
The women's football team added another huge jackpot, and The Alipay official announced that it had fulfilled its promise, and the minimum bonus of 30 million yuan humiliated the men's football team

On February 6, Beijing time, the Chinese women's football team faced the South Korean team's chase and interception, in the first half of the 0-2 behind, just when the fans thought that the championship trophy would be handed over, the girls rushed to catch up, scored three goals in a row in the second half, stubbornly put the game initiative back in their hands, and completed the excellent defense against the South Korean team in the last moment, and won the Asian Cup again after 16 years. In the face of the challenges of Vietnam, Japan and other teams, the women's football players did not shy away from the stage, and repeatedly turned defeat into victory in the case of backwardness, which shows that the spirit of the girls will never accept defeat, which is too proud of the majority of fans.

The women's football team added another huge jackpot, and The Alipay official announced that it had fulfilled its promise, and the minimum bonus of 30 million yuan humiliated the men's football team

Shortly after the match, Mengniu became the first company to reward women's football, and as the official partner of the Chinese Football Association China team, they announced that they would give the Chinese women's football team a cash prize of 10 million yuan. Women's football market economy has been far behind the men's football team, clubs around the country can not give higher salaries, some players' annual salaries are even only a few thousand pieces, to the national team is almost no salary, then after the achievements, if there is no substantial reward, then really sorry for our women's football girls, as a well-known enterprise in the country, Mengniu was the first to stand up and make a good example!

The women's football team added another huge jackpot, and The Alipay official announced that it had fulfilled its promise, and the minimum bonus of 30 million yuan humiliated the men's football team

And the AFC is also to the champion to send a reward of 1 million US dollars, converted into nearly 6.4 million yuan, for the women's football players is also a lot of income, speaking of this and then look at our men's football team, with a high salary, dressed up in oily flour, living an incomparably luxurious life, but can only play this result, even Vietnam can not kick, I really do not know this group of uncles have the heart to put their minds on training? I'm afraid that I have already fallen into the gentle township and can't extricate myself. Huang Jianxiang even suggested that the Football Association triple the bonus given to the men's football team to the Chinese women's football team. I think that through the women's championship and the huge jackpots they have won, it is enough to make our men's football players feel ashamed.

The women's football team added another huge jackpot, and The Alipay official announced that it had fulfilled its promise, and the minimum bonus of 30 million yuan humiliated the men's football team

After Mengniu gave the reward, Alipay also fulfilled its promise late at night, sending 13 million yuan in rewards to the Chinese women's football team, of which 10 million were awarded to the female football players, and the other 3 million were given to shui guidance and her coaching team.

In fact, as early as 2019, Alipay launched the "ten years billion" plan, and every year they will allocate 100 million yuan of funds for the improvement of the bonus and training level of the women's national team, the protection of the injury of women's football players and the development of women's football technology and coach training, and the promotion and development of youth women's football sports. This is undoubtedly a particularly good thing for the development of Chinese women's football. Before the entire league received little attention, the ratings were much lower than the men's football team, many girls did not get a salary that matched the results, after winning the championship, there were so many companies to promote the waves, coupled with the dismal performance of the men's football team in stark contrast, these have driven a lot of traffic for the women's football team, I believe that fans will pay more attention to this league in the future, and their salaries will also rise. And the male enough to not take on the title of national football, this title is more suitable for Chinese women's football!

The women's football team added another huge jackpot, and The Alipay official announced that it had fulfilled its promise, and the minimum bonus of 30 million yuan humiliated the men's football team

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