
Good book sharing 2022 is worth a look

author:Ran 313

In 2022, I myself think that everyone must read the book, DiYi is hated by the courage, do not be kidnapped by your own past, because it is not your past that determines you, but how you look at the past, in the process of looking at the past that takes you past, you can find the way and power to change your life.

Good book sharing 2022 is worth a look

Then the second book, a very cute pocket novel from Japan, is called the human world is worth the future, the years are long, and it is still worth looking forward to. A large part of the reason why I recommend this book is that I hope to send this sentence to everyone, don't be anxious, and take good care of yourself. This book is very easy to read, very colloquial, from the intimate relationship, from the career, from life and other aspects to give us a lot of very loyal advice, after reading you will definitely feel that the human world is still worth it, good life is good? This is the second book.

Good book sharing 2022 is worth a look

The third book, written by a French sociologist, is very interesting and delicious. From the perspective of story and academic theory, he himself was born in a very backward industrial city in France, came to Paris step by step through examination, became a writer, and his entire living environment is completely different from the environment where his parents lived, and the environment he was in as a child. So, in this book, we have to follow the perspective of French sociology to see how he understands, especially from the sociological point of view, understands the influence of the original family on himself, and how he himself repositions his role in this society and life in reflection again and again. The fourth book, a man named Ovi decided to die, if you are depressed now, if you feel that your life seems to have no meaning, if you think, hey, how to go on in the second half of your life, in fact, you may as well start from this book, but in fact, it is a very good book to help us regain the power of survival.

Good book sharing 2022 is worth a look

Then Zui after Zui after a book. When Mr. Toad goes to see a psychologist, it is also a psychology book, which is the story, but in his story, through this popular dialogue that is very simple and easy to understand, you are introduced step by step into the world of psychological counseling, this psychiatrist to enlighten Mr. Toad's process, in fact, is to give you the front of the book to listen, of course, bring us Zui great value or great psychological relief, we will find ourselves and Mr. Toad is actually very similar, she encountered a lot of problems, We also have to listen to what the psychologist said to him, in fact, that is what the psychologist wants to say to you, if you also want to give yourself some massage, do some counseling, you may wish to start with this book, five books are next year I personally recommend that you must read the book. Like + Follow #Emotion ##好书 #

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