
China's curling mixed doubles defeated the United States After the game, they gave their opponents a winter Olympic gift

China's curling mixed doubles defeated the United States After the game, they gave their opponents a winter Olympic gift

After the game, the Chinese group gave a Winter Olympic gift to the American team. Photo by Cui Nan, a reporter from China News Service

BEIJING, Feb. 5 (Xinhua) -- In the curling mixed doubles round robin tournament held at the Beijing Winter Olympics on February 5, the Chinese team composed of Fan Suyuan and Ling Zhi lost 5-7 to the United States. After the game, Fan Suyuan and Ling Zhi gave the American curling mixed doubles group a box of Winter Olympic badges for each person.

China's curling mixed doubles defeated the United States After the game, they gave their opponents a winter Olympic gift

After the game, the Chinese group gave a Winter Olympic gift to the American team. Photo by Cui Nan, a reporter from China News Service

Ling Zhi said that the American team liked the gift very much. Ling Zhi mentioned that the American group had communicated with them before the game, asked Ling Zhi where he came from, and said that he liked Harbin and knew about the Harbin Ice and Snow World.

In the game of the day, the United States team scored 2 points in the first set. In the second set, the Chinese team played a three-flyer and scored 1 point in the backhand. In the third set, the Chinese team successfully controlled the score first, and the American team scored 1 point in the last shot. In the fourth set, the Chinese team won 2 points in the backhand, and the Chinese team and the United States temporarily drew 3-3 at halftime.

In the fifth game, the Chinese team made a mistake, and the American team scored 3 points. In the sixth set, the Chinese team recovered 2 points from the backhand, the United States team scored 1 point in the seventh set, and the Chinese team failed to reverse the situation in the eighth set and lost 5-7.

Talking about the mistakes in the game, Fan Suyuan said that the game was not particularly good, she made more mistakes, and some key balls were not caught.

China's curling mixed doubles defeated the United States After the game, they gave their opponents a winter Olympic gift

For the next game, Ling Zhi said, just like he said after winning the first game, because the opponents are very strong, every game must be fought with all their might, and after losing, they should go all out to fight, and the confidence now is the same as when the first game was won. (End)

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