
The "worst holiday" for primary school students: how effective is the game anti-addiction landing?

The "worst holiday" for primary school students: how effective is the game anti-addiction landing?

Image source @ Visual China

Every year during the Spring Festival, primary school students playing games in teams can become a very eye-catching "landscape", and it has also become a major problem for parents. Since august last year, the new rules for preventing addiction in minors' games, which are known as the strictest in history, have been introduced.

This year's Spring Festival is the first winter vacation after the new rules for game anti-addiction, what is the landing effect of the new rules? Without games, is the winter vacation for elementary school students more fulfilling?

Not only is the king glorious, but the snake is also anti-addiction?

On Weibo, many minors turned on the spit mode during the winter vacation.

"Can't this anti-addiction be changed?" To be crazy, now about a good friend to play the glory of the king is rare to die", "play anti-addiction number is a race against time." One minor said that it is necessary to finish a game quickly during the game time, otherwise it is likely to be forced to go offline and lose the game.

Even many minors have found that even small games such as snake eating and jumping must be restricted. "WeChat mini-games are also limited, and now even a jump is available!"

However, while the minors complained, another part of the gamers were rejoicing: "I said how come I haven't seen the pit daddy's schoolchildren in the King's Canyon recently." ”

In fact, in terms of anti-addiction, Tencent's King glory is indeed the focus of attention.

As a national game, while the scale of users continues to hit new highs, minors are addicted to it and have become a topic of concern for parents and all sectors of society. In order to play the glory of the king, primary school students have no intention of learning, and even secretly expose negative news such as the recharge of funds in their parents' mobile phones.

In the face of external pressure, Tencent has launched a new measure for the protection of minors' games on the glory of the king. Including minor users are prohibited from playing from 22:00 to 8:00 the next day; national statutory holidays are limited to two hours per day, other times are limited to one hour per day; users under 12 years old cannot recharge the game.

However, on August 30, 2021, the State Press and Publication Administration issued the Notice on Further Strict Management to Effectively Prevent Minors from Addicted to Online Games, which has been called the strictest new regulations on preventing minors from addicting to games. The Notice requires that the time to provide online game services to minors is strictly limited, and all online game enterprises can only provide 1 hour of service to minors from 20:00 to 21:00 every day on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and statutory holidays.

For a time, the picture of primary school students crying that they could not play the game spread throughout the Network, and even many primary school students went to the app store to give a 1-star rating to the glory of the king. "It's too much trouble, and you have to do face recognition every time you land!" Refund the money to me to refund the money, if you don't return the money, I will give you 1 point to let you take down the shelf. A schoolboy said in the comments.

The "worst holiday" for primary school students: how effective is the game anti-addiction landing?

In January 2022, that is, on the eve of the winter vacation, Tencent Games also announced the limited play time for minors during the 2022 winter vacation and Spring Festival holiday, which can be played for up to 14 hours.

Judging from third-party data, the effect of the new rules on game anti-addiction is indeed very significant.

According to the "Progress Report on the Protection of Minors in China's Game Industry" previously released by Gamma Data, strict management, coupled with the efforts of the industry and the improvement of parental awareness, has significantly reduced the proportion of minors who play and entertain at high frequencies, making most minors only choose to occasionally play entertainment.

Gamma data survey shows that 85.8% of underage users have been restricted by anti-addiction in the process of playing games; about 90% of parents expressed explicit support for the current anti-addiction measures, and 40% of parents can directly perceive that there is a large or small reduction in their children's game time recently.

Rent number, substitute training, international service! The vulnerability remains

However, while the game anti-addiction has achieved a stage effect, there are still some loopholes that bypass the anti-addiction system.

The "worst holiday" for primary school students: how effective is the game anti-addiction landing?

For example, renting or buying a number on the e-commerce platform, these stores specifically emphasize in the product introduction that the account does not limit the game time, which is obviously for minors; there are primary school students who use the parent's account to bypass anti-addiction, after a "60-year-old flower armoured old lady, three o'clock in the morning to take five kills" The paragraph is on fire, that is, the use of parents' real-name authentication and face recognition to avoid anti-addiction.

The game training platform is also one of the hidden dangers. In January this year, some media reported that the game training app "Dai Lian Gang" was sued by Tencent for allowing minors to provide the service of "Glory of the King" on behalf of minors. It is reported that the "Substitute Training Gang" App lures and encourages users, including minors, to commercialize and scale the "Glory of the King" game training transaction in the form of "issuing orders and returning cash" and setting up a "King's Glory" special area, so that minors can bypass the "anti-addiction" mechanism to enter the game and earn fees. This bypasses the "anti-addiction" measures of "Glory of Kings", making the relevant protective measures ineffective.

And game training platforms like this, on e-commerce platforms, as well as major app stores, abound.

In addition, there is no game anti-addiction international service has also become a major loophole, there is a website to provide the king of glory international service software download, the website page said, "many small partners are in order to prevent addiction and distress, Xiaobian for everyone to solve such problems, this game is familiar to everyone scenes and heroes, although the hero appearance changes but the skills are perfectly restored, and Xiaobian also prepared a hero comparison table for everyone to let players easily get started." ”

"There is no anti-addiction, and it is very easy to list the corresponding tables very carefully." A suspected minor player commented at the bottom of the page.

In order to crack the anti-addiction, there are even many minors who are deceived. According to the public security of Shaoyang, Hunan Province, some people have set up a website to lift anti-addiction, claiming that the time limit on playing online games can be lifted, resulting in nearly 3,000 minors being deceived. The victim only needs to fill in the game account, game password, WeChat payment of 30 yuan, you can "purchase and unfreeze". In one case, the victim was less than 12 years old and was defrauded of more than 170,000 yuan.

From the current situation, although the anti-addiction measures for minors have achieved certain results, there are still many places that need to be further improved. Especially outside of game makers, families, schools, and society at large need to work together to solve this problem.

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