
Is the COVID-19 pandemic finally over? A number of scientists have given important nodes, which must be paid attention to in March

Since the global spread of Omikeron, it has quickly squeezed out Delta to become the mainstream strain of new crown, according to the data, in recent times, the number of daily new crown infections worldwide has increased by more than 30 times, but the number of reported new crown deaths during this period has increased only 6 times. As a result, the proportion of asymptomatic or mild cases in Omi kerong has increased compared to previous VARIANTS.

Is the COVID-19 pandemic finally over? A number of scientists have given important nodes, which must be paid attention to in March

With the coronavirus fatality rate gradually decreasing, some experts believe that the Omiljung variant strain has brought the new crown pandemic to a new stage and may bring the epidemic in Europe to an end. At the same time, experts also mentioned a time node, that is, March 2022, experts said that by that time, 60% of Europeans are infected with the new crown, and the epidemic in the European region may come to an end. It is worth mentioning that at this point in March 2022, it has been mentioned by many experts, including but not limited to African, European and even WHO experts.

Is the COVID-19 pandemic finally over? A number of scientists have given important nodes, which must be paid attention to in March

Why do so many experts also believe that the pandemic will end in March? Experts also gave their opinions, saying that this may be due to the new crown vaccine, or because people have developed immunity after infection with the new crown, and the seasonal change has reduced the risk of transmission.

Is the COVID-19 pandemic finally over? A number of scientists have given important nodes, which must be paid attention to in March

In addition to seasonal factors, we can explore the vaccination of COVID-19 vaccines, according to the examples of the past two years, mRNA is one of the most effective measures to defend against COVID-19, and the uneven distribution of vaccines in the past two years has led to more and more serious COVID-19 in some countries, and now, with the continuous increase in COVID-19 vaccination, many countries are promoting third doses of vaccines, and the high level of infection-acquired immunity, for a period of time, global COVID-19 immunity should be at an unprecedented high level. In the coming months, the spread of COVID-19 around the world will be at a low level.

Is the COVID-19 pandemic finally over? A number of scientists have given important nodes, which must be paid attention to in March

Today, there is a universal consensus among infectious disease experts around the world: the end point of the COVID-19 pandemic is already visible, and it may be this year. This is excellent news for the 7 billion people around the world. Imagine how beautiful it would be to travel to any country in the summer we would be free to take pictures without wearing a mask, and even the former director of the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that after Omi Kerong, the new crown epidemic will hit again, but the pandemic will not be over.

Of course, we can not take it lightly, or to maintain a scientific attitude towards the Omilon mutant virus and the new crown virus, as for how the new crown virus will develop in the future, there are still many unknowns, for example, whether there will be a stronger mutant virus in the future, and even whether the Omilon and other mutated viruses will mutate again. But what is certain is that reducing global vaccine imbalances and ensuring vaccine equity will be effective measures to end the COVID-19 pandemic.

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