
500 years ago, the preparations of the ancients before the New Year were more interesting and full of flavor than ours

The New Year is the busiest, all preparations have been unfolded, children are waiting for the arrival of the New Year, counting their fingers and waiting to eat, drink and have fun.

But adults have other concerns, rich to prepare a variety of New Year goods, no money began to borrow money around. Whether you have money or not, the New Year must be spent, and you must prepare a lot of things for the New Year, which is a habit and a traditional folk culture.

500 years ago, the preparations of the ancients before the New Year were more interesting and full of flavor than ours

What person doesn't like the New Year? Even 500 years ago, the ancients needed to make some preparations for the New Year, and the preparation of the ancients was more interesting and flavorful than ours.

A map of the Ming Dynasty's Dynasty reflects the ancients' preparations for the Arrival of the New Year, everyone is preparing for the Spring Festival, the painting fully expresses the folk activities of the ancients about the New Year Dynasty, and the harmonious scene is enviable.

500 years ago, the preparations of the ancients before the New Year were more interesting and full of flavor than ours

A picture of the Dynasty, this work truly reflects the folk people of the late Ming Dynasty, and everyone celebrates the various activities of the New Year together. The work is very real, and the details of the painting are particularly numerous, telling a description of people and the environment, with an emphasis on people.

500 years ago, the preparations of the ancients before the New Year were more interesting and full of flavor than ours

The whole work is created with the combination of landscape and people, such as Matsuya Willow Creek, and the scene of the people in the village can feel that this is the new year before the rural people. The focus is on people's paintings, there are old people admiring paintings indoors, and several friends enjoy ancient paintings together, which is full of elegance. There were also people feasting and drinking, and some old people chatting.

500 years ago, the preparations of the ancients before the New Year were more interesting and full of flavor than ours

What about children? Children set off firecrackers outside, and some gongs and drums are beating and preparing to leave the old and welcome the new. This kind of celebratory scene is a very real reflection of the two words "year dynasty".

500 years ago, the preparations of the ancients before the New Year were more interesting and full of flavor than ours

Interesting is the interaction between people, and everyone can find their own career in the painting. Unlike today's young people, everyone brushes around with a mobile phone, which is not interesting.

500 years ago, the preparations of the ancients before the New Year were more interesting and full of flavor than ours

The people in the painting are very busy, busy preparing for the New Year, this kind of painting of the ancients encountering the festival, which is fascinating.

In addition, the paintings created by the creators are very artistic, which is also the biggest charm of the year map. The sense of integration between people and the environment is strong, and the feeling of bringing characters in is very realistic. For example, the pine and cypress pen ink in the painting is vigorous and moist; the characters painted are mature with the brush, which is perfect in any way.

500 years ago, the preparations of the ancients before the New Year were more interesting and full of flavor than ours

Especially the elderly and children, each person has a different posture and a vivid demeanor, and the whole painting scene gives people a kind of busy, festive ascension scene, which is very comfortable.

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