
How much does it cost to raise a Mercedes E-Class? Netizen: This Mercedes-Benz E-class owner is really difficult to do

Near the Spring Festival, friends with a relatively good budget may want to buy a car with a more licensed face to go home for the New Year. When it comes to brand face, Mercedes-Benz may be the first choice for most consumers, after all, brand awareness is high. But the high brand awareness is also accompanied by the problem of high cost of car maintenance, so how much does it cost to raise a Mercedes-Benz E-Class with a brand face? Today, Xiaobian will take the 2022 remodeled E 300 L sports fashion type (475,700 yuan) as an example, to give you a good account.

How much does it cost to raise a Mercedes E-Class? Netizen: This Mercedes-Benz E-class owner is really difficult to do

1. Fuel costs

How much does it cost to raise a Mercedes E-Class? Netizen: This Mercedes-Benz E-class owner is really difficult to do

The comprehensive fuel consumption of this model is 7.55L per 100 kilometers, but this is only an ideal state, even if you run high speed every day, you may not be able to run to this fuel consumption level. Most of the car owners' measured fuel consumption is about 8-9L, and Xiaobian here is calculated based on 8.5L. This car is added to the No. 95 gasoline, the current oil price of the small editor is 7.82 yuan / L, if calculated according to each 20,000km (after all, more or less need to go out several trips a year), the fuel cost of that year is about 13294 yuan, and the average monthly fuel cost is 1108 yuan.

Second, maintenance costs

How much does it cost to raise a Mercedes E-Class? Netizen: This Mercedes-Benz E-class owner is really difficult to do

First of all, the car does not provide free first insurance, and if you look at the price of maintenance accessories in 4S shops, it is really not cheap at all. The maintenance interval of the vehicle is 10,000km, and the oil and oil filter are replaced every 10,000km; the air conditioning filter, air filter, brake oil and spark plug are replaced every 20,000km; and the transmission oil is replaced every 60,000km. The cost of small maintenance (10000km) is about 1128 yuan, and the cost of large maintenance (20000km) is about 3499 yuan. If you drive 20,000 kilometers per year, the cost of three years is up to 60,000 kilometers, a total of 19,463 yuan, an average of 6,487 yuan per year, and an average of 540.6 yuan a month. Of course, this price is calculated according to the official maintenance items set by the 4S store, and consumers can also selectively maintain according to the actual practical situation of their own vehicles, plus if there is a purchase of maintenance packages, the cost will be further reduced.

3. Insurance costs

How much does it cost to raise a Mercedes E-Class? Netizen: This Mercedes-Benz E-class owner is really difficult to do

The price of the current Mercedes-Benz E-Class sedan is 439,900-544,200 yuan, according to the price of this model, Xiaobian's personal suggestion is to buy a full insurance is more realistic (after all, it is also a luxury car of 500,000 yuan). Insurance costs vary depending on the region and car price, taking Xiamen as an example, Xiaobian recommends purchase: a third party one million (1630 yuan) + car damage insurance (5635 yuan) + no deductible special insurance (1453 yuan) + theft insurance (2245 yuan), plus compulsory traffic insurance (950 yuan), a year's insurance cost is about 11913 yuan (the first year), the average month is 993 yuan. Of course, this is only the price of the first year, and if there is no insurance, the cost of insurance in the next year will gradually decrease.

4. Miscellaneous expenses

How much does it cost to raise a Mercedes E-Class? Netizen: This Mercedes-Benz E-class owner is really difficult to do

In addition to the basic cost, there must be high-speed fees, parking fees, car wash fees and so on throughout the year. A year's high-speed cost is calculated according to 600 yuan, an average of 50 yuan a month; a month to wash the car twice a week, the car wash fee is 30 yuan, a month is 60 yuan; if you do not buy a parking space, if you rent it every month, the average monthly rent of the Xiaobian location is about 300 yuan, then the average monthly cost of all miscellaneous items is: 50 + 60 + 300 = 410 yuan.

How much does it cost to raise a Mercedes E-Class? Netizen: This Mercedes-Benz E-class owner is really difficult to do

If the car does not have scratches and violations, all the above average monthly expenses add up to: fuel costs of 1108 yuan + maintenance costs of 540.6 yuan + insurance costs of 993 yuan + miscellaneous expenses of 410 yuan = 3051.6 yuan.

How much does it cost to raise a Mercedes E-Class? Netizen: This Mercedes-Benz E-class owner is really difficult to do

Although most of the friends mainly take loans to buy cars, it is not excluded that there are friends who buy a car in full, so Xiaobian will separately say the cost of the following two situations:

1. If it is a full purchase of a car, plus purchase tax, license fee, decoration fee and other costs, the landing is about 524,300 yuan, and the landing price of this full payment is indeed quite intimidating.

2. If it is a loan to buy a car, the down payment is calculated by 30%, the loan is calculated by three years of loan, the annual interest rate is 4.75%, in addition to the down payment, the repayment amount of each month is about 11648 yuan, that plus the average monthly car maintenance fee, the monthly vehicle expenditure will be 14699.6 yuan, which is a more difficult challenge for most consumers.

How much does it cost to raise a Mercedes E-Class? Netizen: This Mercedes-Benz E-class owner is really difficult to do

If you buy a car in full, it seems that a monthly salary of 7,000 is enough (after all, life also costs, spending half of the living expenses to maintain a car is still not recommended Ha), but if it is a loan to buy, the monthly salary basically has to be 30,000 up to be able to afford it, after all, you can take out 14699.6 yuan per month to provide a car for friends, and the quality of life is not much worse. In this way, the E-level is really not something that anyone can afford.

Edit = Jian Linlin

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