
【Eat melon meeting】Liaoning famous people return to India City! Kobe Bryant Cup debut

【Eat melon meeting】Liaoning famous people return to India City! Kobe Bryant Cup debut

Go home for the New Year! The Pacers signed Finson until the end of the season

After four short 10-day contracts, Finson was finally signed by the Pacers until the end of the season.

【Eat melon meeting】Liaoning famous people return to India City! Kobe Bryant Cup debut

Finson has been going around for years, and maybe he never thinks he can't do it, he can't beat the NBA, he just needs a place where he can shine again, like every ordinary us in life, isn't it?

The East-West All-Star bench is out

Today, the NBA officially announced the All-Star bench lineup

The list is


【Eat melon meeting】Liaoning famous people return to India City! Kobe Bryant Cup debut

Booker (Suns), Doncic (Lone Ranger), Gobert (Jazz), Dream Green (Warriors), Mitchell (Jazz), Paul (Suns), Downs (Timberwolves)


【Eat melon meeting】Liaoning famous people return to India City! Kobe Bryant Cup debut

Butler (Heat), Garland (Cavaliers), Harden (Nets), LaVine (Bulls), Middleton (Bucks), Tatum (Celtics), VanVleet (Raptors)

Again, every year the All-Star has a lost pearl.

Commemorating Bryant's latest All-Star MVP trophy unveiling

In honor of the late star Kobe Bryant, the NBA officially unveiled the latest MVP trophy for this year's All-Star, named the Kobe Bryant Cup.

【Eat melon meeting】Liaoning famous people return to India City! Kobe Bryant Cup debut

The 18 stars on the trophy symbolize Kobe's 18-time all-star nominations.

【Eat melon meeting】Liaoning famous people return to India City! Kobe Bryant Cup debut

The 24 stars on the first floor of the trophy represent the 24 players of the All-Star Game and Kobe Bryant's No. 24, and the height of 7 inches is a tribute to Kobe Bryant's 2007 Las Vegas All-Star Game MVP.

【Eat melon meeting】Liaoning famous people return to India City! Kobe Bryant Cup debut

The 10 stars on the second floor of the trophy represent the ten starters of the All-Stars and Kobe's national team No. 10 jersey, and the height of 9 inches commemorates Kobe Bryant's 2009 Phoenix All-Star Game with O'Fat' MVP.

【Eat melon meeting】Liaoning famous people return to India City! Kobe Bryant Cup debut

The trophy's third tier of 5 stars represent the team's unity (starting 5) and Kobe's 5 crowns, with a height of 11 inches to pay tribute to Bryant's 2011 Los Angeles All-Star awarded the MVP.

【Eat melon meeting】Liaoning famous people return to India City! Kobe Bryant Cup debut

The 1 star at the top of the trophy represents the All-Star MVP and pays tribute to Kobe Bryant's regular season MVP in the 07-08 season, and this star is two inches tall to represent Kobe Bryant's two Finals MVP.

【Eat melon meeting】Liaoning famous people return to India City! Kobe Bryant Cup debut

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