. "Knowing the Mandate of Heaven" is more "knowing the inadequacy", writing for me, always on the road.

Editor-in-charge: Jing Jie

One Point No. Sinology Culture

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