
Side by side, hand in hand (when the event is in progress)

Side by side, hand in hand (when the event is in progress)

Ning Zhongyan (right), a member of the Chinese speed skating team, warms up with Norwegian athletes at the National Speed Skating Hall on January 29. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wu Wei

Side by side, hand in hand (when the event is in progress)

On February 6, the Shougang Ski Jump, three runners after completing the freestyle ski jump training together. Photo by Li Ye, a reporter of this newspaper

The Beijing Winter Olympics are a window to showcase China to the world. "There is everything in the Winter Olympic Village", "The competition venues are amazing", "It can drive more people to participate in ice and snow sports"... The athletes and coaches of the participating delegations opened the "like" mode, and the intentions and efforts of the Beijing Winter Olympics won wide praise.

"We felt the welcome from the heart of the host"

Before the opening of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, videos of athletes "punching in" the Winter Olympic Village kept appearing.

American bobsleigh player Summer Bridger pressed the remote control, and the "smart bed" mattress rose to the right height to provide support for the spine; Finnish ice hockey player Pietra Nieminen "changed magic", and the pillow with the pattern of the Winter Olympic mascot "Ice Pier" was disassembled and turned into a blanket; the backpack printed with the emblem of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, the "Ice Pier" doll... The heartfelt details in the room of the Winter Olympic Village made Czech figure skater Natali Tashkrelova very excited: "Thank you so much for everything here! Can't express (in words) how we feel here!"

Masahiko Harada, the general superintendent of the Japanese sports delegation, said that everything was comfortable during his stay in the Winter Olympic Village, and "I believe that all athletes will perform at their best on the field."

"Through the kindness and enthusiasm of the volunteers, we feel the welcome from the heart of the host." Nicholas Goper, an American athlete who is coming to China for the first time, said. American freestyle skier Dariane Stevens said she had a lot of interaction with the volunteers and was happy and "thanked all the staff for their great efforts to keep us safe."

Olympic-related personnel and related staff who come to China within the closed loop need to undergo daily nucleic acid testing. American freestyle skier Colby Stevenson said: "Just open your mouth and get the nucleic acid test results very quickly, which is convenient and reassuring." Darian Stevens said that China has performed well in epidemic prevention and control, reflecting its tenacity and ability to unite the wisdom and strength of all parties, and believes that the host can cope with various situations and hold a safe Olympic event.

"The venue where I'm going to play is fantastic"

"It's perfect for skiers." At a press conference on February 5, Bernhard Russi, chairman of the Alpine Ski Committee of the International Snow Federation, described the snow conditions at the alpine ski sites of the Beijing Winter Olympics by video in response to a reporter's question.

On February 3, athletes from various delegations performed their first training at the National Alpine Ski Center "Xuefeiyan" in Yanqing, and many people lamented that "the venue where they will compete is really fantastic." In the view of Russi, who has participated in the design of the alpine ski track for the 9th Winter Olympic Games, there have been many skiing activities here in the past 5 days, and there have been no problems, and the athletes have reported that the snow and the track have been skied very well, "mainly due to the good quality of artificial snowmaking".

Norway's Alexander Omot Kielder said the track of the Snow Swallow "feels good for fluidity". Austrian star Vincent Krishmaier called the track "stunning" and "one of the best I've ever seen". Switzerland's Marco Oudmatt said: "The organizers have built a good track and it will be fun to glide on it. ”

Travis Cannon from the United States was impressed by the National Bobsleigh Center "Snow Dragon": "This stadium is very cool, it is quite difficult to build a snow track, and the construction of the 'Snow Dragon' is even more incredible." ”

In Zhangjiakou Area, the "Snow Ruyi" track of the National Ski Jumping Center floats down the mountain, with a handsome and exquisite appearance. "I love its unique design, where people can really enjoy ski jumping." Canadian actress Lotit said.

Genting Ski Park, at the beginning of the slope obstacle course, a section of the "Great Wall" made of ice and snow crystal clear in the sun. Flying in the air, American freestyle skier Carolyn Claire called "addiction". American snowboarder Sean White, a three-time Olympic gold medalist, is pleased with the U-shaped field, "The quality of the snow is great, the grip is strong, the shape of the field is perfect, and there is a huge windshield wall, which is the top level." ”

The Shougang Ski Jump "Snow Flying" in Beijing is the only snow sports venue located in the urban area. American freestyle skier Alexander Hall exclaimed: "It's like moving a snowy mountain of nature into the city, and it looks almost perfect!" Colby Stevenson said: "In previous big jumping competitions, there were usually not enough warm-up training opportunities. Here, we have been training for 3 days, and we have more time to familiarize ourselves with the jumping platform, adjust the state, and have more conditions to challenge more difficult moves in the competition. ”

"It makes more sense to get more people involved than to win a gold medal"

Make maximum use of the venues of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, achieve full coverage of green electricity in the history of the Olympic Games for the first time, complete the "ice basket conversion" in 6 hours at the Wukesong Sports Center, and adopt ice-making technology with carbon emissions approaching zero in the National Speed Skating Hall... Many athletes lamented that the deep integration of science and technology and sports has added impetus to the "green Olympic Games".

The National Aquatics Center completes the "Water Ice Transition", and the sparkling blue lanes are transformed into smooth and flat curling lanes. British athlete Jennifer Dodds said it was a great feeling to be in a venue that hosts both the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics, and "it was a pleasure to hear the cheers of the audience". Canada's Morris said that in such a beautiful field, I expect to play well.

"It makes more sense to get more people involved than to win a gold medal." "For most people, snow sports are too far away from city life, and the Beijing Winter Olympics give us the opportunity to show in front of a large audience, let people know that freestyle skiing can be done in the city, as if opening another door'." ”

36-year-old Norwegian alpine skier Jansru, winner of five Winter Olympic medals, believes that "Snow Flying Swallow" has created more training and competition opportunities for the sport, and "the successful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics will have a profound impact on the development of global ice and snow sports." He said that most of the alpine skiing competition venues are historical ski resorts, and if the sport wants to maintain its vitality, it needs to lay new roots in Asia, and from this point of view, "'Snow Flying Swallow' represents the future of the race."

Britney Cox, an Australian freestyle skier, said: "Thank you to China for its excellent work and great efforts for the athletes to successfully compete. All I can do is skate the game and give everyone a great show. ”

"We all live in a global village, and our destinies are linked." American athlete Maggie Voyzin said that in the context of the new crown pneumonia epidemic is still raging, the Beijing Winter Olympics will unite everyone's love for ice and snow sports, so that people can move forward shoulder to shoulder and run towards a better future.

(Reporters of this newspaper and Peijuan, Liu Shuoyang, Chen Shangwen, Yang Xun, Li Shuo, Sun Longfei)

People's Daily ( 2022-02-07 09 edition)

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