
China's alpine skiing made a historic breakthrough in men's downhill Xu Mingfu successfully completed the race

China's alpine skiing made a historic breakthrough in men's downhill Xu Mingfu successfully completed the race

Live bar February 7 news 1 minute 56 seconds 93, Xu Mingfu successfully finished the race - on the 7th, the National Alpine Ski Center "Snow Flying Swallow" witnessed the breakthrough of Chinese alpine skiers in the Winter Olympics downhill sports.

"In less than two minutes of racing time, it is a great test for the body to glide at high speeds and maintain control of the body, but also to jump and over the corner." Xu Mingfu said bluntly, "I remember the first time I stood on the track, 60% of my heart was afraid. ”

Indeed, any athlete must have extraordinary courage when facing a downhill track with a length of about 3,000 meters, a drop of nearly 900 meters, and a sliding speed of more than 140 kilometers per hour.

Before the Beijing Winter Olympics, no Chinese athlete could board the track of the Winter Olympics downhill competition. On the 7th, Xu Mingfu and Zhang Yangming, two Chinese boys, did it, and they opened the precedent for Chinese athletes to participate in the downhill competition of the Winter Olympics.

Starting, taxiing, jumping, cornering... Jump over the last starting point, sprint, accelerate, cross the line... In the end, Xu Mingfu ranked 36th, with a top speed of 123.50 kilometers per hour. This is the first time that a Chinese athlete has completed the men's downhill competition at the Winter Olympics, and it is also the first time that a Chinese athlete has stood on the track of the Alpine Skiing Speed Event at the Winter Olympics.

Zhang Yangming, on the other hand, was slightly sorry that he had participated in the men's giant slalom competition at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, but he made a mistake at the beginning stage and failed to complete the game.

Xu Mingfu shared his feelings for the first time after finishing the game. He said: "The first thing is excitement, our country has been carrying out the downhill project for a relatively short time, and we have made a lot of efforts for today." Being able to finish the game also means that I have handed over a satisfactory answer sheet. ”

Alpine skiing is one of the basic snow sports, in which downhill and super slalom are called "speed events", fast speed, large track drops, long length, so the training difficulty is very high. Before the success of Beijing's bid to host the Winter Olympics, due to the limited construction of ski slopes, the relatively small talent reserve, the lack of athletes and even no experience in international competitions, China's alpine skiing lagged far behind the world's leading level, and even never carried out downhill and super big slalom training, and the speed project was the short board in the short board.

In order to achieve the full project participation, Xu Mingfu, who originally focused on alpine skiing technology, also included the speed category into the focus of the preparation.

The arduous preparation for the Winter Olympics has brought a lot of changes to Xu Mingfu: "In the past two years, the number of times I have returned home has been less, and I have prepared for the game with all my heart." When people wake up, they are either skiing or practicing physical fitness. After many years of preparation, every project will go all out and challenge its own limits. Xu Mingfu said.

For the first time on the stage of the Winter Olympics, the 24-year-old Xu Mingfu is slightly nervous, but he is confident in the future of alpine skiing in China: "The future will definitely get better and better, because we have taken the first step." We Chinese willing to try something that, if on the same starting line, will not lose to anyone. ”

(Xinhua News Agency)

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