
reversion! reversion! Incredible reversal!

This morning, the final of the Beijing Winter Olympics freestyle ski women's big jump was held at the Shougang Ski Jump. In this high-level duel that can be called "immortal fight", China's famous Gu Ailing, on the basis of stable play, broke through the personal limit in the last slide, reversed the opponent, and won the gold medal with 188.25 points.

"Reversal" has become the key word for today's freestyle skiing women's big jumping valley Ailing to win the championship.

In the first round, she did not take the lead, only ranked second, although she came up with the most difficult 1440 moves, but there were stronger middle players, and France's Ludd rushed to the first place with 1620. In yesterday's qualifying round, Ludd's stable and difficult performance was that she locked up the final seat in the first two rounds, and she was still stable and excellent in the first jump of today's final, temporarily ranking first, and it was normal to press Gu Ailing.

In the second round of the competition, Gu Ailing chose a move that was less difficult than the first round, but the quality of the completion was very high, winning 88.50 points, first maintaining a top three result. But at this time, the Swiss player Greimide used a killing move in this round, surpassing Gu Ailing with a super high 94 points, squeezing Gu Ailing to the third place, and rushing to the second place.

It's time for you! Although this is only the weakest of the three small events reported by Gu Ailing in this Olympic Games, the 18-year-old Gu Ailing has no intention of showing weakness in his mind. She chose to re-punch the difficulty action, 1620, which is a super difficult move that she has never used in a game before, daring to use such a big move in the final jump of the Winter Olympic final, which is to tell herself, but also to tell her opponents: I fought for !!!

reversion! reversion! Incredible reversal!

In front of the 50-meter high starting point equivalent to 16 stories high, Gu Ailing hugged the head coach and firmly rushed off the track: this difficult, high-quality jump brought her an incredible 94.50 points, which is also the highest score among all the players today!

That's how reversals are made!

That's how champions are made!!

reversion! reversion! Incredible reversal!

Gu Ailing, who was finally embroidered with a golden Chinese dragon on the back of the ski suit, won the first gold medal in the snow event of the Winter Olympics for China! It was also the second gold medal won by a Chinese snowsporter after Han Xiaopeng won the freestyle skiing aerial skills at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin.

We've been waiting for this day for 16 years!

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