
After the death of his wife, how should the other half live?

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food


Every tree will fall leaves and everyone will grow old.

No matter how good the couple's feelings are, one day they will be separated. Husband and wife, there is always one person who takes the first step.

Couples who grow old on the same day in the same month of the same year should be a rare thing to encounter.

Have you ever wondered how your partner should live after his wife dies?

After the death of his wife, how should the other half live?


After the death of the wife, the other half immediately finds another partner to spend the rest of their lives together.

Uncle Huang, who lives in the same neighborhood as me, is seventy-three years old this year. His wife passed away last winter. Just two months after his wife's death, Uncle Huang found a girlfriend who was eight years younger than himself.

Many people in the community do not understand, thinking that Uncle Huang is too unkind and unfaithful to his wife.

Uncle Huang said: "Before, I took care of my wife for more than six years, and now, she has taken a step first, I am remarried, and I am not ashamed." ”

Yes, Uncle Huang's lover, paralyzed in bed for more than six years, also thanks to Uncle Huang's care. Over the years, he has suffered a lot, of course, when he suffers, it is also a happy time.

I have a companion by my side, I can chat, I can discuss things, and I won't be so sad. Now, his wife has left, and Uncle Huang is very sad, but he has to face the reality. He did not want to spend the rest of his life alone and start a twilight love, which was also forgivable.

After the death of his wife, the other half remarries, which should be understood by everyone. No matter how good the children are, they are not as good as the halfway couple. As long as two people have the heart to be together, then there is a dependence for the rest of their lives.


After the death of his wife, he lived with his children and slowly grew old.

In rural areas, there is a phenomenon in which children take turns caring for their elderly parents. Parents are like people who eat a hundred meals, eating at the eldest son's house this month, the younger son's house next month, and the daughter's house next month.

Of course, the old man eating at the children's house is also a last resort, generally among the two old people, one person will choose this after he leaves first.

When eating at a children's house, most of them have to look at the faces of their children. Children are born to oneself, but daughters-in-law and son-in-law are not born to oneself. In addition, the economic conditions of the children's families also determine whether the elderly are respected. In case the children's family is also very poor, the matter of the old man eating is also a difficult thing.

Of course, in the city, there are also some elderly people who, after the death of their wives, choose to live with their children, especially some one-child families. No matter what the child's attitude toward himself, he can only rely on this one child.

Every family has a difficult scripture to read. Whether children are filial to their parents has a great influence on whether parents choose to live with their children.

After the death of his wife, how should the other half live?


After the death of his wife, he lived alone and tried to find a way to retire on his own.

Some elderly people would rather live alone than live with their children, and if they can't walk, they ask for a caregiver.

There are also old people who meet unfilial children, he asks the neighbors to take care of themselves, and then gives his savings and house to the neighbors.

In fact, many elderly people who live alone are not alone. He has his own hobbies and has a few old friends. With friends, often play and sing, go on a trip together, or party together, work out together, etc.

As long as the old man can still walk, the life is still very full. In case you can't move, as long as you have a house, savings, and pensions in your hand, you can still survive slowly.

Not all children will be filial to their parents; not all halfway couples can grow old with their heads in vain. When the old man saw such a fact, or experienced something similar, he chose to live alone after the death of his wife, which was also a wise move.


After the death of his wife, he lived in a nursing home and hugged the group to retire.

Group pension, such a way of pension, more and more sought after. In some communities, several elderly people work together to find a way to survive the last time, contribute to the effort, and pay for the money.

Of course, the best way to support the elderly in a group is to live in a nursing home. Some nursing homes, the environment is also very beautiful, the meals are also very rich, and often organize the elderly to do outdoor activities. If you have money, you will feel comfortable living in such a nursing home.

Of course, in the eyes of many elderly people, living in a nursing home is an embarrassing thing. On the one hand, children will feel that they are not filial piety, and on the other hand, the elderly will feel "homeless". The elderly want to live in a nursing home, the key is to look at their own mentality, the acceptance of the nursing home.

After the death of his wife, how should the other half live?


After the death of his wife, he lived whatever he wanted, mixed food and waited for death.

There are some elderly people, once their wives pass away, they break the jar and break it, and they have not thought about how to live the rest of their lives.

There are also some old people, their wives have passed away, and they have become mentally confused and very pitiful because they miss their wives too much.

My classmate Lao Wei, after his father passed away, his mother often disappeared. Every time he found his mother, the old guard blamed himself, thinking that he had not fulfilled his filial piety and could not stand his mother. But the mother did not understand her son, and often said to herself: "The child's father went to the river to fish, and I will go to him." ”

Old Wei's father, who loved fishing before his death. Therefore, the mother forgot everything, but remembered it very clearly.

In the eyes of others, Lao Wei's mother did not think about how to live at all, and she suffered from sin in life.

"Young husband and wife come to the company", people are old, there is a wife around, it is a happy thing. But time urges people to grow old, husband and wife together, the sky is long is the ideal, the first to go one is the reality.

In fact, as long as two people are alive, love each other and take care of each other, there are no regrets. If one person takes a step first, the remaining one, how to live a life, we should all understand, not blame, let alone feel the burden.

It is definitely a sad thing for the wife to take a step first, but how to live the rest of your life must also be faced. Accept the facts, and then actively change yourself, adjust your mentality, and live in your later years, which will be so desolate.

The living should live well to be worthy of the dead. You must believe that the person who goes first, the person who hopes to go later, is happier than himself.

Author: Cloth coarse food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The illustrations in this article come from the Internet.

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