
The legend ends! Sean White personally promised to retire after the Beijing Winter Olympics

The legend ends! Sean White personally promised to retire after the Beijing Winter Olympics

On February 5, the Beijing Winter Olympics U.S. snowboard team held a press conference at the Zhangjiakou Mountain News Center, at which legendary American snowboarder Sean White said: "The Beijing Winter Olympics will be the last competition I will participate in. ”

At this press conference, four participants from the U-shaped U-shaped field of American snowboarding were all present. Sean White was very talkative at the press conference, saying: "I've been through so many ups and downs in my career for so many years, and I've given everything. After going through this, I became stronger and better. I've been pushing the boundaries of snowboarding and trying to stay at the forefront of it, and I believe that all the things I've done over the years can push the next generation of skaters to work harder. ”

"I love the joy that snowboarding brings me, this year is the Year of the Tiger, the tiger is very similar to my personality, very strong and competitive. I like to be in the spotlight, this is my fifth trip to the Winter Olympics, and I really want to pinch myself to make sure that at my age, I can still stand on the stage of the Winter Olympics. You know, I also had injuries last year, including my knees, and I had surgery last summer and I hurt my back once during training. ”

The legend ends! Sean White personally promised to retire after the Beijing Winter Olympics

Speaking of retirement, Sean White used a very spiritual expression, he said: "One day on the cable car to train, I watched the majestic mountain gradually approaching me, there was no one around, quiet, the sunset was shooting from afar, it was that moment, I realized, it was time, it was time for me to retire." At that time, I tried to think back to the little bits and pieces of the past, watching the sunset, I realized that the next time I went here, I could easily not have the pressure of competition, but enjoy the moment and enjoy a vacation. ”

White also spoke of his pride and regret, saying, "I'm most proud of being at the forefront of snowboarding developments, regretting that I gave up steeplechase sports too early, and I really enjoy jumping." ”

Finally, White talked about his childhood dreams, saying: "When I was a child, there must be many children who dreamed of becoming cowboys, but I don't know how many actually became cowboys in the end. For me, when I was younger, skiing was what I wanted the most, and now I'm really wearing ski boots to become a skier, and it feels amazing to achieve my dreams, and I'm proud. ”

Source Beijing Daily Client | Reporters Li Yuanfei, Chen Jiakun, Deng Fangjia, and Pan Zhiwang

Edited by Meng Ziwei

Process Editor Liu Weili

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