
After South Korea, Vietnam also set its sights on the Lunar New Year, refusing to acknowledge that it originated in China

It is an accepted fact that the Spring Festival originated in China. But South Korea and Vietnam have raised objections, refusing to acknowledge that the Spring Festival originated in China. Recently, the South Korean civil society organization VANK submitted a letter of protest to the United Nations, demanding that the "Chinese Lunar Calendar" be changed to "Lunar New Year", that is, the word China should be removed to avoid giving the impression that the Spring Festival originated in China. In addition to the group, Korean scholars and professors also joined the protest, demanding that the English translation of the Spring Festival be completely changed to "Lunar New Year".

After South Korea, Vietnam also set its sights on the Lunar New Year, refusing to acknowledge that it originated in China

After South Korea, Vietnam has also recently jumped out. Infuriatingly, Vietnam not only does not acknowledge that the Spring Festival originated in China, but also arrogantly claims that the Lunar New Year originated in Vietnam, and that Vietnam was already celebrating the Spring Festival long before the Three Emperors and Five Emperors of China. Since then, the Chinese people have introduced the Spring Festival customs and developed them to this day. In order to confirm that the Spring Festival originated in Vietnam, the Vietnamese official "quoted the scriptures" and introduced the origin of the Vietnamese Spring Festival. However, the evidence is full of loopholes and is only the result of the wishful thinking of the Vietnamese.

After South Korea, Vietnam also set its sights on the Lunar New Year, refusing to acknowledge that it originated in China

South Korea and Vietnam are stealing Chinese civilization, and in the final analysis, the "Little China Thought" is at work. Before modern times, there were many ethnic groups around China, and these nationalities submitted to the Central Dynasty. They introduced Chinese characters, systems, and cultures, and some cultures have changed after thousands of years of local evolution. Although there have been some changes in the form, from the root point of view, the surrounding ethnic groups are all taken from China, and China is the country of origin.

After South Korea, Vietnam also set its sights on the Lunar New Year, refusing to acknowledge that it originated in China

In modern times, due to the invasion of great powers and other reasons, Chinese civilization has declined and the Huayi order has collapsed. The "Little China Thought" of South Korea, Vietnam and other countries has expanded unprecedentedly, believing that China has been reduced to Yidi and that china is the inheritor of Chinese civilization. Finally, the growing nationalism replaced the "Little China Thought." With the blessing of nationalism, Korea and Vietnam have become more unscrupulous and shamelessly steal Chinese culture, which is confirmed by compiling history.

After South Korea, Vietnam also set its sights on the Lunar New Year, refusing to acknowledge that it originated in China

In the future, it is foreseeable that in addition to the Lunar New Year, South Korea and Vietnam will certainly launch attacks on other cultures that originated in China. At this time, on the one hand, we must strengthen cultural self-confidence, on the other hand, we must carry forward excellent culture, encourage the restoration of excellent folk etiquette, and better protect traditional culture and folklore.

(Text/Boo Tsai)

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