
White Mamba: The Suns don't have a single weakness and they have 10 different ways to win you

White Mamba: The Suns don't have a single weakness and they have 10 different ways to win you

Live Bar Feb. 7 Today, former NBA player "White Mamba" Scala Bryan spoke about the Suns in a podcast show.

"They don't have a single weakness in their team, they can have 10 different ways to win you, they can win you with blocking, they can beat you with Booker, they can beat you with Bridges or Johnson's three-pointers, they can beat you by outside defense, they can beat you by inside defense," Scarabrian said. I've watched the NBA for many years, and I can usually find out a team's weaknesses, I can't really find one of their weaknesses... They have everything a championship-level team has. ”

The Suns currently have a record of 42 wins and 10 losses, ranking first in the league.

(Pig of 95)

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