
China's 17-year-old boy, who once acted with Xiao Zhan, will now rush to the Beijing Winter Olympics gold medal

In the just-concluded 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics SnowboardIng Men's Steeplechase Qualification Tournament, China's 17-year-old Su Yiming ranked first with 86.80 points to advance to the final, and he will next rush to the gold medal of the project. It is worth noting that when Su Yiming was a teenager, he cooperated with a big-name director like Xu Ke to participate in "Wise Tiger Mountain", and he also cooperated with the popular idol Xiao Zhan. Looking at the group photo of the two, Su Yiming's handsomeness is not at all inferior to Xiao Zhan!

China's 17-year-old boy, who once acted with Xiao Zhan, will now rush to the Beijing Winter Olympics gold medal

Su Yiming's performance in the men's steeplechase qualification for snowboarding was outstanding, and he completed the super difficult move of the inner turn in 1980, and finally ranked first in the qualifiers. Su Yiming was only 17 years old, and no one expected him to achieve such an outstanding result before the game. Su Yiming was originally regarded as a medal contender, and now he has set his sights directly on the gold medal.

China's 17-year-old boy, who once acted with Xiao Zhan, will now rush to the Beijing Winter Olympics gold medal
China's 17-year-old boy, who once acted with Xiao Zhan, will now rush to the Beijing Winter Olympics gold medal

Su Yiming can be described as a young and famous, only 9 years old, he starred in the big director Xu Ke's "Wise Tiger Mountain", and played the role of "Small Plug" in it. Director Xu Ke also specially recorded a video to wish Su Yiming good results at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games.

China's 17-year-old boy, who once acted with Xiao Zhan, will now rush to the Beijing Winter Olympics gold medal

What's more interesting is that Su Yiming also participated in the hit drama "His Highness the Wolf", in which he played the role of "Six Children". Stars who have worked with Su Yiming include Xiao Zhan and Li Qin. As a popular artist, Xiao Zhan also took a group photo with Su Yiming. Looking at the group photo of the two super handsome men, our Winter Olympic star Su Yiming is handsome and does not lose to Xiao Zhan at all. No wonder some netizens joked: "This is a group photo that Xiao Zhan deserves to cherish for a lifetime" and "Congratulations to Xiao Zhan for his success in chasing stars".

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