
No winter is insurmountable (Yongjin Group/Tian Xuefeng)

author:Cold Rain Autumn Thoughts 399

No one expected that the January of 2022 would make the people of Yuzhou live so hard! As we all know, it is this race against time and the amazing spirit of Yuzhou that made this county-level city once on the hot search. It was also this spirit that even received the good news of the unsealing of the whole territory of Yuzhou on the last day of the Year of the Ugly Bull!

At this moment, we can't forget the strong anti-epidemic system of "horizontal to the edge and vertical to the end" built by millions of people in Yuzhou, we can't forget the 600,000 loving vegetables with temperature sent by the municipal party committee and municipal government to the citizens, we can't forget the new crown prevention love Chinese medicine package sent by the Yuzhou Municipal Government to the homes of ordinary people, and we can't forget the most beautiful retrogrades who have difficulties on one side and support from all sides, fight together with Yuzhou people, help each other in the same boat, fight the epidemic together, and make a city warm. Can't forget the love meal provided by twelve maple flavor catering for front-line staff...

Disaster is a good textbook that teaches us to be in awe and more united. Unity is strength, it allows us to have responsibility and responsibility, know great love, understand gratitude, and thoroughly understand the mission. The speed of Yuzhou and the spirit of Yuzhou make us truly feel the connotation of "the people have faith, the country has strength, and the nation has hope", and the realization of the great Chinese dream of 1.4 billion Chinese descendants is not far away!

The haze is gone, and the sun will eventually shine. How fortunate to be born in China, how fortunate to be a strong, great, simple Yuzhou person! May the new year, the mountains and rivers be unharmed, and the country and the people be safe. We firmly believe that Yuzhou, which has been tested by disasters, will definitely be more powerful and powerful! In the season of spring and warm flowers, Yuzhou will definitely be dressed up more beautifully!

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