
Alvarado: I told Embiid, you know I can't afford to pay the fine, why do you still me?

Alvarado: I told Embiid, you know I can't afford to pay the fine, why do you still me?

Live Bar Feb. 6 –Embiid clashed with Pelicans guard Alvarado in the previous 76ers game against the Pelicans, both of whom were blown for technical fouls, but Embiid later paid a technical foul fine for Alvarado.

In an interview with reporters, Alvarado revealed his post-match conversation with Embiid, he said: "I told him, you know I can't afford to pay the penalty for the technician, why do you want me to eat the technician? ”

This sentence made the reporters laugh.

"He was cool, he helped me pay the fine afterwards, there was only love between us, the game thing was just because of the game, not for the individual, the conflict was just because of the competition between the two players." Alvarado continued.

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