
Winter Olympics freestyle skiing women's big jump final: CCTV5 live broadcast, Gu Ailing rushed to gold

The Beijing Winter Olympics continue, according to the schedule, on February 8, there will be a freestyle ski women's big jump final, when CCTV5 live broadcast, China's famous Gu Ailing will go all out to rush the gold. Details are as follows:

Winter Olympics freestyle skiing women's big jump final: CCTV5 live broadcast, Gu Ailing rushed to gold

What is the schedule of the freestyle ski women's big jump final?

According to the official website of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the freestyle ski women's big jump final will be held at 10:00 a.m. on February 8, with a total of 12 players participating in the competition. Among them, 1 team from Finland, 2 from Team Canada, 2 from Norway, 2 from Switzerland, 1 from the United States, 1 from The United Kingdom, 1 from China, 1 from The Russian Olympic Team, and 1 from France.

Winter Olympics freestyle skiing women's big jump final: CCTV5 live broadcast, Gu Ailing rushed to gold

The list is: Anne Kerevwei from Finland; Livia Assering and Megan Oldham from Canada; Johnny Kili and Sandra Aye from Norway; Sarah Hevlin and Mathilde Graimod from Switzerland; Darian Stevens from the United States; Kirchti Muir from the United Kingdom; Gu Ailing from China; Anastasia Tatarina from the Russian Olympic team; and Tess Ludd from france.

Winter Olympics freestyle skiing women's big jump final: CCTV5 live broadcast, Gu Ailing rushed to gold

It is worth mentioning that China's Gu Ailing will appear in the 8th pick, and CCTV5, the CCTV sports channel, will broadcast the whole video live, and interested "ski lovers" should not miss it.

How do you think Gu Ailing won the championship?

The outside world generally believes that Gu Ailing will become one of the important gold points of the Chinese team. There are three reasons: First, Gu Ailing has the strength to win gold. In the first round of the qualifiers, Gu Ailing scored a high score of 89.00, ranking third among all the players; however, in the second round, Gu Ailing made a mistake and only scored 24.50 points. In the crucial third set, Gu Ailing quickly made adjustments, jumped out of a high score of 72.25, and finally advanced to the final with the best score of 161.25 points, with the fourth place in the qualifying round.

Winter Olympics freestyle skiing women's big jump final: CCTV5 live broadcast, Gu Ailing rushed to gold

Second, it is enough to see from the qualification round that Gu Ailing is a player with very strong psychological quality and excellent technical ability, otherwise he would not have finally advanced to the final with a high ranking in the case of major mistakes. The third is the most important point, Gu Ailing, who sits at home, is not a one-man game, and there are thousands of Chinese audiences behind her. I believe that Gu Ailing can win his first Winter Olympic championship with one blow, let us wait and see.

Winter Olympics freestyle skiing women's big jump final: CCTV5 live broadcast, Gu Ailing rushed to gold

According to the previous competitive status and personal performance, Gu Ailing's biggest competitors are: Livia Asselin, Johanne Keely, Sarah Heflin, you can focus on the performance of these players.

Finally, I would like to ask, do you think Gu Ailing can win the championship? Welcome to the interactive communication below!

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