
One Piece Episode 1009: Yamato's Demon Fruit ability is exposed, and a move to kill the Barbarians

One Piece 1009 episode has been updated, the four emperors big mother and little mago battle, the two sides only fought one round, big mama caught the little mago. Garlot and Wanda also transform into the Moon Lion, and they come to deal with the eldest son of the eldest mother, who is struck by a second. Big Mama was very unhappy to see the Fur Clan appear, and she let go of little Margo and returned to the banquet hall alone, leaving her son to deal with Garlot. Isn't the eldest mother worried about her eldest son being killed by them? After all, the little marquee is also there, and the eldest son simply cannot win the little marquee.

One Piece Episode 1009: Yamato's Demon Fruit ability is exposed, and a move to kill the Barbarians

Yamato Fierce Battle Armored Forces

The battle in the ballroom is fierce, and everyone is hunting down Apu, who has the antidote to the ice ghost virus in his hand, and plague Quinn is playing survival games. Embers sent Sasaki to hunt down Momonosuke, who led the armored unit of the Hundred Beast Pirate Regiment, all of which used heavy weapons. Momonosuke was about to be killed, but was saved by Yamato, and Yamato stopped Sasaki from killing Momonosuke, which was disgusting. Sasaki knows Yamato's identity, but he can only carry out his mission and continue to attack Momonosuke.

Dai used the Wolf's Tooth Stick to attack the heavily armored troops, knocking them to the ground at once, but the enemy was too numerous, and the armored troops aimed at Momonosuke and attacked Momonosuke. Yamato ran over desperately and used her body to resist the attack of the shells, and there was blood on her body, Yamato was too desperate to protect Momonosuke even if he died in battle.

One Piece Episode 1009: Yamato's Demon Fruit ability is exposed, and a move to kill the Barbarians

Yamato demonstrated the Demon Fruit ability for the first time

Sasaki saw that Yamato was bent on protecting Momonosuke, and as a Flying Roku, he had to personally stop Yamato, and he had just pulled out his sword, and Yamato was about to show his ability. Her face was full of anger, and her teeth began to turn into fangs, and looking at this fang, Yamato's demon fruit ability was also related to animals. Yamato's Demon Fruit was exposed, and she was in the form of a large-mouthed true god of the esper species, transformed into a wolf.

Her ability is actually a wolf, and she is bent on defeating her father Kaido and helping the son of the enemy to retake the kingdom of Kazuno, so many people also call Yamato a white-eyed wolf. The character of Yamato is so disgusting, as soon as he opens his mouth, he is Mita, and he really thinks that he is Mita? Oda's design of the roles of Oda and Yamato was really too much of a failure, there was no need at all, and no one liked Mita.

One Piece Episode 1009: Yamato's Demon Fruit ability is exposed, and a move to kill the Barbarians

Yamato's one-trick strikes the Barbarians

As soon as Yamato tried to transform, French broke into their fight, interrupting Yamato's transformation, and Sasaki was shocked to see that Frankie was also shocked, and there were barbarians behind him. Yamato stops transforming, she sees French's robot, and clearly recognizes it as the Straw Hat gang, and she knows Frankie from the Straw Hat gang's bounty. Yamato was excited, there were really steel robots, and the barbarians attacked French from behind, piercing the ground. Yamato saw the moment and jumped into the pit, where they were to leave and let French deal with Sasaki.

Before Yamato left, she gave Sasaki a gift in return, and she used the Naruto trick to defeat the barbarian with one blow, Yamato's strength was too strong. At the age of eight, she awakened the overlord color domineering spirit, and also stole the demon fruit, and her strength was very strong, almost close to the level of the four emperors. Yamato will also be a domineering and domineering person, able to fight kaido, and is worthy of being the strongest belt filial piety.

One Piece Episode 1009: Yamato's Demon Fruit ability is exposed, and a move to kill the Barbarians

Yamato took Momonosuke, Konin left safely, Sasaki sent someone to hunt them down, and French's opponent was Sasaki. Usopp and Nami are rescued by Xiaoyu, Ulti and Peggy Wan siblings continue to hunt them down, Xiaoyu appears on the ghost island, making Nami very worried about her, after all, Xiaoyu is a child. However, Xiaoyu is very confident, she is also a samurai, want to help Luffy, her pills tamed the artificial demon fruit ability of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment, what do you think about this? Welcome to leave a comment below, the picture is from the network, apologize for invasion and deletion!

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