
New Year's Day: Making up for the missing in the museum

New Year's Day: Making up for the missing in the museum

On February 6, mibu-tora New Year's first six.

In the traditional customs, the first few days of the Spring Festival is a family reunion, a day of sharing the heavens, business, work are basically stopped, even if it is very much hoped to make the family rich, but these days are basically not within the scope of "getting rich", the desire for "rich" is in the heart, in prayer. Moreover, like the "Breaking The Fifth" day of the fifth grade, people also regard the "poverty" of "wisdom", "learning" and "literature" as the "poor" that must be sent away.

I don't know when "the rich earn money, the poor new year" became a saying, a satire of ordinary people. In ordinary days, being able to earn money, having money, and being rich has become a universal value. Even when it comes to "wisdom", "learning" and "literature", it depends on whether you can make more money.

This mentality of blindly pursuing money is actually the real "poor".

In traditional customs, the ritual of the sixth day of the first lunar month is "sending the poor", and each region has its own methods and forms of sending the poor. On this day, the shops that have been closed for a few days will be opened, and firecrackers will be set off, praying that the new year will be prosperous, safe and secure, and auspicious. In some places, shop owners and clerks will shake the abacus on this day, beating the weighing pan with the scale rod, so that the store is loud, taking the meaning of "loud and auspicious".

Now, in some so-called "projects" to restore folklore, they have actually moved away from life and have only become a commercial form of performance. However, at least it can still let future generations understand some traditional living customs.

New Year's Day: Making up for the missing in the museum

Because it is the Spring Festival, most of the people who walk into the Xiurong Academy Museum are family members, and parents who are parents will be respectful in front of the museum exhibits, and they are willing to tell their children something, which would have been a very good thing. Because many factors that have a great impact on people are often inadvertent. However, when listening to some parents tell their children, they will be anxious and sorry for their "poverty".

New Year's Day: Making up for the missing in the museum

The most eye-catching thing in the "Jiuyuan Yuanmu" hall is the "Jiuyuan Gangbeiqi Mural" that sensationalized the Chinese archaeological and artistic circles as soon as it was excavated in 2013, although the display is not genuine, nor is it a complete picture, but this local "hunting map", "gate tower map" and "trade map" are enough to make people stop, watch, and admire. There was a young mother who wanted her child to see the image above and said to her child, "Look at this mural, how good is this painting!" The child naturally asked, "What is a mural?" The mother hesitated, so she looked at the caption, but did not understand what the "fresco" was, so she said to the child, "Mural, the fresco is the abstraction of the painting." "Such an explanation is laughable." "Mural" is not called a mural in the abstraction of painting, not to mention that the "Jiuyuan Gangbeiqi Mural" is not abstract, but is painted very vividly. Some people may say that even if the young child talks about what a mural is, he does not understand, but if the child really remembers what?

New Year's Day: Making up for the missing in the museum

And similar situations do not occur in museums many times these days. Many children are familiar with some so-called "famous brands" and "stars" more familiar with our traditional culture than they are with our traditional culture, which has long become a common phenomenon, just like children are more familiar with and like some Western festivals, there are many reasons here, but there is a reason that we ourselves despise and denigrate our traditional culture.

The creation and public display of the museum is to open a window for history and culture, so that more people can have a channel not to forget the tradition, at least not to stay in the "poor" situation of our past.

Xiurong Academy Museum was founded in the early days to show the historical context and cultural relics of Xinzhou, through the display of the cultural sages of xinzhou in this land of classic treasures, to provide ordinary people with a place to understand the history and culture, so that more people can grasp more about the historical and cultural knowledge of this land, more "rich"!

Cultural wealth is more important to be rich!

Welcome to Xiurong College Museum to make up for the lack! (Liang Shengzhi)

New Year's Day: Making up for the missing in the museum

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